I am want to use the existing clue board and figs to make a hero quest-esque rpg.
I am not thinking your typical clue game, "Hastur, at the mountians of madness with an elder sign..."
I have some of the mechanics worked out. (simaliar to heroquests d6 mechanics)
Also, each character has a role, for example, Col. Mustard is the scrapper, getting an extra die for attacks and ignores 1 point of body damage per room encounter.
I am wanting some ideas for simple investigation quests involving the board and rooms.
Like, the house is haunted and each room has that haunted theme with ghosts, moving books, Etc...
Also, the board could change by blocking paths with tiles.
Just brainstorming, looking for fast, fun board game without having to pull out mansions of madness or arkham horror.
The board could change much like hero quest by putting block and and other tiles in the way for a different experience.
Thoughts, comments, etc..?