Author Topic: To build an evil empire  (Read 11422 times)


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To build an evil empire
« on: December 04, 2010, 11:02:56 PM »
I've been playing Evil Genius lately, and I was thinking, this could make a really fucked up RPG with the right people. Case in point, my gf wants an army of robotic bunnies with laser eyes and giant robot squirrels... I have a thing for catgirls and gundams. I was wondering if there is an rpg out there that has this, building your evil genius, designing minions, a secret base, vehicals, ect. I have a feeling there's a M&M book out there for this, but probably not the level of crazyness I'm thinking. I'm also inspired by one of the Stargate RPG book that lets you build your own System Lord empire.
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Re: To build an evil empire
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2010, 11:35:23 PM »
World of Synnibarr
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Re: To build an evil empire
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2010, 11:41:27 PM »
Reign has the best rules for organizations - should be possible to retrofit them for Wild Talents the ORE superhero game


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Re: To build an evil empire
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2010, 05:41:03 AM »

I want to see this done in Reign.
- Dan, Adding one to his Darkspiral Aura.


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Re: To build an evil empire
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2010, 08:17:55 AM »
If nothing else, I am now inspired to write harlequins for nerds. I gave this discription of my char to her:

just imagine, me slightly taller then you, long ponytail, the bangs around my face, scruffy, the glasses, trim, muscular without being scary, tshirt, jeans, boots, the knee length steryotypical labcoat, carring the touch screen laptop from stargate atlantis

And needless to say, big turn on for her, even for me actually...
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The only thing worse then zombies is nanotech zombies that are immune to disintegration.


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Re: To build an evil empire
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2010, 09:27:18 AM »

I want to see this done in Reign.

That reminds me a lot of
Rad Anthem.


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Re: To build an evil empire
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2010, 09:37:49 AM »
Had a look at Reign, cool but a little too low resolution for what I was thinking. I've been peicing together something using GURPS.
So far:
Evil Genius is a 500pt character to start off with.
You create minions using the ally group advantage, but you have to buy equipment directly. Makes the choice between robots with point based weapons and living minions that you have to buy gear for interesting.
Your base is handled entirely by the cost of living rules for simplicity, and you're assumed to have income assets in line with your weath to cover costs, logistic, ect. Evil Industries Steel Foundries has a wonderful Union btw.
Superscience kit is avalible using the normal high TL costing system, which means I can't get power armor and force screens for my Spartans yet...
Vehicles are also paid for out of pocket. Player created vehicles are... a pain in the ass.

So far:
The Professor is a 500pt scientist fed up with the world at large and humanity in general. He's extreamly intellegant but prefers to be thought of as a "Chaotic Nuetral Genius". No one is quite sure what he is after or where he gets his funding (cause I don't care enough to work it out).
He has the Muiltimillionare advatage for a starting wealth of $20mil. Income is $21,000 a month, and he lives at Status 3. His base is a mostly small underground complex on a tiny island in the middle of nowhere, with a short airstrip. It's crewed mostly by the Catgirl Allliance when they aren't deplyed.
Ally: Jessica, aka The Director: 3pt single ally with FoA 6 or less, she runs the base rather then doing field work. for 1pt, 375pt char
Ally Group: The Green Line: 1pt group of 100 with minion enhancement and FoA Constantly, these are the rank and file army of the Alliance, intellegant but totally devoted. They obey both the Director and the Professor as long as those orders don't contridict. 72pts, 125pts each
Ally Group: The Ashera: 5pt group of 10 with minion and FoA constantly, these are Spartans, god help you. 180pts, 500pt each

Obviously, this needs work still, beh
Just because you aren't drunk now doesn't mean you won't have a hangover tommarow.
The only thing worse then zombies is nanotech zombies that are immune to disintegration.