Author Topic: What do you guys think?  (Read 11979 times)

Flawless P

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What do you guys think?
« on: October 20, 2010, 05:20:36 PM »
This is a very short adventure that I wrote for introducing players to the game mechanics while starting off a 1-shot/campaign starter.

Starting out

The adventure starts with the party on the road into town. They are stopped by a group of Goblins (3-4 depending on party size, plus a spot check DC 15 to see the 2 goblins in the tree off to the right with bows ready) who will Bluff them to convince the PC's that they are surronded. They will demand payment of 2 gp per adventure as a "toll". The goblins in the trees will only attack if the given the signal or the PC's become hostile.
In order to act during the surprise round each character must make a DC 12 Sense Motive check to recognize the signal. Any character who makes it rolls initiative as normal, failure means they must wait till the second round to act.
I recommend giving at least one of the goblins class level(s) for a little extra challenge. If you decide to go with this I would use a Goblin Rogue stats as follows

Str 12
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 12
Atk Dagger +4 1d3+1 (1d6 Sneak Attack)
Feat Weapon Finesse

As combat is likely(lets face it players don't like to be threatened) the goblins will NOT stand and fight to the death if two or more go down they will run. At this point wether or not the players chase them down is not all that relevant, what is relevant is the pile of loot behind the goblins tree. Giving out around 15 gp per character should be sufficent. They also have a Masterwork Longsword with an offcial looking crest on the hilt sitting next to a helmet with the same crest. DC 10 Knowledge Local or Int check reveals that it belongs to the town guard of the town you are heading towards.

The adventure then finds itself heading back down the road, Upon arrival to the town the PC's are free to roam about.
If the PC's go to any public meeting place ask for a Listen Check and upon success let them know that the goblins they just encountered have been bleeding the town dry, and are in fact part of a larger faction of theives living in a forest cave, and that a small group of guards were sent out to handle it but they have not returned.(Even if none of this is learned there are bounty posters for the highway bandits that the PC's encountered)

Either of those things should urge the players to meet with the town guard, who pay the bounty of 100 gp to the group, plus another 50 if the helmet and sword are returned.

The guards numbers are low after sending out the strike team and they cannot spare anyone else, they ask the PC's if they are interested in a little mercenary work. The players should head out at their earliest convinence, most likely in the morning. If they want to head out that night, one of the guards could be helpful and mention Goblins can see in the dark, which could put some of the PC's at a disadvantage. At any rate the PC's will have to go through the forest to find the cave. It is not very well hidden and there is a pile of torches leaning up against the front of the cave. Also, note that there should be 2 Goblins following at a healthy distance DC 22 to Spot(and only if they ask to check). If one of the PC's grab for a torch a choking/blinding dust trap goes off in a burst centered on the torches. any player within 5 ft. is subject to the trap. DC 14 Fortitude save to avoid being Blinded for 1d4+1 rounds and Dazed for half as long, on a success they are only Dazed for 1 round.

Blind: The character cannot see. He takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class, loses his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), moves at half speed, and takes a –4 penalty on Search Checks and on most Strength and Dexterity-based skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Spot Checks) automatically fail. All opponents are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance) to the blinded character. Characters who remain blinded for a long time grow accustomed to these drawbacks and can overcome some of them.

Dazed: The creature is unable to act normally. A dazed creature can take no actions, but has no penalty to AC.

If any of the PC's fail their save the two goblins strike! Hoping to catch the affected PC(s) off guard with arrow attacks from behind their trees. After the goblins are taken out the PC's should continue into the cave, where a trip wire trap is waiting for them Search DC is only 12 on this one DC 14 Reflex Save to avoid being tripped and taking 1d4 damage. If the none of the PC's triggered the dust trap the Goblins take their chance to strike now. The cave ends pretty quickly, coming to a makeshift door blocking the way, the door looks like it came off of a wagon. DC 10 Listen check will allow the PC's to hear a female voice screaming at the goblins. She is livid with them for killing the town guardsmen and with how many innocent people have been killed. She should also express to them(while they grovel and beg for forgiveness) that she doesn't do things the same way he brother does and that she believes that while it is easier to kill people for what you need she won't stoop down to her brothers level.
Any PC's who attempt sense motive should know that she sounds like she believes what she is saying. If the PC's bust in she will initially be hostile, she will cast Shield on herself and should already have Mage Armor up.

These stats should be used for her brother as well. except instead of sheild he uses shocking grasp.
Sorceror 2/ Rogue 1 HP 17

AC 20

Str 12
Dex 14
Con 14
Int  16
Wis 14
Cha 18

Spells Known
Mage Armor

Wand of Magic Missle 5 charges left

Dagger  +2 1d4+1 (Sneak Attack 1d6)
Handcrossbow +2 1d4 damage

Weapon Finesse

Her brother is actually in the room hiding out watching his sister run his little theives den, he knows she cannot be trusted for very long and her interactions with the PC's prove that she is willing to sell him. She is not evil, but her brother is very evil, he will attack the PC's while the goblins in the room join him. The encounter shouldnt take too many rounds he has low hp and is out actioned. If you feel like the combat is a bit too easy you could bring goblins in from behind the pc's to try to flank them, but with level 1 characters there is a fine line beteween challenging combat and TPK.

After the PC's defeat her brother she thanks them for her freedom from the family business and offers to help them take everything back to town, while turning herself in. Gold pieces and a few potions/scrolls should also be available in the treasure looted from the cave if the PC's decide to keep the spoils.

