Hello all,
My name is Kevin, I'm from the Detroit area here in the Wolverine state (Go Blue!).
I'm kinda old..42 going on 43 and have been gaming on and off since the golden age of the early 80's.
I really love the RppR podcasts and finally felt inclined to check out the website.....here...checking.
Anyway I've been a pretty hardcore Call of Cthulhu player and Lovecraftian for the last 20 years but recently realized I am in a total state of Cthulhu-burnout. The same basic tropes have been done into the ground for me....painfully so. Ugh...it hurts. Please no more shoggoths, no deep ones, no Shubnubs etc.
Sadly, I was actually getting ready to go dormant again as far as gaming and find something else to do. That is until I listened to one of Tom's anti-Palladium rants. Which strangely compelled me to go dig out my old Palladium books. To my suprise I started reading the crap out of them...yeah I remembered how goofy the system is...but at the same time I remembered how much frikken fun I had playing TMNT, Robotech (all three eras) and PFRPG. My prostate then released mega doses of creative juice!!!
For all you can say about the system sucking...the settings always were overflowing with fun. Anyway...I recently started up a fresh new group and started playing Nightbane. It was actually kinda a nice change a pace pounding on the supernatural, rather than running away yet again. The battle was actually very hard fought, but the Saturday session was wall to mega-frikken damage wall fun.
Life's too short to slag on everything...I officially quit slagging Palladium.
I've met Kevin Siembieda, yeah I'm sure he's some mad psuedo-genius, control freak, but damn if he aint engaging, entertaining and encouraging. I live 10 minutes away from the Palladium offices and warehouse, so I feel like I am supporting our local homegrown hero. I actually plan on going to their open house in May....which from what I've read are epic.
I'm happy to be here.
Let the juices flow!
PS-I've only played Rifts once. I died...