Its looks silly to have him in there, ie Robinhood. If you are just adding someone because you want some ethnic diversity at least have the character fit the story you are telling. However I agree that those opinions about attacking white culture and such are dumb.
uh huh
Jesus was a Galilean Jew so he most likely looked like a person of middle Eastern descent. Yet, he's commonly depicted as a white man.
Vikings brought Native Americans to Iceland 1000 years ago and had kids with some of them plus the fact that the vikings fucked pretty much any women they could get their hands on (looting and pillaging) I doubt they actually believed in the neo-nazi bullshit assholes like this guy does
Contemporary racist ideology did not exist in the middle ages - people cared more about what nation you were you from than what race you were - not to say that racism didn't exist - but the beliefs and attitudes of the vikings ARE REALLY FUCKING DIFFERENT than what you or I believe or think. - Who's to say the Vikings wouldn't have had a black or a mixed race viking with them? "Oh yeah, he looks different but he fights well so fuck it"
Shakespeare's plays have been performed countless times yet some of the best performances have been radical remakes - Kurosawa's Ran and Throne of Blood come to mind.
I am assuming that the Asgardians in Thor came to earth a long time ago and influenced our culture - leading to the norse myths - so it makes more sense that the Asgardians DO NOT match norse mythology perfectly - what story is perfectly retold in oral tradition over 1000 years?
As an artist, I applaud them actually trying to come up with a unique VISION for Thor and the Asgardians - it's a helluva a lot better than being a boring ass LOTR wannabe movie.
I prefer movies that have more diversity because they are more INTERESTING than another cookie cutter hollywood by the numbers piece of shit boring ass formulaic CGI laden piece of dreck.