Author Topic: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games  (Read 416078 times)

Twisting H

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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #225 on: May 06, 2015, 08:31:14 PM »
Adding this on a bit later, did you mean an RPPR tabletop version of Bloodborne? Cause that'd be pretty cool! When I first saw BB I got this image of doing something with Accursed, the Savage Worlds setting.

Yes. Exactly.

Either a full on RPPR Bloodborn game, or someone porting ideas from Bloodborn into other games. Like putting the Healing Church or Byrgenwerth into a Delta Green Scenario.  Or I'd like to see RPPR's take on the Insight mechanic in a horror game. Either straight Bloodborn or something inspired by it.

Caleb talked a little about Bloodborne on a recent episode, but I'm totally for a Raillery with it.

I'd love to see that. Something like Ross or Aaron playing the game and Caleb trying to guide them through it (and tearing his hair off in the process)

I'd love to see Aaron doing a blind playthrough of Bloodborne with Caleb cackling in the background. There is a little girl to be saved Aaron! You can do it!  ;D

Twisting H

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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #226 on: May 18, 2015, 09:46:44 PM »
Hey Ross, did you or anyone else at RPPR take a look at Stars Without Number or Achtung! Cthuhlhu?

I'm curious what anyone has to say about the systems.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2015, 09:48:37 PM by Twisting H »


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #227 on: May 19, 2015, 01:21:11 AM »
I've run Elder Godlike, which is based on Achtung! Cthuhlhu. It's fun. When it comes out, I'll post at least one AP of it.


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #228 on: May 19, 2015, 10:39:53 AM »
After listening to Repairer of Reputations and getting the HD port of Jet Set Radio on Steam, I had a very strange dream about teenagers rollerblading around the city, spraying Elder Sign graffiti tags over Yellow Signs and running from Hastur cultists. This HAS to be a one-shot.


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #229 on: May 19, 2015, 12:06:49 PM »
Has anybody used "The Yellow Wallpaper" as a King in Yellow scenario or as apart of a Night Floors style scenario? Just a thought.

Twisting H

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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #230 on: May 21, 2015, 05:08:19 AM »
After listening to Repairer of Reputations and getting the HD port of Jet Set Radio on Steam, I had a very strange dream about teenagers rollerblading around the city, spraying Elder Sign graffiti tags over Yellow Signs and running from Hastur cultists. This HAS to be a one-shot.

Sounds like this would be perfect for VeloCITY, the /tg/ homebrew.

VeloCITY: The Wind in your Hair is a /tg/ homebrew system designed to replicate the feel and freedom of running around an urban playground and going anywhere. Taking its main inspiration from the Jet Set Radio and Air Gear franchises, the game's focus is on freedom of movement, radical action, oodles of style, and several varieties of sticking it to the man.

Taking place on the artificial island metropolis of Velo City, players take on the role of "rudies": all manners of young punks, vagabonds and daredevils with a tune in their ear and color in their hearts; their main gimmick is that they rely on the four types of human-powered movement: running, rollerskating, skateboarding and biking. In the urban playground, the players will follow the people of Velo and learn of their ambitions and struggles. Between the police and the corporate overworld, rudies fight to cut out a niche of their own in the city. With varying degrees of power level and a system that plays fast and loose, the game can be as realistic or over-the-top as the players desire.

This should be the most recent pdf :

Has anybody used "The Yellow Wallpaper" as a King in Yellow scenario or as apart of a Night Floors style scenario? Just a thought.

I can't think of one.  I think its a great idea.

VeloCITY map

« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 03:44:07 AM by Twisting H »


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #231 on: May 22, 2015, 02:20:05 PM »
"The Bosworth House" is a CoC scenario based on "The Yellow Wallpaper". I think it's a bit reminiscent of "The Night Floors". It was published in the Arkham Gazette #1, which is a free zine.


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #232 on: May 30, 2015, 07:28:45 PM »
After listening to Repairer of Reputations and getting the HD port of Jet Set Radio on Steam, I had a very strange dream about teenagers rollerblading around the city, spraying Elder Sign graffiti tags over Yellow Signs and running from Hastur cultists. This HAS to be a one-shot.

Sounds like this would be perfect for VeloCITY, the /tg/ homebrew.

VeloCITY: The Wind in your Hair is a /tg/ homebrew system designed to replicate the feel and freedom of running around an urban playground and going anywhere. Taking its main inspiration from the Jet Set Radio and Air Gear franchises, the game's focus is on freedom of movement, radical action, oodles of style, and several varieties of sticking it to the man.

Taking place on the artificial island metropolis of Velo City, players take on the role of "rudies": all manners of young punks, vagabonds and daredevils with a tune in their ear and color in their hearts; their main gimmick is that they rely on the four types of human-powered movement: running, rollerskating, skateboarding and biking. In the urban playground, the players will follow the people of Velo and learn of their ambitions and struggles. Between the police and the corporate overworld, rudies fight to cut out a niche of their own in the city. With varying degrees of power level and a system that plays fast and loose, the game can be as realistic or over-the-top as the players desire.

This should be the most recent pdf :

Has anybody used "The Yellow Wallpaper" as a King in Yellow scenario or as apart of a Night Floors style scenario? Just a thought.

I can't think of one.  I think its a great idea.

