Game Title: To Save a Kingdom? A Farcical D&D Game
System: 3.5E D&D - SRD Only
Players Wanted: 4-?
Posting Rate: Every other day or 100 times an hour depending
Special Rules: No Advancement - Everyone Plays as a Level One Commoner (See Text Below)
Advancement Rules: Ha! You wish!
This is a farcical D&D game in the spirit of the Old School Dungeon Crawl games.
Everyone begins and ends as a level one commoner who has been granted an extraordinary gift from the god of their choosing. Basically, everyone's choosing went something like this.
God: "Hey you!"
You: (Looks Around)
God: "Yeah, you hoeing the potatoes."
You: "Me."
God: "Yeah, you, here enjoy."
The god then granted you your gift. And you've decided that since you were chosen, you are going to use your gift to save the Kingdom. Is the Kingdom in danger? You don't actually know, but it seems to be in danger a lot because of all the silly adventurers running around.
So what was the gift?
100 skill points to one skill. Here's the catch, though, the god being a sarcastic son-of-a-gun choose the skill at random.
In game terms, this means we will only be using skills from the D20 SRD, which can be found
here for normal skills and
here for epic skills.
If you choose to play, you will roll 1d20 to determine the skill you get 200 points in. Do you get anything else? Nope, you're just a commoner with an epic level skill level in one skill. Here's the list. Good luck.
1. Balance
2. Bluff
3. Climb
4. Decipher Script
5. Diplomacy
6. Disable Device
7. Disguise
8. Escape Artist
9. Forgery
10. Handle Animal
11. Heal
12. Hide
13. Listen
14. Perform
15. Search
16. Sense Motive
17. Sleight of Hand
18. Spot
19. Tumble
20. Use Rope
Other than your one epic level skill, all characters will have 4 hit points and 8 skill points to spend in skills of their choice other than their epic skill. Everyone's stats will be straight 10s, so there will be no stat bonuses to skills.