Author Topic: Where do you listen to RPPR?  (Read 75588 times)


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Re: Where do you listen to RPPR?
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2011, 03:22:35 AM »
Me, I'm largely stuck at home, these days.  I don't get out except for infrequent grocery runs and a Sunday-based tabletop game every week.  I have a small trailer that I hole up in with my laptop.  My RPPR fixes happen while I'm playing games like Sims 3, and the like.  But I also listen to the podcasts whenever I'm doing prepwork for my own games.  I ran an altered version of Tom's first Divine Fire scenario thanks to listening to it while I was prepping for the closing session of a D&D I was running at the time.


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Re: Where do you listen to RPPR?
« Reply #31 on: February 24, 2011, 02:50:01 PM »
man people really love Divine Fire 1 - someone is running it at Fear the Con. As far as I know, the guy running it there hasn't contacted Tom so he's running it solely off the podcast.

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Re: Where do you listen to RPPR?
« Reply #32 on: February 24, 2011, 03:03:35 PM »
man people really love Divine Fire 1 - someone is running it at Fear the Con. As far as I know, the guy running it there hasn't contacted Tom so he's running it solely off the podcast.

I tried that. End up with a lesbian nun escaping the mountain compound to spread the infection. Good game.

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Re: Where do you listen to RPPR?
« Reply #33 on: February 24, 2011, 06:35:34 PM »
man people really love Divine Fire 1 - someone is running it at Fear the Con. As far as I know, the guy running it there hasn't contacted Tom so he's running it solely off the podcast.

Pease tell me Tom signed up for it.
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Re: Where do you listen to RPPR?
« Reply #34 on: February 24, 2011, 06:39:46 PM »
The first AP that I listened to was Tom's first Divine Fire run, with the PCs as Nazi special forces. It still holds a special place as one of my favorite APs.


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Re: Where do you listen to RPPR?
« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2011, 12:10:46 AM »
man people really love Divine Fire 1 - someone is running it at Fear the Con. As far as I know, the guy running it there hasn't contacted Tom so he's running it solely off the podcast.

This was also the first thing I downloaded from RPPR. Listening to Divine Fire is what made me want to play CoC, and I believe it is because it follows the Indiana Jones principle:

Pulp + Nazis = A shat load of fun!

(I also ran DF for my group and they still say it's one of their favorite scenarios). I plan on dropping the KGB files on them soon  ;D
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Re: Where do you listen to RPPR?
« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2011, 11:02:25 AM »

My running of Divine Fire took elements from both of the early playtests, and I interspersed it with elements of a failed Demon: the Fallen game I'd never gotten to run which took place in a similar setting.  I ran my group through as prisoners of war: two US Army soldiers, a captured Allied scientist, a troublesome English archaeologist, a nosy war journalist, and a torch singer who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

They hit trouble when the truck stopped.  That sort of set the tone for the evening.  Once they discovered that their guards were gone, the ranking Army man (a Colonel who had been in Italy with his wife when it fell) got into an argument with the scientist over the best way to proceed.  In the meantime, the other Army fellow (a sergeant, I think) decided he was going to try to check the towers, and nearly broke his leg when he slipped off of the ladder.  Eventually, the argument stopped when the archaeologist snidely suggested that the two weren't producing nearly enough hot air to keep them warm in the mountains and that they should go and find some shelter.  The two Army folks stayed with the vehicles, and the lower-ranking one press-ganged the torch-singer as a second pair of hands to try to get the truck in working order to make the trip down, and to clear some room.

The first building they entered was the mess hall, where they encountered a mad, blind soldier, and the journalist tried to bluff his way through things - and totally blew it.  So they ended up in a tense standoff between three civilians with crap all combat skill, and one crazy-train Nazi.  About this time, the Army Colonel caught sight of something moving in the shadows near the compound and started out to get a look at it - without letting his subordinate know - and blew a Sneak roll.  That was when Koeler made himself known from the main building and started taking potshots at both him and the flickering shape.  Hearing the gunfire from the mess hell, the three civilians and the Nazi they were dealing with found themselves in a furious tussle that left the journalist and the scientist badly beaten and bloodied (the archaeologist got in some hellaciously badass rolls and kicked the mortal crap out of the Nazi, though).

The gunfire outside and the fight in the mess hall only lasted a couple of turns, leaving the civilians trying to figure out what to do with their new prisoner, as well as themselves.  If memory serves, they eventually locked him in one of the freezers (which is how they discovered certain sweet meats in one of them...).  Anyway, the Army Colonel had gotten tagged by Koeler because he had been trying to close with the shape that Koeler was firing at (he totally botched a Luck roll, then the player threw a fit and left the table, meh), so he was out.  So the remaining characters holed up in the mess hall after the gunfire died down, came up with a plan to work up some improvised weapons and explore the main building.  By this time, the civilians were really keyed up due to some failed SAN rolls when they found what was in that second freezer, and when the Army grunt tried to take charge and run the show, another argument broke out, this time between the grunt and the journalist  The scientist and the archaeologist managed to cool tempers somewhat, but by then, the damage was done, and the group was more of a bunch of individuals.  So the Colonel is down, holed up in the Mess Hall, the grunt storms out to try to get the truck working again (so he can leave the others to die), and the rest of them are stuck with their plan of investigating the main building.  The exploration went pretty smoothly, they encountered Koeler, and struck up a tentative alliance with him, managed to arm themselves with some proper weapons from the stash he'd made himself.  That was when the real fun began.  The Army Grunt was outside when he realized that he didn't have some of the tools he felt he'd need to get the truck running.  So he ended up going into the main building, found the others talking to Koeler.  There was some tense talking, but they all ended up going up to see Dr. Kempfler.  From there, the scenario ran pretty smoothly with the investigation, with odd bits of creep factor to keep things on edge.

