Author Topic: Red Markets Inspiration  (Read 393041 times)


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Re: Red Markets Inspiration
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2015, 12:21:44 PM »
Still coming up with stuff on my own because my group hasn't been able to meet for a playtest yet:

Less of an enclave and more an armed merchant convoy, Endurance is a train of modified big rigs, muscle cars, and motorcycles that connect other enclaves in the Midwest that otherwise would have little to no contact with each other. The "crews" of Endurance consist of the rig drivers, armed guards, scout drivers, and their families and loved ones who deal with local traders and handle pretty much everything else that doesn't involve shooting or driving. Endurance is a close-knit community, and while its members can certainly be friendly towards their favorite customers they are ruthless towards those who cross them.

Endurance spends most of its time on the road, but in the evening the drivers will pull the convoy into open fields or abandoned parking lots and “circle up” for protection, allowing their crews to dismount and set up camp inside the perimeter. In the morning they load up and hit the road again, all the way to the next enclave and the next delivery or pickup. Because of the severe fuel shortages out in the Loss all of the rigs have been modified with hybrid motors powered by solar panels mounted on the roofs of the trailers. Even with this upgrade the rigs consume more gasoline than an enclave thrice their size, which is why the convoy must keep moving in order to trade with the settlements that have gas to spare and goods to transport.

Almost always moving but following a more or less predictable circuit through the easternmost states of the Loss, hitting up enclaves all along the way.

The big rigs of the Endurance convoy have been modified to defend their passengers from both zombies and humans. Metal skirts protect the wheels of each trailer and also prevent any Casualties from crawling beneath the vehicles when the convoy circles up during the evening. Gunports allow armed guards to fire outside without exposing themselves to enemy fire, and the top of each vehicle is lined with razor wire to deter humans and catch Casualties that try to climb over. The cabs and trailers themselves are reinforced against small arms, and the lead and rear vehicles—Endurance-1 and Endurance-8 respectively—each have a crow’s nest above the cabin for spotters.

In the twilight hours of the Crash, after Gnat’s historic broadcast on Ubiq urging survivors to flee across the Mississippi, a lone big rig full of hitchhikers traveled east in search of sanctuary. Over time it met up with others who had the same idea, and gradually the convoy grew to include a platoon of stranded National Guardsmen and an outlaw biker gang. By the time they reached the Border it was too late; the order had already been given to bomb the bridges, stranding them all in the Loss. The camp they stopped at was overrun with Vectors, so they loaded up as many supplies as they could and headed north to the next one. And the next, and the next, and so on until the crews of Endurance decided that they were safer on the road than anywhere else.

Transportation services. For a fee Endurance can haul people and bulk goods between any two enclaves on their stop list, which is posted on Ubiq for clients. Endurance will often be carrying multiple loads from multiple enclaves at once, picking up new contracts even as they drop off old ones. When the convoy travels light, its crews don't eat.

Everything else, although thanks to their mobility and income Endurance has plenty of enclaves to do business with for ammo, food, medical supplies, and fuel.

(Because Endurance can be dropped pretty much anywhere in the Loss its competition is whatever rival enclaves and threats your own group comes up with, in addition to the usual Darwinist raiders)

Social Structure
Although Endurance is a fairly small community, its members still prefer the company of those who share their occupations.

The men and women entrusted by the community to drive them around the Casualty-infested wasteland safely. Hands are akin to city council members and hold the highest social standing and authority; there are eight in total, one for each rig in the convoy. An "Old Hand" is a particularly venerated driver, often one who has been with the convoy since its inception during the Crash. There is some distance between the Hands and the Hogs due to their respective roots and political differences, but nothing approaching open animosity--both merely want what is best for Endurance.

These are the drivers and riders of the convoy's small fleet of muscle cars and motorcycles, which act as advance, rear, and flank scouts to keep the rigs appraised of any possible danger. To be a Hog is to be something of a black sheep in Endurance--they're more adrenaline thirsty and reckless than the conservative Hands or the ever-cautious Guard. Despite appearances, however, they take their jobs seriously; they know if they fuck up their families will be on the line.

