Author Topic: 02A- Riveira's Apartment  (Read 115537 times)


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2011, 08:57:46 PM »
Reaver starts to really scan some of the pages he has picked up.  "It had to be Portuguese."

Linguistics (50) Rolling 1d100:
(50): Total = 50


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2011, 09:03:27 PM »
Muttering to himself "well that looks like a..... Yeah and that is a..... I think I've got this for the most part."

You are muttering to yourself again.

Yeah, I know.  Bad habits are hard to break.  Anything from our contacts?

Not yet.  All doors seem to be closed.  Perhaps if you make a peace offering?

I'll consider it.

Meanwhile, Reaver will go back to the pages as the Portuguese comes to him slowly.

Research (50)[+20 for Linguistics roll exactly]  Rolling 1d100:
(81): Total = 81


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2011, 09:05:57 PM »
After a couple of minutes, Reaver's head starts to ache from the eyestrain.  I thought I had this figured out.

Taking a break, he starts scanning the apartment for anything unusual.

Perception (50) Rolling 1d100:
(63): Total = 63
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 09:07:57 PM by csr556 »


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2011, 07:37:48 AM »
Reaver and Zeeb start pacing around the apartment, pushing away the lined paper and looking around. They look around for a while, but find nothing of much importance except more and more paper. The room ends up looking even messier than when they found it, if that were even possible.

Finally, Richard speaks up: "No offense man but I'm not so sure we will be able to find much here. I mean, sure, we can still try, but it looks like your home decoration project isn't going to help us find anything any easier."

[OOC] For any skill you have rolled and failed, you can try again at a -10 penalty. Or, you can call it a day and look for other leads elsewhere.


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2011, 06:26:11 PM »
"I'm not seeing anything useful around here.  Let me take a look at these papers again."

Perception (50)[+20 for linguistics][-10 for 2nd attempt] 60  Rolling 1d100:
(29): Total = 29


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2011, 06:56:59 PM »
"Whatever.  Just you watch," Zeeb directs at Richard.  Responding to Reaver, "Why don't you take another look at the papers, I'll give the place a last scan.  If I don't find anything, we'll bounce and take the papers.  With more times and the others, I'm sure we'll figure them out."  Zeeb once again begins rummaging through the apartment perhaps a bit distracted by looking for interesting devices to "borrow."

Perception (40) [-10 for second attempt] 30 <img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(32): Total = 32 </div>

"I guess you were right, as much as I hate to admit it," he concedes quietly.  "Well, I'm ready to go."


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2011, 08:27:31 AM »
Reaver holds up his hand while scanning another sheet "Hold on a sec, something looks interesting here.  Can you gather more papers?"


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #22 on: February 23, 2011, 11:49:32 AM »
As Reaver starts gathering more and more sheet, a pattern starts forming in his head. He manages to arrange the sheets in groups depending on the topics they deal with.

The first pile of papers is not only in Portuguese, but it also deals with important technical details regarding chemical and biological terraforming techniques associated with the Tharsis Terraforming Office. Looking through them, Reaver finds chemical formulas, genetic arrangements and geographical data on future terraforming efforts.

Jeeves appears in Reaver's entoptics, looking surprised. "Sir, I believe this could be important information regarding the terraforming projects of the TTO. I'm sure that they would not like this data to become public knowledge and it could serve as leverage against them if needed. Or, we could give these plans to another faction, I'm sure they would be glad to receive it though the Tharsis League could resent that."

Reaver also find what seem to be a few pages that do not match the other sheets. Looking through them, the data is not like the others: they are mathematical calculations and programming information. It seems obvious that Riveira was attempting to write down a piece of software, though what it was supposed to be is not immediately apparent.

A last pile of papers are dedicated to what seems to be like a daily planner. In it, Riveira lists out his daily schedule, Mesh accounts with their respective passwords, contact information including those of Barsoomian and Firewall contacts,  and more personal information.

Richard pops up in Zeeb's entoptics, a curious look in his eye.

