I'm Aaron and I'm 30 and a Capricorn and a Norse Pagan. Two of those things are relevant and they're probably not the middle two.
I went through a couple of looooong dryspells with gaming. I was in a D&D3e and a Kult game in 2002, then I moved back to Albuquerque. In about 2004 got into a GURPS game with some... pretentious people and I didn't last long. The GM was a prick and many of the players weren't much better. I'd had to ask that the game be moved to Saturday nights because I'd just gotten a job that precluded gaming weeknights. Then I had a family emergency and couldn't make it one Saturday. I was told that I had to beg to be allowed back in to the game because they'd already gone so far out of their way to accommodate me. Sorry, I can apologize for the inconvenience, but I'm never going to beg to stay in ~any~ game. Then I went until 2008 before finding another local game, brought together by D&D Game Day last year. It became a regular game (which then died). I then I got incredibly lucky and got invited to a Star Wars game and I've enjoyed good luck with games since then, being in three different campaigns now.
I'm going to repay the good karma by DMing this weekend for 2009 D&D Game Day, for a 15-16 hour shift playing games on Saturday. It's going to be awesome and deathly.