Having listened to the Dirty World AP I now have to ask how the Gencon playthroughs went. Did a trend develop in which character goals were accomplished?
Delta Green was good, I found the ending just petering out rather appropriate. Sometimes things don't wrap up neatly.
I know my character's goals were kind of maybe accomplished. I played Lt. Whatisname, not in the AP, an undercover OSS agent. Part of my goals were to not blow my cover but the other part involved bringing Herr Krueger back to the American side so we had a Nazi scientist.
I was not discovered, but didn't recover Krueger either.
It ended in a firefightcarchase between all the players. Americans Sgt. Durant and I vs the Ruskies and Hugo and Isolde came in behind to mop up. Both Russians died before getting their man across the border, and the Americans and the Germans parted ways never to speak of that day. ( To hear Caleb tell it, listen to RPPR episode 61)