Well there it is, the fastest game session I've ever written.
What do you all think?
« Last Edit: October 21, 2010, 05:42:21 PM by Flawless P »
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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2010, 11:38:51 AM »
Use 4E  ;D
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Flawless P

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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2010, 12:57:52 PM »
Thanks your sooooo helpful  ::)  ;D
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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2010, 03:06:12 PM »
Okay, what I'm seeing is a chain of events waiting to be broken. If you want to be sure your players go fight the goblins at all, you should have them already be a mercenary group looking for work, not everyone is out looking for people with glowing exclamation mark over their head.

Is that an short adventure for other people to run or mainly for yourself? It seems that you would be better of being less detailed and having more space for player input. A situation that can be solved in more way than to "attack at night, or attack during daylight". Perhaps they can be lured out. Maybe the players don't want to murder the goblins and decide to arrest and exile them in some way.

Feels like you got more of a screenplay when sometimes notes can be reduced to:
"Have goblins fuck shit up. Sister okay but brother's a douche."
and still have an amazing game.

Flawless P

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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2010, 04:40:19 PM »
Okay, what I'm seeing is a chain of events waiting to be broken. If you want to be sure your players go fight the goblins at all, you should have them already be a mercenary group looking for work, not everyone is out looking for people with glowing exclamation mark over their head.

Is that an short adventure for other people to run or mainly for yourself? It seems that you would be better of being less detailed and having more space for player input. A situation that can be solved in more way than to "attack at night, or attack during daylight". Perhaps they can be lured out. Maybe the players don't want to murder the goblins and decide to arrest and exile them in some way.

Feels like you got more of a screenplay when sometimes notes can be reduced to:
"Have goblins fuck shit up. Sister okay but brother's a douche."
and still have an amazing game.

oops I didn't mention that they were supposed to be a group of mercenaries off the bat? This one was mainly for myself as a way to teach beginners how each thing works, this is like the first session of a  2 part in part two I want to introduce grapple, trip, bull rush, ect. ect.

I know it seems railroaded and that was something I struggled with from the beginning, that is one of the reasons I posted it, I am looking to get feedback on this sort of thing.

You know the whole "how would you do this?" thing. If anyone has anything to add I am more than happy to take the harshest of criticism.
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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2010, 05:27:08 PM »
Do you have a group of new players? I've approached it with the idea of running this to an RP group who doesn't play D&D.

Railroading isn't always bad, especially if your group doesn't know what to do next, but what about introducing a problem that has no clear-cut solution? Something they have to think about and perhaps discuss.

Reward what you want out of your players and you'll have them play a certain way. If loot is only obtainable through killing enemies, then they will kill at every opportunity.

Flawless P

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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2010, 05:35:37 PM »
Do you have a group of new players? I've approached it with the idea of running this to an RP group who doesn't play D&D.

Railroading isn't always bad, especially if your group doesn't know what to do next, but what about introducing a problem that has no clear-cut solution? Something they have to think about and perhaps discuss.

Reward what you want out of your players and you'll have them play a certain way. If loot is only obtainable through killing enemies, then they will kill at every opportunity.

True, I will start thinking of some alternative methods, I am hoping they come up with some filler material in between getting into town and going on the mission. The group I am thinking of running it for has never roleplayed before so I am not sure what to expect. My friend might join in if he is off on the day we decide to play, but his cousin and 2 others are the target audience of the game.

Also ironically enough this whole scenario was written on the basis of "Goblins steal shit, then group uncovers lair and kills them. Moral conflict?"
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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2010, 12:43:04 PM »
Since I'm in this thread I can try to help.
In my experience, with people who have never gamed before they kind of behave a certain way.

The person that is just so excited to be in a fantasy world and is overwhelmed by all the options that they do nothing, ever.

The person that is just so excited to be in a fantasy world and tries to do everything, stealing, killing, getting chicks at bars, selling random crap, inventing their own story.

And other people that behave in other ways.

 Personally I'd start with the players getting attacked on the road to town. Like  "You are all on the road, introduce your characters." And once that is over "Oh noESS Goblinsss!" In town they can kind of get more information on the goblins, figure out where they are hiding or what treasures they have or if any townspeople are missing. The goblins can also have stolen a random object that an NPC wants back, like a wallet.

I wouldn't try to do too much though. These are noobs, they aren't going to be judging you really, they will  be more concerned with if they are playing the game right (maybe).

I'm not sure you need to add a moral dilemma for the players, but an easy one would be  they can either Rescue the prisoner (random town folk or a best friend/ future important NPC) or Increased loot (magic weapon, golds, wondrous items). And if you want to make it more or less moral = if they choose treasure then somehow the prisoner gets away safely but can still badmouth the players.
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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2010, 01:43:13 PM »
Really, I think it'd be best to talk to the players a bit before about what they know about roleplaying game and what they'd like to do. Sometimes, new players can have more interesting concept than simply being a disgruntled dwarf. It has a bit to do with maturity for sure.

Ask them if they've ever done theater or improv and if they like it. Some players don't want to roleplay, some just don't want to do silly voices yet their actions consist of roleplaying.

I realize the sillyness of having a moral conflict regarding goblins, but the brother and sister angle can definitely be fleshed out. [spoiler]Incest.[/spoiler] [spoiler]I'm kidding. That is disgusting.[/spoiler]

You could even have the goblins stealing to pay for the resurection of the brother/sister's tragically lost kin  (I don't know how goblins work, shut up) while the local church asks for a steep price (not knowing their in charge of a goblin horde.) You could have the humans be a new settlement on goblin lands; They're trying to drive the humans away with their 6 INT guerrila warfare.

The players don't really have to even be choosing between helping or killing, it can simply be that their enemies aren't Disney villains doing evil for the sake of evil.

That's just me though, I hate the concept of chaotic evil because it makes no sense. People usually justify their own actions unless they are deeply psychotic. Even then, they think everyone is out to get them.

Black & white morality isn't wrong, I just find it more fun as a DM not to have more complexity, whether the players care or not.