Boy howdy I sure do love when people utilize the anonymity of the internet to post what they believe to be shocking statements without context for their beliefs or any supporting arguments to back up their positions! It's certainly a clear indicator of the highest level of intelligence and moral character. My god, this forum needs more of what this young man has to offer!
... alright, that was a bit low. Let me see if I can help salvage this.
So, alright, yes, 4E > 3.5E for certain values of 'greater than'. More consistent and balanced combat system, yes, and relative power level of characters (for the most part) is a much more reliable metric from character to character within the same system. Certainly less of a simulation than 3.X, and without the breadth of options available within. 4E offers many more tactical options on a turn-by-turn basis, but 3.X offers more options, full stop. That 4E is better than 3.5E is certainly not a tautology - they offer different things and appeal to different demographics among gamers. Therefore, sitting here and having an argument over which system is 'better' is ultimately a foolish endeavor - people like different things because people are different from one another, so you're welcome to your opinion, but trying to enforce it or put it forth as the one and only unassailable truth is kind of like trying to explain to a four year old girl who loves the color pink why blue is obviously and completely the superior color. Sure, you can make some damnably good arguments, but you can do that for both sides, so in the end people will give up in frustration or resort to childlike taunts. Neither really seem to fit the candor and general conduct of this forum, so it's probably for the best if we all agree to disagree.
Besides, if we're going by opinion, you're all wrong, it's clearly 3.5E < 4E < Pathfinder.
