Author Topic: Lover in the Ice question.  (Read 28789 times)


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Lover in the Ice question.
« on: October 27, 2013, 07:14:33 AM »
I picked up Lover in the Ice last week and i'm looking at running it in Delta Green for my friends sometime next week and was wondering if anybody has some usable stats for Amante, so I'm just randomly winging how much damage it does or it's capabilities beyond "whatever is plot convenient for me"

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Lover in the Ice question.
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2013, 12:08:01 PM »
How about this?

Amante, Adult

Str- 20
Con- 20
Siz- 18 (Shorter than a large man but much wider and thicker)
Int- 5
Pow- 5 (There is little to nothing magical about the Amante and it is not adept at resisting Mythos magic)
Dex- 15

Move- 5 (hand walk), 10 (swinging), 10 (leaping)

HP- 19

Damage Bonus: +1d6
Weapon: Bite 60%, 1d6+db
Grapple 75%, special

Special Attacks:
Attach breeder; The Amante can detach a breeder extension and attempt to implant it in a grappled enemy. Victim must make a SAN roll (1/1d6) to avoid screaming and keep their mouth closed. If the SAN roll succeeds the victim closes their mouth and the breeder must attempt to force it open with it's tendrils. In the round following a grapple the victim of the Amante must oppose the Str of the Amante breeder (5) with their own Str. Each consecutive round the grapple endures the victim's effective Str drops by 2. When effective Str reaches zero, the victim is automatically implanted.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 02:10:56 AM by Tadanori Oyama »


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Re: Lover in the Ice question.
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2013, 06:51:43 PM »
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the most awesome and greatly beloved Uncle Tad!


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Re: Lover in the Ice question.
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2013, 09:25:26 AM »
Thanks a ton for that :) Saved me a lot of general bullshitting.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Lover in the Ice question.
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2013, 12:03:51 PM »
You are welcome.

And thank you for the flattery, Wooberman.


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Re: Lover in the Ice question.
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2013, 02:22:34 PM »
General bullshitting and flattery approved.


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Re: Lover in the Ice question.
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2013, 05:24:13 PM »
I don't know? A 20 strength. Reading the text carefully it should be very clear the strength is exactly equal to 21. Using a str of 20 is a crime against reason and obviously untrue to the authors vision!

<have all ways want to be a power gamer stat jock troll although I am still not sure I am doing it right>


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Re: Lover in the Ice question.
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2013, 05:50:43 PM »
So, Has anyone statted out the rest of No Securities monsters?  Accepting any system.

The Amante --- CoC.
The Puppets in Brison Springs
The Worms in Fall Without End.
Anything from Revelations.
The Ghouls from Red Tower.
Him and Her from The wives of March.

Gorkamorka (Fridrik)


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Re: Lover in the Ice question.
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2013, 05:57:37 PM »
You are welcome.

And thank you for the flattery, Wooberman.

Anytime Homeslice

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Lover in the Ice question.
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2013, 06:56:29 PM »
I can try CoC stats for the ones I've read/listened to Caleb talk about on APs.

Starting with the Puppets.


Str- 23
Con- 20 (the puppets are not flesh or wood and never feel pain or discomfort)
Siz- 16 (though they mimic men, all puppets are the same dimensions; if female or child puppets were created they would be 14 (17hp) and 6 (13hp), respectively)
Int- 6 (the puppets aren't self aware as humans understand it but are animated by their mission, granting them an effective (if low) intelligence which they use to observe and mimic humans)
Pow- 15 (puppets know no spells but will spend magic points to resist spells or for a sorcerer is bound)
Dex- 10

Move- 5 (mimicing a person) or 15 (dragging on it's strings)

HP- 18
Armor- 5 (puppets aren't really wood and greatly resist damage)

Damage Bonus: +1d6
Weapon: Fist 50%, 1 + db (only used if target struggles; puppets are terrifyingly strong but do not follow through with punches or aim for vulnerable spots (they don't want to kill, they want to weaken) leading to a lower overall damage)
Grapple 60%, special (puppets who have grappled a target move their strings speed directly upwards)

Special Attacks:

Pulled into the sky: After grappling a puppet rises at 15 speed each round until it reaches the yawning blackness at which point it stops and offers its victim a choice to go through or be dropped. Those who accept are brought to the realm of the Fisher of Men. Those who refuse (barring extremely unusual circumstances) fall to their death. The journey into the sky generally takes two full minutes.

NOTE: Breaking away from a puppet is very difficult. A Str 13 or lower character can't attempt it at all and even a Str 18 PC has only a 30% chance of escape. You might allow a PC a Luck or Dexterity x 5 roll to escape by wriggling free after two rounds. This forces them to suffer falling damage but is unlikely to kill them outright.

