Author Topic: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC  (Read 32981 times)


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Re: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2010, 09:01:15 AM »
Name: Dave
Animal: Dog - Mastiff
Mutation: Accidental Encounter
Education/Training: Everything is self-taught as the animal lives in the wild with no help or assistance. Character mistrusts humans and other animals.

IQ = 15
ME = 14
MA = 12
PS = 14
PP = 11
PE = 12
PB = 11
SPD = 6

Dave was once a humble but fat mountain rescue dog until 'the incident'. What happened is still unclear to Dave but all he remembers is that it involved a Winnebago, 3 metric tonnes of irradiated twinkies, a kindly elderly couple who hated foreigners and the Aurora Borealis. When he awoke he found himself in changed. He could walk on two legs as well as four. He had thumbs. It was much harder for him to clean his crotch. After some brief 're-orientation' Dave decided that he'd had enough of civilisation since people kept screaming at him and pointing and no longer wanted to pat him on the head or give him treats so he set out into the great wilderness with nothing but the ill fitting tourists clothing and fanny packs for company...

(More may follow, i'm slightly burnt out from work)


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Re: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC
« Reply #31 on: January 27, 2010, 11:33:55 PM »
Joseph Alois Ratzinger
Ex-Pope Benedict the Merciless

Animal: Wolf

IQ= 17
ME= 11
MA = 10
PS = 7
PP= 13
PE = 9
PB = 12
SPD= 13

After the death of Pope John Paul the II, the council of cardinal decided that they needed a champion for the new age.  Jesus might have been the good shephard, but now the church needed a bad wolf.  Calling upon their considerable wealth, and Old Testament technology, the cardinals elected a new pope, and used the knowledge of their secret spy organization the Opus Dei, bestowed upon him the power of the wolf.  Already having an impressive amount of skill from training that he received in the Hitler youth, Joseph hardened his skills and received even more training at St. Peter's Basilica and Assassin school.  Joseph learned to fight in the double cross fighting style.

Joseph's first assignment was to assassinate the time travelling son of Judas, a mastermind who planned on wreaking his vengeance on modern day Rome.  Joseph drove the cross through his skull, but something felt wrong.  After saying "Is the pope a bear?  No, but I'm still going to shit in your skull."  Joseph felt hollow inside, like his life could be more than just being a ruthless instrument of the churches wrath. 

Joseph left Europe that day, and headed to America.  He now drifts up and down the American east coast, constantly fighting the other mutants of the church, and the other popes the church sends to fight him.


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Re: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC
« Reply #32 on: January 28, 2010, 04:21:47 AM »
Animal: Turtle
Mutation: Deliberate Experimentation by Biological Research Facility
Background: Rescued from organization and adopted by a friendly researcher at a young age. Raised while continuously being hunted by organization. Character distrusts humans but knows there are some good humans who deserve help and friendship.

IQ = 13
ME = 14
MA = 14
PS = 10
PP = 10
PE = 5
PB = 5
SPD = 10

Name: Magellan Chalmers
Age: 16
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 155 lbs.

Even before he was born, Magellan carried the hopes and expectations of his many parents on his tiny shell. The executives at Multi-Corp., the firm that financed his development, wanted to exploit him as a living weapon--or, failing that, as the forerunner of a new subspecies that could be genetically programmed and trained to serve human masters. The scientists who grew him from a mutated turtle embryo wanted to study him, to use the secrets locked in his DNA to bring about revolutionary developments in the fields of biomedical technology, gene therapy, cosmetics, and tissue replacement. Doctor John Ferdinand, the aging geneticist who led the Magellan team, only wanted one thing: a son. And from the moment when, five months after hatching, Magellan looked into Doctor Ferdinand's eyes and called him "Daddy," that's exactly what he became.

Soon thereafter, Ferdinand contacted the Oppenheimer Network, an underground coalition of radical scientists, peace advocates, and animal rights supporters dedicated to preventing the unethical use of scientific research, and brokered a deal: he would extract Magellan from Multi-Corp.'s secure labs and the ON would provide them with a safehouse where he could raise Magellan in secret. However, during the breakout, Multi-Corp. agents shot Dr. Ferdinand before he reached the perimeter fence, leaving Magellan in the care of Ferdinand's ON contact, a freedom fighter and flower child named Sondra Chalmers. For the next fifteen years, Chalmers protected Magellan from Multi-Corp.'s nefarious agents, who were often willing to go to deadly lengths to retrieve their runaway experiment, and raised him as her own. Due to his mother's teachings, he became something of a Luddite, constantly wary of the dangers that new technology holds for the world and distrustful of those who would capitalize on it. To this end, he and his mother still work with the ON to prevent the technocratic powers that be from developing new super-weapons, raiding research facilities, kidnapping scientists, and using other guerrilla tactics in their struggle.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC
« Reply #33 on: January 28, 2010, 02:58:31 PM »
Joseph Alois Ratzinger
Ex-Pope Benedict the Merciless

I am frankly stunned.


