[6:01:29 PM] Sam Graebner: Hey Ross, Sam Graebner here. Salkovich from the forums and one of the ransom contributors.
[6:01:29 PM] Ross Payton: Ross Payton has shared contact details with Sam Graebner.
[6:02:18 PM] Ross Payton: lets see who else wants to play
[6:02:36 PM] Sam Graebner: roger
[6:04:52 PM] Ross Payton: i will add them to this conversation
[6:04:58 PM] Ross Payton: when i get confirmation
[6:05:05 PM] Sam Graebner: sounds good
[6:05:10 PM] Sam Graebner: do you have pregens?
[6:05:10 PM] *** Ross Payton added ***
[6:05:24 PM] Sam Graebner: oh hai patrick
[6:05:38 PM] *** Ross Payton added Charlie72 ***
[6:05:47 PM] *** Call ended ***
[6:05:53 PM] Ross Payton: still eating
[6:05:53 PM] Ross Payton: atm
[6:09:26 PM] Ross Payton: trying to see if anyone else wants to play
[6:11:19 PM] :
http://sourceforge.net/projects/byakhee/[6:12:49 PM] Ross Payton: oh hai
[6:13:48 PM] *** Ross Payton sent thomas borrow - IT guy.pdf,... ***
[6:20:44 PM] *** Ross Payton added Mike Ranalli ***
[6:22:37 PM] *** Ross Payton sent thomas borrow - IT guy.pdf,... ***
[6:25:26 PM] *** Ross Payton added catharticlobster, Sean Henderson ***
[6:26:15 PM] Sean Henderson: woah hey
[6:26:38 PM] Sean Henderson: is there a call going?
[6:26:47 PM] Mike Ranalli: Yuppers.
[6:27:00 PM] Sean Henderson: AW YEAH LET ME GET IN ON THAT SHIT
[6:27:18 PM] *** Ross Payton sent thomas borrow - IT guy.pdf,... ***
[6:27:20 PM] Sam Graebner: SO MANY FILES
[6:27:49 PM] Ross Payton: phone
[6:33:22 PM] *** added Matt ***
[6:34:42 PM] *** sent Mall Ninja - Machine Gunner.pdf ***
[6:34:51 PM] Sean Henderson: :T
[6:34:51 PM] : Martin Power from the Night Mall game
[6:34:53 PM] *** Ross Payton sent brian hilton - designer.pdf,... ***
[6:34:56 PM] Sam Graebner: oh man
[6:34:58 PM] Sam Graebner: manz
[6:36:54 PM] *** Call ended, duration 31:04 ***
[6:37:01 PM] Sam Graebner: aw shit
[6:37:01 PM] *** Conference call ***
[6:37:03 PM] Sean Henderson: ahahahahaha
[6:37:05 PM] Matt: lulz
[6:37:23 PM] *** Ross Payton removed catharticlobster from this conversation. ***
[6:37:37 PM] *** Ross Payton removed from this conversation. ***
[6:38:24 PM] Charlie72: 15 APP BABY
[6:38:32 PM] Sam Graebner: 13
[6:38:34 PM] Sam Graebner: i'm uglier
[6:38:42 PM] Matt: ditto
[6:38:47 PM] Sean Henderson: 14, I'm meh
[6:38:53 PM] Charlie72: I'm Sexy as fuck
[6:38:58 PM] Sam Graebner: i took this guy purely for the idea
[6:39:01 PM] Sam Graebner: 75 AW YEAH
[6:39:07 PM] Charlie72: I get all the frawlines
[6:39:20 PM] Sean Henderson: rofl
[6:40:08 PM] Mike Ranalli: 6 APP, bitches.
[6:40:17 PM] Sam Graebner: ewwwww
[6:40:22 PM] Sean Henderson: mmmm yeah
[6:40:29 PM] Sean Henderson: you know you want this
[6:40:36 PM] Sam Graebner: haha you've just got a bag over your head
[6:40:52 PM] Sean Henderson: it's just a close up of my flaccid penis
[6:41:01 PM] Sam Graebner: you mean dice bag?
