Author Topic: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up  (Read 122249 times)


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Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« Reply #60 on: June 01, 2014, 05:06:30 PM »
Also from my experience players will buy into games and then find they have conflicts with other games they've purchased tickets for.  It happened a couple of times when I was running games.
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Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« Reply #61 on: June 02, 2014, 11:21:37 AM »
The system seemed to stop me from buy direct conflicts although of course it does not track non events.

I will go ahead and buy a fist full of generic tickets and use my guile and charm and bottles of booze to get my way into some extra games.

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Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« Reply #62 on: June 02, 2014, 01:07:26 PM »
It generally takes 2 tickets it get into a game (there are some exceptions). Consider that before you purchase them. I recommend 4-8 generics if you plan to go game hoping, you aren't likely to need more unless you are also slipping into pay events around the hall, like crafting projects and such.


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Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« Reply #63 on: June 02, 2014, 01:28:14 PM »
Yeah, like Tad said, Generics are like $2 each, so check the listings for the games you're interested in for their cost and budget out your tickets accordingly. Most games run from $4-8 a spot, so $10-20 in Generics will get you through the Con. Plus, anything you don't use you can return for a slight fee and add to the next Gen Con.


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Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« Reply #64 on: June 02, 2014, 01:38:24 PM »
But if I buy all the tickets then no one else can play any games and I can have my pick of them.

Oh ... how much is that going to cost ... ok I will just by 8 tickets.

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Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« Reply #65 on: June 02, 2014, 02:31:13 PM »
As we come closer to GenCon this is a good time to discuss some of the less commonly explored elements of the convention; the kinds of things you tend to pick up after a few years.

Here's some things to consider:

  • If you are staying in an off-site hotel you will likely be spending between five and twelve hours in the convention hall and surrounding areas. Consider this when making purchases. If you buy something large at the beginning of the day you'll have to carry it around. This is unpleasant in generally but also increases the chances of something happening to your purchase or it being misplaced or stolen. Consider saving large or delicate purchases until near the time you plan to return to your hotel.
  • Farther, if you are going to be at the hall for a long period (again, between five and twelve hours sometimes) you need to consider dress. Indianapolis tends to be hot in the summer and while the hall itself is conditioned it can still get very hot due to the mass of human presense. Outside will nearly always be hot and you will have to pass through non-air conditioned hallways even if you avoid the streets. Consider loose fitting, light clothing, favoring shorts and t-shirts or other cool clothes and remember to hydrate often either from the fountains, your own supply, or the provided ice water many of the attatched hotels provide.
  • Related to the above tendency to sweat in the heat know this: you will begin to smell after a few hours as will the area around you. Be considerate to yourself and others by taking a break to clean up. If you are staying close by consider returning to your room to change undergarments and/or reapply deodorant and/or shower. Showering is preferable, especially if the weather is currently dry, it will help you rehydrate. If you are staying in an outlaying hotel than consider what I referr to as a "Con Shower" (more often known at the "Hooker Shower"). This is simple: use one of the restroom stalls at the convention hall and either with moist papertowels from the restroom or with wipes you have brought (many brands are available in small packs of three to five such as baby wipes) to briefly clean under the arms, the crotch, and any other heavily perspiring areas and reapplying deodorant.
  • Mentioned this a few times but to restate: seriously, you cannot have too much deodorant: it will keep you more pleasant and help fight the smell of others around you who might not be so considerate. Note that I'm assuming you use unscented deodorant. Products with powerful smells can make things just as bad (ie. too much Axe 'body spray').
  • Remember to eat during the day. Try to do two meals and a few snacks over the day if you can. Snacks can be purchases from vendors at the convention hall but are fairly expensive and of low quality. Exterior vendors, such as foodtrucks, are good for meals on site and many great resturants are in the area. You can also go to the nearby mall's food court for quicker, cheaper food. Possibly the best option is to go to a market near your hotel (off site) or the CVS near the convention center and pick up a few things such as snack bars or beef jerky, something you can easily carry with you.
  • Pace yourself. The convention hall is huge. Crossing the exhibition hall alone is more than a city block to say nothing of walking to connecting facilities. You might walk several miles over the course of a day and not all nerds are up for that. Take things slow and do not think you can rush from one event to another: plan to take fifteen or twenty minutes at least for transit.
  • Speaking of transit: if you are staying at an outer hotel make sure to check shuttle services. Many of the hotels have a shuttle that runs to the convention center. Grab a copy of that schedule to keep on your person or write down the times for departures from both your hotel and the convention center. It's between five and ten miles for the outer places; if you miss a shuttle ride and have to take a cab then it can run you twenty to thirty dollars. If you're with a group you can break that up a little though.

