Author Topic: NerdVemberfest 2013 Philadelphia Area Gamers Unite!  (Read 7539 times)


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NerdVemberfest 2013 Philadelphia Area Gamers Unite!
« on: September 23, 2013, 04:33:21 PM »
Hey All you Philly Gaming fans! Come Join My Friends and I in helping start our own local gaming convention, This will be our first attempt and We need all the help we can get to come out and make this hopefully annual Gaming con a success!

Here's the pre-written spiel now, that is more eloquent than my own words...

Imagine the swanky Montgomery ballroom at the Holiday Inn - Ft. Washington, where 14 RPGing tables are raging all-day long. D&D (1e, 2e, and 4e), Pathfinder, Iron Kingdoms, DungeonWorld, 13th Age, Call of Cthulhu, Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, FATE, GURPS, Legend of the Five Rings (L5R), and Paranoia are all being played. Amazing GMs running the games they love.

Join old friends and make connections with many new gamers from the area. Starting small, we're building a con for the Philly area and you can be a part of it from the start!

Raffles for gently used gaming gear. A continuous old school D&D dungeoncrawl with miniatures will run the entire day, jump in and jump out of the action whenever you want. Much more to come.

Best of all, there's no admission charge to get in. Your donation would be appreciated to help defray costs.

I hope to see some fellow RPPR fans out there!
Freedom is not a license for chaos.