[6:41:09 PM] Sean Henderson: . . . sure.
[6:41:17 PM] Sean Henderson: why not.
[6:41:24 PM] Sam Graebner: (shh just let me be ignorant)
[6:42:53 PM] Mike Ranalli: Holy shit STR 18 SIZ 16
[6:43:28 PM] Sam Graebner: sexy SEXY german
[6:43:31 PM] Charlie72: Your HUGE
[6:43:43 PM] Charlie72: YOU MUST HAVE HUGE GUTS
[6:43:56 PM] Mike Ranalli: RIP AND TEAR
[6:44:01 PM] Mike Ranalli: RRRRRRRRRAGGGGGHHH
[6:44:10 PM] Sam Graebner: SO ANGRY
[6:44:26 PM] Charlie72: WHO"S A MAN IN A HALF
[6:44:46 PM] Charlie72: YOU"RE A MAN AND A HALF
[6:47:17 PM] Matt: just lost sam there
[6:47:25 PM] Sam Graebner: gah
[6:47:36 PM] Sean Henderson: I'm getting massive distortion here
[6:47:39 PM] Sam Graebner: same
[6:47:40 PM] Sam Graebner: yeah
[6:47:52 PM] Sean Henderson: IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT ROSS
[6:47:55 PM] Sam Graebner: OH SHIT
[6:47:57 PM] Sam Graebner: COUGAR
[6:48:06 PM] Mike Ranalli: ROLL THE DICE TO SEE IF I GET LAID
[6:48:19 PM] Sam Graebner: pick up lines...while listening to an ipod
[6:48:24 PM] Matt: classy
[6:48:26 PM] Sam Graebner: it's the best plan
[6:48:36 PM] Matt: "motivational"
[6:48:40 PM] Sam Graebner: "dinner"
[6:48:45 PM] Matt: hawt
[6:48:58 PM] Sean Henderson: und I vas like "get out of meine hausen!"
[6:49:28 PM] Sam Graebner: it's so...white
[6:49:38 PM] Sam Graebner: and...clean
[6:49:51 PM] Mike Ranalli: Not at all sand-like. Insurgents could be hiding in that!
[6:50:20 PM] Mike Ranalli: There we go. Distortion's gone.
[6:50:30 PM] Matt: all we needed was a phone call
[6:50:51 PM] Charlie72:
[6:51:19 PM] Charlie72: The song My guy is listening too
[6:51:35 PM] Sean Henderson: oh god
[6:51:41 PM] Sean Henderson: not this
[6:51:46 PM] Sean Henderson: WHY
[6:51:49 PM] Sean Henderson: WHYYYY
[6:52:40 PM] Sam Graebner: uh oh
[6:52:48 PM] Matt: 911 has hold music?
[6:52:58 PM] Sam Graebner: in carcoas
[6:53:03 PM] Sam Graebner: *carcosa
[6:56:44 PM] Sam Graebner: woo! sanity starts early
[6:59:19 PM] Mike Ranalli: Royksopp - Remind Me is playing while people are being shot in the background...
[6:59:52 PM] Charlie72: Blood in the snow
[6:59:58 PM] Matt: 50 cent 3
[7:00:30 PM] Charlie72: Bitch Stole my Snowman
[7:00:39 PM] Sam Graebner: shit ross is cutting out
[7:00:54 PM] Matt: not for me
[7:00:55 PM] Charlie72: I hear him fine
[7:01:34 PM] Sam Graebner: ok
[7:01:38 PM] Sam Graebner: think i'm good
[7:04:24 PM] Sean Henderson: looking askank?
