I know there are three images in this post, but they're all details of the same creepy thing, so I'm gonna go ahead and hope that it's all right.
Okay, so a few of my friends used to attend SUNY Purchase in Westchester County, NY. The college recently installed this sculpture (probably a student project) on The Mall, their main quad. Every time a Purchase student walks past the library, they get to look at this...hideous thing:

::shudder:: It makes me want to cry.
And in case one photograph wasn't enough to make you lose bowel control in terror, here's a detail of all the crazy stuff that the sculptor saw fit to put in its head:

There's a pick axe sticking out of its head...oh God oh God oh-
But anywho, looking at this thing from yet a third angle, it's clear that it has some artistic merit beyond the discomfort it inspires in those who view it. Here's a shot of the sculpture from behind, one which shows even more of the sculptor's dim view of humanity:

So it's actually a novel re-imagining of The Ascent of Man that depicts our development from skeletal figures straining to pull free of the primordial ooze into hideous, technology-obsessed murder machines.
If that isn't deeply unsettling, I don't know what is.