Special Qualities:

The Lure: Puppets hide by mimicing human behavior to approach their victims. However, their lack of understanding generally means that while they properly mimic behavior they lack context. A puppet might "sleep" on a rooftop or in the middle of the street or "sit" without a chair or bench. When a puppet approaches a PC make an Idea roll for the puppet (30%). On a failure, it is poorly hidden as above. On a success there is a problem that can only be detected with a roll (such as the Anthropology or Psychology skill or an Idea roll). On an impale the puppet has properly mimiced a human behavior and can only be detected as a fake by a PC discovering it is not really human.

Sanity: 1d3/1d6+1 for seeing a revealed puppet
A 1/1d3 roll is called for if a subject is pulled into the sky for more than two consecutive rounds
Seeing a victim of a puppet being pulled into the air from a distance also requires a 1/1d3+1 SAN test.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 07:03:29 PM by Tadanori Oyama »

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Re: Lover in the Ice question.
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2013, 07:44:46 PM »
The Worms in Fall Without End

Str-  30 (worms are, essentially, one giant muscle)
Con- 15 (though hardy against cold temperatures, the worms flee from storms and shelter in gaps or under overhangs)
Siz- 25-35 (a typical worm is between twelve and twenty feet long but since only the weakest tend to fall through the portal to Earth truly massive ones might dwell in their home)
Int- 10 (though alien to humans the worms are aware of their surroundings, can distinguish one another from prey, and possess problem solving ability)
Pow- 10 (worms are capable of using Mythos spells but only spells with no components (they can make signs using their tentacles); a worm can only learn spells via telepathic communication with a Mythos entity)
Dex- 15 (worms are limber due to their bonelessness but not inhumanly dexterious. They can perform fine manipulation with their assisting tentacles)

Move- 10 vertically, 2 horizonally; 1 if on a flat horizonal surface

HP- 20-25
Armor- Worms are immune to most blunt force attacks but their body is vulnerable to impaling weaponry

Damage Bonus: +3d6
Weapon: Bite 50%, targets generally cannot Dodge due to the terrain in which worms are found, 2d6 + grapple
Slam 70%, see bite re:Dodge; worms generally do not use this attack on their prey because it would then fall away from their mouth, 1d6+db
Grapple special, worms have no grapple skill but automatically grapple what they bite. Human targets cannot escape a grapple unless the worm is injured due to Str differences.
Pinch 50%, a worm can pinch a victim using it's assisting tentacles, though they seldom do so, 1d4

Special Qualities:

Rock biter; worms can move up and down rock faces at normal speed but are slower moving horizonally along rock faces (see Speed). They are virtually immoble on ground with a plane of less than 70 degrees.

Sanity: 1d3/1d8 seeing a worm
2/1d6+1 if 'grappled' by a worm


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Re: Lover in the Ice question.
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2013, 12:34:01 PM »
General bullshitting and flattery approved.

Man, why is it that only one player ever enters 1824 West Ambrosia? 


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Re: Lover in the Ice question.
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2013, 12:55:32 PM »
Man, why is it that only one player ever enters 1824 West Ambrosia?

Because PC's are stupid?

Tad, those stats are great! Would you mind if I posted them on the Hebanon blog? I'd give you credit, of course, and I'd love to see what you come up with for the rest.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Lover in the Ice question.
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2013, 02:11:33 PM »
Yes, you can post them.

I'm considering the others a little more because they aren't simple monsters. Even the ghouls are more complex.


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Re: Lover in the Ice question.
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2013, 08:31:07 AM »
Field Report

The group really enjoyed Lover in the Ice, I ran it in Delta Green using the 'Zookeeper' setup from the AP, although I think I may have oversold them on Delta Greens attitude towards Mythos Threats which resulted in the group using a rather take no prisoners attitude towards the problem, including rigging Trip's oven to explode and burn down his house, and after they found that the Amante and Seeders had split between the high school and the Dorm party, they decided that the best course of action was to ignore both threats, inform Delta Green and then spend their time making sure that all routes out of the city were cut off, as they waited for the air strike to clean them off the map.

They enjoyed opening the boxes, although i think you got a bit too self-referential in those Caleb, the Puppet head was creepy and cool, but a few of the others just left the players non-plussed until I explained about the other No Security scenarios.

The stats for the Amante worked well Tadanori, although the one that hatched in the girls house managed to make an ass out of itself, it critically failed as it lunged at a player who was standing at the doorway of the opposite bedroom shooting at the Amante statue, since it was at the top of a spiral staircase, I decided it had tripped down the stairs, and was promptly dispatched by two impales from the 59 year old German Mathematician.