The Guard
One of the first group of hitchhikers the convoy picked up during the Crash was a ragged platoon of National Guardsmen who had been cut off from their extraction and needed a lift to the Recession. When the Border closed and everyone in the Loss was declared homo sacer, they decided to stay with the other refugees and use their training and weapons to keep the rigs safe. The Guard are easily the least trusting faction of Endurance, bordering on paranoia, but without them the convoy would have been wiped out by psychotic Darwinists or a herd of Casualties a long time ago.

Although the term "crew" can be used generally for any of the members of Endurance, within the community it refers to anyone who doesn't drive or hold a gun. Crews fulfill all of the convoy's other needs, from mechanical maintenance to medical care to negotiations with enclaves for contracts to taking inventory and ensuring goods and supplies are accounted for. Because each rig typically carries its own specialists with it rather than relying on a communal pool each one has its own separate "Crew", distinguished by the number of their rig; ie First Crew, Fifth Crew, Seventh Crew, etc.

Although it obviously lacks any fixed physical neighborhoods, each of the rigs in Endurance is unique on the inside and akin to a small home, distinct from all the others. A few serve specific purposes:

Endurance-3 & Endurance-5
While most rigs carry enough supplies for their respective crews, Endurance-3 is dedicated to hauling the convoy’s essentials like food and water and Endurance-5 is loaded with reserve arms and ammunition for the Hogs and Guard.

The only gas rig in the convoy, and the beating heart of Endurance. Although it has been modified with some armor to prevent small arms from breaching the tank and mesh nets to safeguard against molotovs and other crude explosives it is still the most vulnerable point in the convoy and is fiercely guarded by the other rigs, usually driving between Endurance-3 and Endurance-5.

Instead of a trailer this rig pulls a flatbed that once hauled lumber, but now acts as the “gunboat” of the convoy. Thanks to the welders and designers of La Corbusier, it has been retrofitted into a moving medieval-style battlement with metal breastworks and sharpened rebar spikes. The Hand of Endurance-6, Maya Rowe, is infamous for a signature maneuver she refers to as a “Booty Call” where she intentionally fishtails the flatbed to present its flank towards an approaching threat, allowing the Guard stationed behind the breastworks to enfilade the target with gunfire.


James “Big Jim” Mahon, Hand of Endurance-1

Virgil “Rommel” Adler, Head Hog

Lieutenant Rebecca Marszalek, Chief of the Guard

Timothy “Plato” Wilson, Hand of Endurance-3


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Re: Red Markets Inspiration
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2015, 01:28:28 PM »
The Lost Carol: I love your Cleveland. Especially the minor league baseball teams. Great stuff.

Jace911: Now we're gettin' a little Mad Max up in here. I love it!
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The Lost Carol

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Re: Red Markets Inspiration
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2015, 10:12:11 PM »
@trinite Thanks! When I remembered that most of the factories in the Akron area have shut down, I tried to think of something I haven't seen expressed yet as an export, so why not entertainment? Something to lift spirits I suppose. I like the concept of Jeff's City; using access as an 'export' is an interesting concept, and makes sense for riverfront cities or crossroads.

@Jace911 Endurance sounds great. I kinda want to see a Booty Call... wait, what... ???

@Shallazar 3D Printed guns or materials seems like one of those things that seems obvious now. Especially with how much better things would be in a near future setting. Great idea.

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Re: Red Markets Inspiration
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2015, 11:54:09 PM »

@Shallazar 3D Printed guns or materials seems like one of those things that seems obvious now. Especially with how much better things would be in a near future setting. Great idea.

After looking into other improvised firearms, rigged nail guns, zip guns, burp guns, autofire hell machines, I was struck with the Duh. and google provided some good pointers.

Much more sophisticated and the speed of reproduction, with plastic and a printer they seemed a much better idea to run with than the impractical improvised firearms. Durability is improving. The man who was making some in Japan got arrested after posting youtube videos, but I'm sure he inspired others to be more discreet. The only thing that really limits them is available ammunition. Getting the components to make a supply of bullets would acquire the purchase of illegal materials (in this happy police state). No habeus corpus, and no warrants means raids on a whim.  But I can seem them being used in the default setting as well, but there isn't really a need what with the second amendment and all.

Heck even swords need to be licensed and registered (anything over 13 centimetres)  and can't be worn, wielded or used.
I wish I was Tom.

Granted, you are now Tom.