[7:04:39 PM] Ross Payton: askance
[7:07:12 PM] Matt: apparently people didn't realize I said SLR
[7:07:33 PM] Sean Henderson: you obviously said "arsehole"
[7:08:03 PM] Sean Henderson: keep my arsehole at the ready in case I need to flash something
[7:08:14 PM] Matt: oh you

[7:08:29 PM] Sam Graebner: roll to rationalize
[7:08:36 PM] Matt: 00
[7:08:41 PM] Sam Graebner: filled with confettie?
[7:08:43 PM] Sam Graebner: what
[7:08:48 PM] Mike Ranalli: And then they died together. Thus ended the shortest game of CoC ever! YAAAAY
[7:10:10 PM] Matt: it's a con game
[7:10:14 PM | Edited 7:10:17 PM] Matt: we can't die until 2 hours in
[7:10:31 PM] Sam Graebner: OH HAI CTHULHU
[7:10:48 PM] Mike Ranalli: She's an Iraq vet. It'll end off when things start getting wooley.
[7:11:38 PM] Mike Ranalli: So much for the 'it's a bong' theory.
[7:12:24 PM] Sam Graebner: it's slenderman
[7:12:33 PM] Mike Ranalli: Luckily, this is Fatal Frame. You saved the day!
[7:12:41 PM] Sean Henderson: yaaaaaay
[7:13:30 PM] Mike Ranalli: Then... there was a FIYAH-FIIIIIIIIITE
[7:13:34 PM] Sam Graebner: yes
[7:13:38 PM] Sam Graebner: so much yes
[7:13:53 PM] Sean Henderson: it's because she's a woman
[7:13:58 PM] Sean Henderson: that's why
[7:14:07 PM] Matt: safehaus
[7:14:16 PM] Mike Ranalli: Left4Cthulhu?
[7:14:25 PM] Sean Henderson: "safehouse"
[7:14:45 PM] Sean Henderson: = "internment camp"
[7:14:55 PM] Sean Henderson: "sexy woman"
[7:15:04 PM] Sean Henderson: = "filthy juden"
[7:15:08 PM] Sam Graebner: oh
[7:15:09 PM] Sam Graebner: wow
[7:15:24 PM] Sean Henderson: it's okay
[7:15:31 PM] Sean Henderson: I've got a little jew in me
[7:15:38 PM] Sam Graebner: oh well
[7:15:51 PM] Sean Henderson: it's really uncomfortable
[7:16:15 PM] Mike Ranalli: *shrug* Someone had to say it.

[7:16:35 PM] Sean Henderson: (I'm offensive ironically)
[7:16:48 PM] Sean Henderson: (so goddamn hipster it hurts)
[7:17:22 PM] Sam Graebner: speaking of hipster. i have a friend who had no idea what pbr was until yesterday
[7:17:31 PM] Sean Henderson: lol
[7:17:34 PM] Sean Henderson: that shit sucks
[7:17:38 PM] Sam Graebner: yes
[7:17:39 PM] Sam Graebner: yes it does
[7:17:46 PM] Sean Henderson: it tastes like watery ball juice
[7:18:04 PM] Matt: weather = lead raindrops
[7:19:08 PM] Matt: excuse me where do you keep your firearms
[7:19:24 PM] Mike Ranalli: i can has shotgun? :3
[7:20:27 PM] Charlie72: kill him
[7:20:37 PM] Matt: that's the charlie we've grown to love
[7:20:38 PM] Charlie72: He's wvil
[7:20:39 PM] Sam Graebner: we're instantly suspicious
[7:20:53 PM] Charlie72: and also evil
[7:21:03 PM] Mike Ranalli: He's good. That's bad.
[7:21:09 PM] Mike Ranalli: Carcosa?
[7:21:12 PM] Sam Graebner: yes
[7:21:22 PM] Sam Graebner: it's ross
[7:21:27 PM] Sam Graebner: did you expect anything else?
