Greetings, everyone! I'm The Lost Carol, AKA Greg. I'm from [REDACTED] in Northeast Ohio. First time caller, long time listener. I looked up RPG podcasts after I got into the hobby a few years ago and RPPR immediately caught my eye because it not only talked about RPGs but played them. My first APs were Polybius (Still my fav) and the Night Clerk, which were pretty good intros to the group and to the world outside of 2.5. I've grown to love RPGs, but sadly don't play them as much as I'd like. My group only does a 2.5 D&D campaign and we're lucky to meet once a month. I hope GM and get them into EP or some of the other books I've bought like CoC, MaOCT, or Slasher Flick, or maybe find some players online after my life settles down.
RPPR Listener traits:
>Grad school
>Grad School
Fail. Though I am a college graduate, '10 with a BA in Mass Media Communication... not that it's done anything for me, of course.
Fail. No pets. Though I bet Ross doesn't mind lol
Fail. Hate alcohol, though not for lack of trying. Guess I'll need some new traits.