Changing subjects slightly, let's discuss main hall things:

  • The hall doesn't open until around 10am. On the first day there will be a HUGE crowd waiting to get in. Be willing to either wait in a large crowd or come at 10:15am, when everyone will have filtered in.
    By the same token don't try to pass through the main hallway around 10am, it's virtually impassable due to the crowd.
  • As stated, the main hall to freakin' huge. But it's pathways are varying sizes. There are only three or four "main" roads which are wide enough to allow four or five people to walk abreast. The "normal" paths let two or three people walk comfortably. This becomes complicated due to the nature of the convention: people will stop infront of you, sometimes extremely abruptly, in order to look at something at a booth.
    Avoid doing this yourself if at all possible. Slow to a stop and move as close to the booth as you are able or step into it's browsing area, which many of them have.
  • As a courtesy: do not cut through booths unless you have to. Some booths are open on multiple sides and can be walked through, allowing you to cut corners. Out fo respect for the people running the booth and anyone using it don't cut across unless traffic is literally blocked (which can happen).
  • When you stop to look at a booth, try to be aware of traffic around you. If you have a backpack on or are carrying something long, try to put them down at your feet so that they do no protrude out behind you. This will make it a little easier for people to pass you without compressing the passage way too much.
  • Treat the walk-ways like you would the road: keep to the right; turn into the nearest possible lane; yield to pedastrians (i.e. small children, strollers, handicapped individuals); and check before turning across 'traffic'.
  • Learn to go around. It is sometimes faster and less stressful to go a 'block' or two out of your way and come around than it is to try and go directly through.

And some general tips:

  • If you are doing will call to pick up your tickets and badge try to come Wednesday evening, it's a much smaller line. If you have to come Thursday try to come early, the line is massive. Read the signs: spending time in the wrong line will really mess up your day.
  • GenCon isn't packed with costumes but you will see plenty of people dressed up. People in costumes are often very receptive to positive comments on their outfit and to quick pictures. If you are in the exhibition hall just ask them to step to the side for a quick picture. If you are in the main hallways outside of exhibition than there will be plenty of space and costumed individuals will often gather in the halls. Again, they are generally receptive to being photographed. Approach them calmly and wait for their attention. If they are posing for someone else or are engaged in a conversation than wait politely until they can give you their attention. If you are outside the convention center be respectful, as above, and try not to interrupt people during their activites (i.e. if someone is having lunch).
    Be aware that they might declined to pose for a picture. Remember that they are entirely free to do so: they do not owe you or anyone else anything. They might be tired or on their way to an event. Do not hassell them. They are people, not cartoons or programs, and deserve the same respect that everyone else deserves.

There's alot more to know but I think that covers the big stuff as I know it.

I don't know much of anything about the night life or party rules for GenCon so anybody who does feel free to chime in.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 04:11:57 PM by Tadanori Oyama »


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Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« Reply #66 on: June 02, 2014, 06:20:37 PM »
Great advice there Tad! Do all of those things that he mentions! Gonna piggy back off of a few points real quick:
  • Comfy clothes are really important, but don't forget about your shoes. Have at least one pair of shoes you find comfy and can stand to walk around in all day. Better yet, have 2 pairs of shoes! Alternating shoes each day so they can dry out from your hot, sweaty feet can be a god-send.
  • On the topic of hot and sweaty, like Tad mentions, DEODORANT is a fantastic thing, PLEASE USE IT! An antiperspirant and deodorant is even better! Seriously, keeping the sweat level down will totally help keep the stink level down, YAY! In fact I really recommend going by a Wal-mart/pharmacy/etc. and grabbing one of those little sample size deodorant sticks or two and keeping them in your bag or backpack. Also, yeah, please stay away from aerosol deodorants, I'd rather not be choking on AXE body spray while trying to wander the con floor.
  • Bags and Backpacks are kind of a big thing, too. Save yourself some pain and make sure whatever bag you're gonna be carrying around is comfortable, especially when loaded down with awesome con loot.
  • If you have free time either before the con proper or during down time I suggest getting a lay of the land. Go to where your games in the coming days will be and figuring out how to get there without too much wandering around.