[7:21:35 PM] Matt: shit, it's night mall
[7:21:39 PM] Mike Ranalli: and then RPPR podcast was a ZOMBIE
[7:21:42 PM] Sam Graebner: bahahah
[7:21:51 PM] Charlie72: There is no 7th floor
[7:21:57 PM] Sean Henderson: wat.
[7:22:00 PM] Mike Ranalli: Is the man wearing yellow?
[7:22:26 PM] Charlie72: Did he look wygption
[7:23:16 PM] Charlie72: egyptian*
[7:23:47 PM] Sam Graebner: INSTANT DONNER PARTY
[7:23:50 PM] Sam Graebner: we eat charlie first
[7:24:08 PM] Mike Ranalli: I'm the alpha female, I die last.

[7:24:50 PM] Sam Graebner: i don't have tranqs this game
[7:25:25 PM] Sam Graebner: that was a mistake
[7:25:36 PM] Matt: just give him more booze
[7:25:38 PM] Matt: it's his medicine
[7:25:43 PM] Mike Ranalli: I'm a gun bunny sans gun. This will be interesting.
[7:25:44 PM] Sam Graebner: it makes him invincible
[7:27:06 PM] Sam Graebner: sean is our blue key to open the red door
[7:27:14 PM] Sean Henderson: teehee
[7:28:04 PM] Mike Ranalli: Luckily, the janitor saw fit to keep a gun closet in the regular closet!

[7:28:14 PM] Sam Graebner: he's been preparing for this day
[7:28:19 PM] Matt: yo dawg I herd you like closets
[7:28:30 PM] Mike Ranalli: The... Northwest will rise again!
[7:28:33 PM] Sam Graebner: BRAAAHHHHHNNN
[7:29:11 PM] Sean Henderson: it's a witch!
[7:29:15 PM] Sean Henderson: lights off!
[7:30:09 PM] Charlie72: whitch
[7:30:10 PM] Mike Ranalli: Guys how did a woman get down here
[7:30:14 PM] Sean Henderson: oh god I was right
[7:30:16 PM] Mike Ranalli: The door was locked
[7:30:19 PM] Mike Ranalli: CARCOOOOOOSAAAAA
[7:30:21 PM] Sean Henderson: red eyes
[7:30:21 PM] Sam Graebner: wahtever! she's in trouble
[7:30:22 PM] Matt: oh yeah
[7:30:23 PM] Sam Graebner: we have to help
[7:30:29 PM] Sam Graebner: DEFEAT THE DARKNESS
[7:30:32 PM] Sam Graebner: aw shit
[7:30:35 PM] Sean Henderson: claw hands
[7:30:37 PM] Matt: NIGHTSTALKER
[7:31:22 PM] Mike Ranalli: The weeping angels?
[7:32:11 PM] Sean Henderson: TIME KOOB
[7:32:18 PM] Matt: koob 2
[7:32:20 PM] Matt: hyperkoob
[7:32:30 PM] Sean Henderson: lmaooo
[7:32:31 PM] Charlie72: Koob^2
[7:32:40 PM] Sam Graebner: hang on, shutting all my blinds
[7:32:58 PM] Mike Ranalli: Prognosis:
[7:33:00 PM] Sam Graebner: too much creepy
[7:33:04 PM] Mike Ranalli: Bitch be crazy!
[7:33:16 PM] Matt: prescription
[7:33:19 PM] Matt: pimp hand upside
[7:33:30 PM] Sean Henderson: she's craycray
[7:35:38 PM] Sean Henderson: you just jelly cuz charlie be stylin on u
[7:35:54 PM] Mike Ranalli: iA IA FTagn
[7:36:36 PM] Sam Graebner: oh. the night clerk
[7:36:38 PM] Sam Graebner: of course
[7:36:51 PM] Mike Ranalli: IN HEEEEELLLLLL
[7:37:03 PM] Matt: goddammit
[7:37:07 PM] Matt: more slendermans
[7:37:10 PM] Sam Graebner: so many
[7:37:18 PM] Sam Graebner: spenderman? he give you 20 dollars
[7:38:45 PM] Sam Graebner: wait
[7:38:53 PM] Sam Graebner: two people having a converstion on 7?