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Re: Red Markets Inspiration
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2015, 12:45:04 PM »
Some ideas for Taker names to throw into that big list Caleb's including with the final book:



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Re: Red Markets Inspiration
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2015, 05:18:29 PM »
Some ideas for Taker names to throw into that big list Caleb's including with the final book:


Or just use the names of superheroes created by Rob Liefeld:
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Re: Red Markets Inspiration
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2015, 08:37:09 PM »
Some ideas for Taker names to throw into that big list Caleb's including with the final book:


Or just use the names of superheroes created by Rob Liefeld:

I will do that


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Re: Red Markets Inspiration
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2015, 03:23:17 PM »

I've probably posted this elsewhere on the forums but:

Edit: and:

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« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 03:32:51 PM by CADmonkey »
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Re: Red Markets Inspiration
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2015, 12:06:46 AM »
Holy shit I struck gold.

Behold the largest maximum security prison in the US, situated right on the Mississippi River and protected by said river on three sides; it's almost a small town in its own right, with plenty of living space, a church, cemetery, and even room for growing crops (Which is what they used prisoners for up to at least the 90s, if I'm reading this wiki article right). At first I thought that made it a great choice for an enclave or even a DHQS settlement, but then I learned that one of its nicknames is literally "The Farm" and I realized it would be the perfect place for DHQS to ship all the Immunes it rounds up for bone marrow harvesting. You wouldn't even have to change the name: just imagine people in Leper talking in hushed whispers about "the Farm" with equal parts anger and fear.

I mean jeepers creepers, here's the actual picture of the warden currently running the place:

"Angola is still operated as a working farm; Warden Burl Cain once said that the key to running a peaceful maximum security prison was that "you've got to keep the inmates working all day so they're tired at night.""

I could not write this shit.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 12:13:31 AM by Jace911 »


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Re: Red Markets Inspiration
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2015, 03:15:35 PM »
I've actually heard good things about warden Cain. Apparently Angola has gone from being one of the most violent prisons in the country to one of the least violent. And work programs, when done well, are the best way to help prisoners get job skills that they need to not go back into crime after they get out. He is pretty scary looking, though. :)

I could see a prison as an interesting enclave. You could explore tensions and developments between former prisoners and staff/guards. There are a ton of different ways you could take it, from a ruling council of the prison gang leaders to  overt forced-labor slavery. You could be as pessimistic or optimistic as you want.
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Re: Red Markets Inspiration
« Reply #26 on: August 14, 2015, 09:39:35 PM »
Thanks for the links, Ross. That definitely complicates the picture. It stands to reason that the take I've heard is mostly the PR version. That said, even the Mother Jones article, which I expected to be mostly a hit piece, still came off as pretty nuanced and in some ways appreciative of the Angola system, despite its overall critical tone. One thing that I think that article did miss, though, is a comparison between Angola and other prisons of a similar type. There's also the complex issue of how Angola fits into the larger Louisiana criminal justice system. I don't think anyone  would hold up Louisiana as a good model of how to run a justice system, even if Angola were some kind of paradise. Nor America's as a whole, either.
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Re: Red Markets Inspiration
« Reply #27 on: August 15, 2015, 03:19:21 AM »
Undoubtedly there are worse prisons and Red Markets is in the near future, so a RM version of Angola could have better structural reforms in place that make it a better site for an enclave. It is also one of the most written about prisons in America, it seems like.


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Re: Red Markets Inspiration
« Reply #28 on: August 15, 2015, 01:17:34 PM »
Undoubtedly there are worse prisons and Red Markets is in the near future, so a RM version of Angola could have better structural reforms in place that make it a better site for an enclave. It is also one of the most written about prisons in America, it seems like.

You could even have factions: maybe Cain is dead, but he's become a semi-messianic figure for a group of the old guards. Others...remember him a little differently. So you've got the Cainanites, the Cowboys (who are all about keeping the rodeo going, and raising horses for export), the Rainbow Panthers (who consider themselves their heirs of Wallace and Woodcox, and also advocate for racial cooperation and LGBT tolerance), and maybe a council of the strongest racial prison gangs.

That could be a really hard-core political campaign setting.
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Re: Red Markets Inspiration
« Reply #29 on: August 15, 2015, 03:18:22 PM »
I'm a map junkie ... and so love Tony Fowlers website [ ] ... but in this contect check out his post apocalyptic map of Seattle