Those are a few tips I can muster, if I think of anything else I'll update this.


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Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« Reply #67 on: June 03, 2014, 08:11:57 PM »
Thanks for the advice guys! I didn't even know generic tickets were a thing that could be had. I'm definitely going to pick up some for game-hopping.

The idea of them also makes me somewhat concerned about getting a place in the cabaret, though, since I DM Kryptgarden until 10pm on Saturday and the cabaret starts at 10pm too. Hope I can still get in!


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Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« Reply #68 on: June 04, 2014, 11:27:29 AM »
Poking around it looks like there are some interesting restaurants in Indianapolis. The New York Times just profiled a place called Thunderbird that has me intrigued.

I might have to carve out some time one evening to go check some places out. While I want to squeeze in a bunch of gaming it seems weird to visit a place and not actually ever see the place.


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Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« Reply #69 on: June 08, 2014, 03:35:59 PM »
Catching up on all the Gencon news here. Super excited we are going out there(we live in MA).
 We run a small booth and decided we wanted to do it at Gencon since we have had so much fun at PAX East the last two years.
Tad, I love all the organized points you posted an the whole section about booth courtesy is spot on! After running my booth at both small and huge cons I completely agree with everything you had to say on that it's all great common courtesy that sometimes gets forgotten when people get too excited.

I can't wait to get to meet the rest of the RPPR crew, we were lucky enough to meet Ross at Pax East and I'd love to hang out with the others.

I know we've got a time and general place set up, do we have any more formal ideas of what we'll be doing and where? Are people planning to get food as a group? I'd be happy to bring along some booze and such to share.
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Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« Reply #70 on: June 08, 2014, 08:23:27 PM »
I'm glad you agree. Look forward to seeing you! If you have your booth number please let us know so we can come by and check your products out.

As a general rule from my experience with past meet-ups we do not do a collective food/drink purchase. If we end up in the Hyatt again (likely since it has great rooms for large group use) than there is a bar in the lobby which is easily accessed. There is also a pizza place and a Subway inside the lobby and several restaurants on the streets nearby. I do not know the hotel's official policy with alcohol but it is likely that it is not to be consumed outside of the bar. That said, that is an unenforceable policy during the convention and individuals who are not making a public display of drinking or becoming overtly drunk are unlikely to have problems.

Purchasing bulk alcohol nearby might be difficult due to the number of bars downtown. There is a CVS nearby which likely has canned beer and some spirits.

Not to step on Ross's toes but the official plan, as I currently understand it, is that we will be playing a group game for between two and three hours. The exact starting time of that may vary depending on when people arrive and how soon we can find a space in which to hold the event since we can't really book it ahead of time. Following the "official" game we will likely begin hanging out and playing general games. Last year we played Channel A to great success.

Plans are subject to change and Ross, as ever, is the final arbiter of events and as we know he is a horrible monster.

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Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« Reply #71 on: June 08, 2014, 09:48:29 PM »
Regardless of the official plan, I foresee groups forming up and pick-up-games forming of whatever, with whomever you befriend/reacquaint-with/randomly-decide-to-crush-like-a-bug.  After all, that's part of the fun of a game convention  ;)
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Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« Reply #72 on: June 09, 2014, 01:39:50 PM »
Not that I am promoting the consumption of booze in any form inside the hotel but this place looks like it has what appears to be a decent selection of beer, wine, and spirits and is pretty close to the convention center.

Also this place is place is close as well:

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Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« Reply #73 on: June 12, 2014, 11:43:50 PM »
Hey all. 

I was thinking about running a CoC scenario for any RPPR listener who has the time and wants to have some totally non-violent fun.  I am going to run the second half of the Payday scenario, the one that deal with the stolen book after the heist.

If anyone is interested, let me know.
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Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« Reply #74 on: June 13, 2014, 01:29:05 PM »
I'm definitely interested, but it just depends on when you plan on running it. My Gen Con schedule has been pretty tightly woven, but I may be able to get it to work.