[7:39:01 PM] Sam Graebner: there's only two walkies missing
[7:39:29 PM] Sam Graebner: plus the clerk...
[7:39:41 PM] Matt: it's a cover
[7:39:42 PM] Mike Ranalli: So we've got:
[7:39:45 PM] Mike Ranalli: A sniper.
[7:39:47 PM] Mike Ranalli: Clerk.
[7:39:47 PM] Matt: like inside man
[7:39:51 PM] Mike Ranalli: Woman.
[7:39:54 PM] Sam Graebner: well dressed man
[7:39:56 PM] Mike Ranalli: Dead guy outside.
[7:40:06 PM] Mike Ranalli: 5 of us.
[7:40:07 PM] Matt: well-dressed man may also be slender
[7:40:21 PM] Mike Ranalli: And old man.
[7:42:23 PM] Sam Graebner: fuck yeah maglite
[7:43:06 PM] Mike Ranalli: We'll use channel 4.
[7:43:10 PM] Sam Graebner: roger
[7:43:19 PM] Sam Graebner: and keeping my second walki on 10
[7:43:23 PM] Matt: this
[7:43:41 PM] Mike Ranalli: The three of us downstairs, if we have to change because of something, announce on the walkie-talkie we're changing to 5 - change to 2 instead.
[7:44:58 PM] Sam Graebner: aren't we below ground?
[7:44:59 PM] *** Ross Payton added RJ alban ***
[7:45:00 PM] Sam Graebner: cool air?
[7:45:04 PM] Sam Graebner: what?
[7:45:11 PM] Sam Graebner: i want to check that
[7:45:21 PM] Mike Ranalli: Definitely. I'll watch your back.
[7:46:16 PM] Sam Graebner: charlie is going through some identity crisis
[7:46:28 PM] Mike Ranalli: I thought I was playing the lady.

[7:46:39 PM] Sam Graebner: i love charlie's interpretation of germans
[7:46:50 PM] Mike Ranalli: Led to our doom by Eurotrash.
[7:46:57 PM] Sam Graebner: and smirnof
[7:47:30 PM] Sam Graebner: btw just out of curiosity, what's everyone's age?
[7:47:42 PM] RJ alban: my age or characters age.
[7:47:45 PM] Mike Ranalli: Old enough to know, young enough to do it anyway.
[7:47:47 PM] Sam Graebner: character, sorry
[7:48:14 PM] RJ alban: mid 40's
[7:48:20 PM] Mike Ranalli: 21 here. Straight out of Iraq, honorably medically disharged for being shot.
[7:48:27 PM] Mike Ranalli: Thus the paranoia.
[7:48:43 PM] Sam Graebner: hmm
[7:49:13 PM] Mike Ranalli: Is Rod Serling narrating the floor changes?
[7:50:15 PM] Sam Graebner: a wise choice
[7:50:44 PM] Mike Ranalli: No unholy hell-womb here!
[7:50:50 PM] Sam Graebner: haha no it's over here
[7:51:03 PM] Mike Ranalli: Ooo ooo poke it poke it
[7:51:16 PM] RJ alban: kill it with science!
[7:52:03 PM] Mike Ranalli: Does RJ have a walkie-talkie?
[7:52:09 PM] Sam Graebner: sanity blast in five...four...
[7:52:25 PM] Charlie72:
[7:52:29 PM] Charlie72: My song
[7:53:16 PM] Sam Graebner: he's high on life
[7:53:37 PM] Sam Graebner: he's gonna SNIFF OUT danger
[7:53:45 PM] Matt: YEEEEAAAHHHHH
[7:54:03 PM] Mike Ranalli: Slimer?
