Author Topic: Wild Talents - Globular  (Read 18970 times)

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents - Globular
« Reply #15 on: November 14, 2011, 06:51:01 PM »
Thanks a ton, this isn't nearly as painful as I expected.
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Re: Wild Talents - Globular
« Reply #16 on: November 14, 2011, 07:19:04 PM »
Since we're sharing powers, here's one of the ones I designed for an NPC in my game.

Concussion Hands:

Attacks; Mass (+2)
Additional Capacity: Range (+2)
High Capacity: Mass (+1)
Booster x2: Mass (+2)
Engulf: (+2)
Shock damage only (-1)
Obvious (-1)
Depleted (-1)

It's a sound blast that'll throw an average sized character backwards about fifty feet.

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents - Globular
« Reply #17 on: November 14, 2011, 07:34:09 PM »
The booster trait is somthing thats been giving me issues for a little while. What does it do exactly? I know it multiplies an effect but im not sure how you determine the end results new value in this instance knockback.
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Re: Wild Talents - Globular
« Reply #18 on: November 14, 2011, 07:40:33 PM »
Booster multiplies the values it's applied to by 10. In this case, the base power could effect something like 3 tons (don't have my book on me). With double booster, it can effect 300 tons. Since the power isn't useful it can't do anything constructive or (ha ha) useful with that huge weight; it just means the sound blast can harm up to that mass in a single blast. So, a sustained series of blasts could theoretically vibrate a bank door until it shatters (remember, shock only).

Booster also adds 6 yards per application to any knockback, so Boosterx2 beams 12 yards additional knockback.

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents - Globular
« Reply #19 on: November 14, 2011, 08:51:50 PM »
That makes a lot more sense to me now... That is a pretty sweet power, it's almost as defensive as it is offensive. Especially against someone who fights in close combat.

I have been working on this character for the better part of today(i've been reading the book every night before bed for a few weeks now.) I feel like I may have enough system understanding to have built this character. I used 200 points because I wanted to see how I could make a character in this system with some kind of limit so I set myself the arbitrary number of 200.

So if you'd be so kind, let me know what you think and I'd be happy to take any suggestions you have. (Having never played before I am not sure if this is even viable.)

Little bit of back story/flavor: Flux isn't rightly sure who he was. He know's who he is now, and he know's which form his body "defaults" to, but after the experiments that increased his physical abilities slightly and gave him the ability to mimic others his mind has become somewhat jumbled. He has dreams of memories that are not his, and has learned skills with surprising ease for never having attempted them before. He is a fairly normal guy but he has developed skills akin to some spec ops military organization(one of the forms he routinely takes).

Real Name: Marcus Battlin
Weight: ???
Height: ???
Age: 28
200 Pts.
3d Body (14)                                       3d Coordination (14)
3d Sense (14)                                       2d Mind (10)
3d Charm (15)                                     2d Command (10)
Base Will 6 (3)
Body                                                               Coordination
-Athletics 2d (4)                                               -Dodge 3d (6)
-Brawling 3d (6)                                               -Ranged Weapon (Handgun) 1d (2)
-Endurance 2d (4)                                            -Ranged Weapon (Rifle) 1d (2)
                                                                        -Stealth 2d1wd ( 8 )
Sense                                                              Mind
-Empathy 2d (4)                                              -First Aid 2d (4)
-Perception 2d (4)                                           -Navigation 1d (2)
-Scrutiny 2d (4)                                               -Research 2d (4)
                                                                       -Security Systems 3d (6)
                                                                       -Street Wise 2d (4)
                                                                       -Survival 1d (2)
                                                                       -Tactics 3d (6)
Charm                                                             Command
-Lie 2d1wd ( 8 )                                               -Interrogation 2d (4)
-Persuasion 3d (6)                                           -Intimidation 2d (4)
                                                                       -Leadership 2d (4)
                                                                       -Stability 3d (6)
Dead Ringer [Useful; 4 Points] 2hd (16 pts)
-Duration +2                                        -Subtle +1
-If/Then (Only mimic the form of another living being you have had contact with.) -1
-Capacities: Self
-Effect: You can change your appearance to impersonate anyone you have previously had physical contact with.
tl;dr Sorry but I rambled about my character for a bit then posted his sheet, hopefully I didn't talk to much.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 09:03:30 PM by Flawless P »
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Re: Wild Talents - Globular
« Reply #20 on: November 14, 2011, 11:38:44 PM »
Looks good, but you're missing your archetype - probably Unknown source (-5) with One Power (1) as your permission? Or Power Theme (Shapechanger) (5), but really anything else would cost you more of your points.

I went through a short mini-campaign with the players capped at 175, and it was actually fairly brutal, especially since none of us had played the system before. After making a couple of dozen NPCs in spreadsheets when I get bored at work, I can definitely see why they recommend 250 points as a starting point - it hits a real sweet spot of allowing a good mix of stats, skills, and powers.

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents - Globular
« Reply #21 on: November 15, 2011, 12:29:42 AM »
I too spent a lot of my day at work making characters, I think I will update him to 250 points tomorrow.

I had to play down his stats (Body, ect) I dropped down nearly all of them by one from what I originally had.

I'm glad to hear that I didn't flub anything to badly.
42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
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I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.