Author Topic: GenCon 2015 and the 6th Annual RPPR Fan Meet-up: The Edition Wars Edition  (Read 205569 times)

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: GenCon 2015 and the 6th Annual RPPR Fan Meet-up: The Edition Wars Edition
« Reply #60 on: February 13, 2015, 11:07:00 AM »
I'd be up for some Channel A, I had to miss most of that event two years ago due to a game I was running.


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Re: GenCon 2015 and the 6th Annual RPPR Fan Meet-up: The Edition Wars Edition
« Reply #61 on: February 13, 2015, 11:39:21 AM »
Speaking of card games, Channel A will be in tow again with me this year. I can't promise that we will rope in Glancy like we did a couple of years ago, but I'll try for you guys  ;D.  Also I picked up my own copy of CAH which has a special addition to it's cards (linked for size):

Remember your alternatives to shark fighting.

That is beautiful Aaron, truly, truly beautiful.

The live-posting of The Lord of The Peaks and Ross' Elder Godlike, I believe, games were pretty great!

Also, I can't wait to play Mad Quao with David again. I don't think I've ever seen somebody turn that red from laughter before.

See, you say stuff like this, and now Bill's gonna try to make a public Daneurysm happen.

Mad Quao's coming with me, and I'm even contemplating a paper tiara for Quao.
As to the public Daneurysm...



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Re: GenCon 2015 and the 6th Annual RPPR Fan Meet-up: The Edition Wars Edition
« Reply #62 on: February 17, 2015, 03:00:14 PM »
I'm pretty excited, my husband and I will be attending for the first time ever this year!

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: GenCon 2015 and the 6th Annual RPPR Fan Meet-up: The Edition Wars Edition
« Reply #63 on: February 17, 2015, 03:36:30 PM »
I'm pretty excited, my husband and I will be attending for the first time ever this year!

Welcome to the crew! Keep an eye on this thread for advise about the convention as a whole and information on the RPPR meet up specifically.

Mr. Purple

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So I found a website here at work that offers room discounts for friends and family. If there's anyone still looking for rooms, I got a bit of a hook-up.

Message me and I'll share the link. Won't be as good as my personal discount, but I ought to be able to work my purple power
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Who else is interested in doing True Dungeon or a Call of Cthulhu LARP this year?

I've been wanting to try out True Dungeon for a few years now and after hearing David talk about his experience with Kettle of Fish, hey I remembered it, I thought I would sign up for some of them this year.

I know event sign up is still out some, but I want to know if anyone else was interested in these kinds of events this year?


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Who else is interested in doing True Dungeon or a Call of Cthulhu LARP this year?

How many times could Aaron die in a CoC LARP?

Tadanori Oyama

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We're roughly four months out now everyone. Time to start considering plans for the convention.

If you haven't made travel arrangements you should within the next month or so.

For those of you doing costumes or running games/events should take some time and consider transportation of your supplies. Games require materials and you need to makes sure you will have those on hand. Costumes even more so. Remember that there is a postal office within two blocks of the convention center and that some hotels will hold packages for their guests so sending items ahead is not an impossible feat.


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If you choice to send costume pieces through the postal service, make sure to plan for the cost of the packages.

The US postal service can ship boxes roughly "2ft x 2ft x 2ft" (Length, Width and Height). That will be just over $132.
Where as if you ship using a large flat rate box "12" x 12" x 5-1/2" it's $17.90 per box.

So long as you get the postal code for the hotel you are staying at and mark on there that it is for GenCon the hotel staff will hold onto it for you until you come and claim it.

Sending it back just requires you to change the shipping address on the box and slap on the new shipping label. Drop it off at the post office or see if the hotel will send it out with there mail. Just make sure if you do send supplies this why make sure to have a back-up plan in case one of the methods mentioned above doesn't work.


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My fiance and I are going to be arriving the Saturday before GenCon and staying through the end of GenCon 2015, as our honeymoon.  We managed to get a room in the Hyatt for the whole week+.  I'm hoping to find my way into a EP of CoC game and I'm probably going to be running at least one other EP game as well.


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Idea for RPPR video/meet up - originally posted by fuego fish on the SA forums:

You're putting in WAY too much effort for a DBZ RPG. It should be a lot more rules-light and freeform.

Instead of dice rolls, the two opposing sides have to scream as if powering up their attacks. The GM can designate a substitute screamer if they wish. The other players are encouraged to gasp and say things like "UNREAL!" or "... is this his true power?!" while this happens.

The screamer who gives in first loses the contest. The winner gets to dictate what happens with their attack. However, points are awarded (by the peanut gallery of players not taking part) for screams that are impressive, allowing the losing side to amend minor details, such as not being turned into a fine ash, or only having half their limbs broken.

Any scream which causes the screamer to pass out from the effort earns that screamer an instant success, regardless of if their opponent lasts longer.

Every session must open up with the entire table performing the Dragonball Z theme tune a capella. The dub version for preference, but the original Japanese version if you really must.

After this is concluded, the GM must begin by saying "THE LAST TIME ON DRAGONBALL Z" and then proceeds to recap the previous session within a 90 second time limit.

Any player found using their normal voice when speaking in-character is penalized by being made to do 1 million push-ups in the gravity chamber.

Character creation is done during the first session as a group, in order to ensure that everyone is on the same page. There are no set races or classes.

First a player chooses a name and a description, such as "Kon Go, the silverback martial artist, strongest gorilla in the world." The other players ask questions ("how strong are you?") and the player answers to further develop their character's motivations ("not strong enough! I must become more strong").

Once each character has been suitably worked out, then the players must list no less than three martial arts tournaments that they have taken part in. After writing down the first two tournaments, they must then "invite" another player's character to at least one of those tournaments. This way the characters have an established link, rather than being random strangers.

Then the players are then encouraged to arm-wrestle to see whose character won the tournament.


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I am really tempted to just drop my plans and filming what Ross just posted if that actually were to take place.

It sounds like a crazy, yet entertaining idea.

Tadanori Oyama

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As I have little to no shame where gaming is concerned I'm down.

Also a general reminder to everyone that we now have two weeks until Event Registration opens. Keep an eye open for the event calender opening to pre-ticket selection and consider making use of the system if you want to play in any games or take part in events at specific times.


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I would add a houserule for the DBZ larp: crappy cosplayers get bonus points ala this guy:

Tadanori Oyama

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Exhibit hall map is up and we are one week from event registration. Be watching for pre-registration when the books will be opening and you'll be able to assemble your wish list for tickets.