[7:54:11 PM] Sam Graebner: hey guys?
[7:54:15 PM] Sam Graebner: i think we're fucked
[7:55:05 PM] Mike Ranalli: Why did I have to stare pensively out that window?
[7:55:07 PM] Sam Graebner: big squirrel
[7:55:12 PM] Sam Graebner: hahah yes. it's all your fault
[7:55:20 PM] Mike Ranalli: They grow'm big round here. Ayup.
[7:56:14 PM] Sam Graebner: well, goodbye Arje
[7:56:31 PM] Mike Ranalli: "They're in the walls."
[7:56:39 PM] Sam Graebner: do they have racoons in germany?
[7:56:54 PM] Mike Ranalli: They have an equivalent, I'm guessing.
[7:57:14 PM] Mike Ranalli: Der rodentshlammer, I'm guessing.
[7:57:29 PM] Sam Graebner: nothing that starts "something grabs you" is ever good
[7:57:52 PM] Sean Henderson: I'm trying to think of a way to make a joke about german racoons, but nothing comes to mind
[7:58:02 PM] Mike Ranalli: I'm so glad we're nice and safe in the basement!
[7:58:13 PM] Sam Graebner: haha you are. i just stepped into the hellwomb
[7:58:31 PM] Sam Graebner: baboon? or bamboo?
[7:58:36 PM] Sam Graebner: what did you just say?
[7:58:48 PM] Mike Ranalli: Figures the strong one is downstairs.
[7:59:06 PM] Mike Ranalli: You picked the drunk, man. Juuuuust saying!
[7:59:12 PM] Matt: i know
[7:59:17 PM] Matt: why did i think that was a good idea
[7:59:22 PM] Mike Ranalli: Alcohol?
[7:59:30 PM] Sam Graebner: hahah you did this in the fear itself game, too
[7:59:52 PM] Sam Graebner: i bet running out of the building isn't going to be a good plan this time
[7:59:57 PM] Mike Ranalli: AAAAAAH
[8:00:14 PM] Mike Ranalli: Do they remember I have a first aid kit?
[8:00:21 PM] Sam Graebner: of course not
[8:00:26 PM] Sam Graebner: why would they be rational
[8:00:31 PM] Sam Graebner: let's bar the basement door
[8:00:35 PM] Sam Graebner: chill out down here
[8:00:46 PM] Mike Ranalli: Build a man-cave. It'll be cool.
[8:00:50 PM] Sam Graebner: word
[8:00:51 PM] Matt: we'd have to go back downstairs
[8:01:04 PM] Matt: and fuck that shit
[8:01:12 PM] RJ alban: i worked in a hotel.
[8:01:14 PM] Mike Ranalli: Hey brah. Join the cool cats down in the nice safe basement.
[8:01:26 PM] RJ alban: bleeding on out shit happens far more frequently that you might beleive
[8:01:33 PM] RJ alban: our*
[8:01:43 PM] Matt: that doesn't actually surprise me that much
[8:02:10 PM] Mike Ranalli: Alright, guys, do not all blink at the same time. I saw this episode.
[8:02:11 PM] Charlie72: Shes out of the loop
[8:03:50 PM] Charlie72: IT IS CuBE
[8:03:54 PM] Matt: cube 2
[8:04:08 PM] RJ alban: hypercube
[8:04:13 PM] Charlie72: Samus
[8:04:14 PM] Charlie72: ?
[8:04:20 PM] Matt: good movie
[8:04:22 PM] Matt: but crazy as shit
[8:04:48 PM] Matt: IT'S MY WAY
[8:04:52 PM] Matt: YOU CAN'T HAVE IT
[8:05:21 PM] RJ alban:
http://i.imgur.com/6HBNJ.jpg[8:05:39 PM] Matt: *head asplode*
[8:05:47 PM] Mike Ranalli: MY MIIIIND
[8:05:51 PM] Sam Graebner: what