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Re: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC
« Reply #34 on: January 28, 2010, 03:53:44 PM »
man all of these PCs are great - much better than I thought they were going to turn out. I can't imagine what a game with all of them would turn out to be like.


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Re: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC
« Reply #35 on: January 28, 2010, 04:00:15 PM »
Ok here it goes
Rolling 3d6:
(2+6+5): Total = 13

Rolling 3d6:
(6+5+4): Total = 15

Rolling 3d6:
(6+2+3): Total = 11

Rolling 3d6:
(3+1+3): Total = 7

Rolling 3d6:
(2+6+1): Total = 9

Rolling 3d6:
(4+1+2): Total = 7

Rolling 3d6:
(1+2+3): Total = 6

Rolling 3d6:
(2+5+5): Total = 12

and then
Rolling 1d100:
(3): Total = 3

Rolling 1d100:
(80): Total = 80

Rolling 1d100:
(72): Total = 72

Rolling 1d100:
(32): Total = 32

Rolling 1d100:
(5): Total = 5


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Re: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC
« Reply #36 on: January 28, 2010, 04:16:10 PM »

Animal: Pigeon
No attribute bonuses
Mutation: Deliberate Experimentation by biological research facility
Background: Brought up as an experiment. Trained and educated with cruel punishments. The character will distrust humans.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC
« Reply #37 on: January 28, 2010, 04:18:57 PM »
man all of these PCs are great - much better than I thought they were going to turn out. I can't imagine what a game with all of them would turn out to be like.

"George, this is Brian. I seem to have accidently round house kicked the mayor. Dave's face licking isn't helping but Alex think some curry would do the trick. Any advice?"


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Re: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC
« Reply #38 on: January 28, 2010, 04:32:36 PM »
Name: Greg/ The amazing flying rodent
Animal: Pigeon
Mutation: Deliberate Experimentation by biological research facility
Education/Training: Beaten with a sock with half a brick in it and shock therapy
IQ = 13
ME = 15
MA = 11
PS = 7
PP = 9
PE = 7
PB = 6
SPD = 12

Background: Greg was made by the Us government but for what purpose he was not sure. Tired of being shocked and treated like a lab rat he made a break for freedom. After escaping he fled to newyork city where he now hides by day and fights crime by night. (Had to write a 6 page essay in English  so I don’t feel like writing but I will fix it up more later)


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Re: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC
« Reply #39 on: January 29, 2010, 01:52:43 PM »
man all of these PCs are great - much better than I thought they were going to turn out. I can't imagine what a game with all of them would turn out to be like.

"George, this is Brian. I seem to have accidently round house kicked the mayor. Dave's face licking isn't helping but Alex think some curry would do the trick. Any advice?"

hahah. Would love to see this as a sitcom or comic or something. Wolf pope is the wacky next door neighbor.


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Re: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC
« Reply #40 on: January 29, 2010, 05:28:05 PM »
man all of these PCs are great - much better than I thought they were going to turn out. I can't imagine what a game with all of them would turn out to be like.

"George, this is Brian. I seem to have accidently round house kicked the mayor. Dave's face licking isn't helping but Alex think some curry would do the trick. Any advice?"

hahah. Would love to see this as a sitcom or comic or something. Wolf pope is the wacky next door neighbor.

I imagine him being a Neil Patrick Harris type character.  "I'm gonna blow down your house.  Then your gonna blow me"


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Re: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC
« Reply #41 on: January 30, 2010, 07:04:47 AM »
Rolling 3d6:
(2+3+2): Total = 7

Rolling 3d6:
(5+4+1): Total = 10

Rolling 3d6:
(5+6+5): Total = 16

Rolling 3d6:
(5+1+1): Total = 7

Rolling 3d6:
(2+5+2): Total = 9

Rolling 3d6:
(5+4+1): Total = 10

Rolling 3d6:
(6+3+4): Total = 13

Rolling 3d6:
(1+5+3): Total = 9

Rolling 1d100:
(87): Total = 87

Rolling 1d100:
(64): Total = 64

Rolling 1d100:
(32): Total = 32

Rolling 1d100:
(85): Total = 85

Rolling 1d100:
(74): Total = 74


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Re: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC
« Reply #42 on: January 30, 2010, 01:29:28 PM »

Animal: Chimp
Mutation: Accidental Encounter
Background: Raised by a mentor (see Tad's entry)

Chimp attribute bonuses:
IQ +6
ME +2
MA +4
PS +4
PE +3

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC
« Reply #43 on: January 30, 2010, 01:51:27 PM »
God damn. Fucking apes and their massive bonuses.


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Re: Post here if you want to roll up a TMNT & Other Strange PC
« Reply #44 on: February 01, 2010, 01:39:18 AM »
I ran a TMNT for Tom and Jason tonight. Tom got a mink with a freakish physical strength. Jason rolled a seal. And he refused to give it any human features. Just loaded it up with psychic powers.

So, Dwayne Martin and Coco the psychic baby seal rescued the president's daughters from ninjas at Sea World.
