Greetings, all! Long time listener and lurker, finally got around to making a forum account. My name is Derek, and I've been an avid RPPR listener for a few years now, since around the start of Know Evil, which inspired me to run an Eclipse Phase campaign for my group that lasted over two years, and I have pretty much been a fan ever since.
In real life, I'm 33, work as a toolmaker, and have been a lifelong gamer, mainly of roleplaying games, having recieved my first set of polyhedral dice in the third grade. I am currently running Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition for my group, which is a pleasant nostalgia trip, as I haven't done anything D&D since getting burned out on 3.5 many, many years ago.
I usually avoid forums, in general, as most of them are wretched hives of scum and villiany, but the RPPR community is really great, and listening to the podcast has given me many new ideas on how to run better games, and tell better stories.