PDF link goes to a 403 error.  :(

Twisting H

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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #233 on: June 04, 2015, 09:18:07 PM »

This worked for me this morning.

Also I uploaded it here:

That should be the direct link.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 09:30:51 PM by Twisting H »


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #234 on: June 10, 2015, 04:59:52 PM »
There was a setting posted on the Savage Worlds forum that was interesting, but the author never finished it. Take a look at this and hopefully you'll be able to do something with it.

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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #235 on: June 11, 2015, 11:23:46 PM »
So, I have an idea for a mini campaign - something like 3 to 6 sessions max.  Fallout setting because I can't figure out any other setting that would work with this set up - I don't want fantasy, I don't want super high tech sci-fi and I don't want real history because of the research requirements

Everyone lives as a normal person in a city built over a vault - life is tolerable but the government is very corrupt. People who speak out against it are exiled, tortured, or shot. Still better than living in the Wastes.

A new school opens up that teaches technological skills. Your characters are the most adept students there. You earn the trust of the teachers there and they tell you that they are part of the Brotherhood of Steel. They want to liberate the city from the government and need your help. They want you to work as their undercover agents in the city, gathering information and building support for them. When they roll in, they want a smooth take over, not a civil war. That's a lot easier if they have leverage over the city's power brokers.

Emphasis on the game is actual spywork - i.e. building a network of assets, getting blackmail/secrets on important people and not getting caught. If you get caught before the Brotherhood rolls in, your character will almost certainly die. Combat will be super brutal and should be not seen as a good idea.

I see 2 options with system and feeling for the game:

Night's Black Agents with Dust, Burn, and Mirror options enabled - you're a skilled person, not Bourne or Bond. Think more like post-apocalyptic Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

Hillfolk - emphasis is more on character development and morality - more like post-apocalyptic Game of Thrones

The main thing for me is the actual spywork procedural aspect and morality - I already did the tactical/commando/investigative NBA game with Tribes - I want it be more about the morality and interpersonal stuff.


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #236 on: June 12, 2015, 12:25:22 PM »
That mini campaign sounds really cool.  Almost Dishonored-like in that players can choose how to deal with different prominent figures are the city.  Maybe it's because I've been listening to the Savage Worlds "Day After Ragnarok" game but I could maybe see that setting working.  Limited tech and Serpentfall makes it kinda hard to say, "well actually in the history..."  It's definitely a bit more over-the-top, though, and the description reads like a more serious setting.

I just want to weigh in with some of the things I've noticed while running DramaSystem/Hillfolk:

As you've realized, the feel of the game will end up dramatically different with the two systems.  I really like Hillfolk, but its procedural scenes - in this case, gathering information - are pretty bare bones.  (I think that's intentional, to keep players from defaulting to them as the more comfortable option of looking for clues and murdering dudes over dramatic confrontations.) 

Using Hillfolk will make the game all about what everyone has to give up or promise in order to get the leverage you want.  It'd be great if the characters have drastically different views on how to accomplish their goals or ties to competing factions.  Or if one/several of them don't totally trust the Brotherhood of Steel.  Hillfolk doesn't work that well if everyone is cooperating 100% - it puts more pressure on the players to make each others' lives interesting.

Since you mentioned getting just killed in combat and NBA has a lot of mechanics devoted to bad-ass combat, I overall see the game more easily as a Hillfolk one.  I'm definitely picturing it as a one-season HBO post-apocalyptic drama in my head, anyways.  But if you want lots of "not getting caught" Hillfolk just doesn't do that kind of gameplay.  I think it could work pretty well for building networks and getting/applying blackmail though it wouldn't be mechanically represented.

I know you generally don't do so for RPPR, but you might consider recording character creation with Hillfolk.  It's really an important part of play, especially when you get to what each character wants from another and why they won't get it. 


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #237 on: June 12, 2015, 07:19:23 PM »
So, I have an idea for a mini campaign ...

Everyone lives as a normal person in a city built over a vault - life is tolerable but the government is very corrupt. People who speak out against it are exiled, tortured, or shot. Still better than living in the Wastes.

A new school opens up that teaches technological skills. Your characters are the most adept students there. You earn the trust of the teachers there and they tell you that they are part of the Brotherhood of Steel. They want to liberate the city from the government and need your help. They want you to work as their undercover agents in the city, gathering information and building support for them. When they roll in, they want a smooth take over, not a civil war. That's a lot easier if they have leverage over the city's power brokers.

Emphasis on the game is actual spywork - i.e. building a network of assets, getting blackmail/secrets on important people and not getting caught. If you get caught before the Brotherhood rolls in, your character will almost certainly die. Combat will be super brutal and should be not seen as a good idea.

The main thing for me is the actual spywork procedural aspect and morality - I already did the tactical/commando/investigative NBA game with Tribes - I want it be more about the morality and interpersonal stuff.

I don't have constructive feedback/idea, only praise: Damn I'd like to play in that game.
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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #238 on: June 19, 2015, 04:05:25 AM »
So when is RPPR going to be running Katanas & Trenchcoats ?
Gorkamorka (Fridrik)


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #239 on: June 19, 2015, 11:17:59 AM »
So when is RPPR going to be running Katanas & Trenchcoats ?

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Actual answer: Probably when one of us has the book. I think Bill may have bought it, but don't quote me.
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