"Y'know, I was kinda interested as to why this guy would write down so much, seeing as he had a Menton morph and nowadays everyone simply writes with their Mesh inserts. I did a bit of research on my own and it seems like scientists working with governmental affairs are assigned Morphs that have no long-term memory. It helps to make sure that secrets do not leave their work-place. Their muses are programmed to lead them on through the day and only remind them of what they have been programmed to remind them. If that wasn't enough, their base memories are often edited and they tend to go through a lot of psychosurgery. A pretty sad existence indeed."

Richard shakes his head

"I guess this guy must have wanted a semblance of memories that were not tampered by the government. It's actually pretty interesting- he stopped using his muse and his Mesh inserts, and instead reverted to plain old writing to keep track of his memory. I guess when technology is so much a part of our daily lives, we forget that non-technological means exist to do the exact same things."


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2011, 12:45:31 PM »
Jeeves, make e-copies of all these papers.  Also, all contact information, Barsoomian and Firewall, store and encrypt.

Reaver takes a look at the daily planner, trying to make some sense of it.  If there are dates, or an apparent order, he will look for the last entry.  "Zeeb, we have three categories here:  TTO terraforming - useful for the Barsoomians and TTO, some type of software program notes - beyond my skills, and a list of Barsoomian and Firewall contacts and a daily diary.  I'm thinking that the TTO information could help me get back into my contacts good graces in the Movement.  It could also be an 'Ace in the Hole' if we need to go after something they are doing.  What do you think?"

Jeeves, send a message to the others quickly - look for anything that has to do with software engineering or TTO Terraforming.  It may help narrow things down for them.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 12:57:54 PM by csr556 »


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #24 on: February 23, 2011, 04:01:25 PM »
"Interesting," Zeeb responds, "can I take a look at some of those?  Maybe something will pop out to me.  We should definitely take down a copy of those.  I mean I figure if he took the trouble to actually write stuff down rather than make a digital copy, he doesn't want anyone to be able to hack and take it.  I mean granted we broke into his place, but it wasn't exactly easy to figure out what was on these sheets."  Zeeb gives a look over the math and programming sheets.

Academics: Mathematics (50) Rolling 1d100:
(32): Total = 32

Programming (40) [+20 if related to AI Code] Rolling 1d100:
(58): Total = 58

[OOC: I also have Academics: Computer Science if that is relevant]


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2011, 07:43:23 PM »
"I've already had Jeeves scan everything into e-copy while I was reading it.  So it has been stored and can be sent to everyone when they're ready for it."


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #26 on: February 24, 2011, 06:17:24 PM »
Zeeb flips through the papers with the help of the translator. He manages to figure out that Riveira was writing down a firewall software, one that took an open-source yet very basic firewall and then programmed in extremely tough security measures. In specific it make quadruple checks on unknown programs that enter the user's Mesh inserts through biological means. It could be an active countermeasure for some sort of nanotoxin or drug, from what the programming info implies.

"I'll send the message right away" says Jeeves.


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #27 on: February 25, 2011, 08:39:56 AM »
Jeeves, encrypt and send this message to Sarah:

It has been a long time, and I apologize for shooting your uncle in the leg.  I didn't know at the time he was your uncle, and I even assisted him to safety. 

I had hoped this wouldn't affect our business relationship as much as it has.  However, I have some interesting documentation on TTO terra-forming that I think you may be interested in.

If you find these interesting enough, please let me know.  I still need some information on an ego named Shango if you would be so kind.

I look forward to resuming our mutual business partnership.

Persuasion (60)  Rolling 1d100:
(43): Total = 43

Networking Autonomists (40)  [all penalties and bonuses added in]  Rolling 1d100:
(73): Total = 73


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #28 on: February 28, 2011, 08:15:37 AM »
Reaver receives a response from Sarah. "Alright, we can meet. But be warned, I will have friends over. If you try anything, I'll fry your cortical stack personally. My turf, my rules."


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #29 on: February 28, 2011, 12:55:59 PM »
"Zeeb, my contact wants to meet about the info we have.  She hopefully has information about the Shango ego we have.  I will warn you, it won't be a very warm reception.  In fact, it may be colder than the Martian nights.  So, interested in going?"

Jeeves, let Sarah know that I will be coming with Zeeb.  Plot a course so we can stop off at the apartment.  I need to drop off my weapons.