The next little bitch came when they went down into the basement to deal with Grunfeld.  He demanded to be fed, and when the PCs realized that the meat inside was meant for him, they immediately settled into an argument amongst themselves on whether or not they were going to feed him.  This argument turned into inter-party violence, ended up hurting everybody even worse before they were able to calm down.  By this point, they had wasted so much time on the in-fighting that the weather had worsened and night had fallen, and there was no way they were getting out of there without Grunfeld's help, so they ended up feeding him, as well as doing the back and forth between him and Kempfler to get the story of what had gone on at the installation.  They weren't able to do much about the generator room because they had wasted so much time, and the corrupted creatures chose that opportunity to attack.  Since the Army Colonel's player had refused to come back to the table, I simply ruled that he fell victim to the voices, sabotaged the truck, and from there, the rest of the players were stuck dealing with trying to keep the monsters out.  At one point, the grunt decided he'd had enough after Kempfler was going on about his achievements, and put three bullets into his brain - pretty much keeping them from getting into the generator room.  With the monsters beating down the doors to the building and their senses playing hell on them, they ended up accepting Grunfeld's offer of sanctuary, and fled into the ghoul warrens, where they had to stay until the spring thaw.  Of the remaining group, only the archaeologist and the scientist had enough SAN left by Spring to leave.  The others ended up staying with the ghouls, one way or the other.  Grunfeld actually ended up playing a role as a recurring NPC in following CoC games.  I liked him so much I started using him more as a behind-the-scenes mentor-type.  Currently, he's got his eye on a group of investigators who are dealing with a little problem for one Dr. Quigley in Greenfield, MA...


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Re: Where do you listen to RPPR?
« Reply #37 on: February 25, 2011, 01:37:48 PM »
man people really love Divine Fire 1 - someone is running it at Fear the Con. As far as I know, the guy running it there hasn't contacted Tom so he's running it solely off the podcast.

My asshole puckers in anticipation of the Divine Fire Ransom.
I wish I was Tom.

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Re: Where do you listen to RPPR?
« Reply #38 on: February 26, 2011, 03:18:34 AM »
question for Herrigold and any other people that listen to our podcast but don't play tabletop RPGs - how did you find RPPR and why did you decide to listen to us?


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Re: Where do you listen to RPPR?
« Reply #39 on: February 27, 2011, 05:15:41 PM »
question for Herrigold and any other people that listen to our podcast but don't play tabletop RPGs - how did you find RPPR and why did you decide to listen to us?

I play tabletop games, but I've been listening to RPPR since before then. My brother told me about RPPR (I'll update in a couple of hours with how he found out about it) and because I've always loved the Cthulhu Mythos I listened to a few of the CoC actual plays, I really enjoyed them so I stuck around.


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Re: Where do you listen to RPPR?
« Reply #40 on: February 27, 2011, 09:16:20 PM »
I was listening to the Prototype game once while doing a pretty tough set - and it was right at the part where Jason throws a rock at an oncoming car. I laughed so hard that I almost dropped my weights. I actually had to stop working out for 5 minutes or so because I was absolutely dying of laughter. It got me some stares.

I was listening to the dark sun AP when Cody started doing the Mul woman's voice in the bar.  Squats + Cody DM = back injury.  Other than working out, I listen while commuting or when doing anything that doesn't require my complete attention at work.

I was familiar with RPGs before the podcast but I had never really played.  A friend sent me a link to the Gaga 2.0 episode due to my desire for her to bare my illegitimate children. 

Since listening I've started running/playing a few games.  So I blame RPPR for making me come out of the nerd closet.


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Re: Where do you listen to RPPR?
« Reply #41 on: February 28, 2011, 05:04:54 PM »
I listen to the podcasts through my iPhone at work mostly.  I'm pretty sure my coworkers give me strange looks as I start busting up laughing at all the shenanigans that goes on in the Actual Plays.

Actually, listening to the RPPR Actual Plays is what got me interested in running Call of Cthulhu and Monsters.  Thanks guys! :D


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Re: Where do you listen to RPPR?
« Reply #42 on: March 04, 2011, 10:22:21 PM »
question for Herrigold and any other people that listen to our podcast but don't play tabletop RPGs - how did you find RPPR and why did you decide to listen to us?

Hey, sorry I missed this...
Yeah, I started with the Penny Arcade podcasts and went searching for more. There were quite a few, but I instantly liked all of you guys the best. You guys are such an awesome mix of characters and you all (as far as I can tell) get along so well. You guys should be so proud of what you're doing! Well, there are plenty of juvenile quips, but I think it's perfect for a giggle and for keeping me thinking about what you're saying as I listen along. And I dig all the pop / nerd culture references.

Trailblazers! That's what you are. I predict this medium will be a hit for everyone, not just RPGers, especially with all the different themes you tackle.
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Re: Where do you listen to RPPR?
« Reply #43 on: March 04, 2011, 11:58:39 PM »
You know that may be true. There's a related new form 'Let's Play' guided walkthroughs of video games. They are getting to be quite popular and some LPers have extremely dedicated fanbases. I find it fascinating that interactive storytelling forms have become linear storytelling forms through APs and LPs.


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Re: Where do you listen to RPPR?
« Reply #44 on: March 05, 2011, 12:35:04 AM »
It's like Neo narrative. or something.
I wish I was Tom.

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