We're on session 2 now, and, frankly, I'm surprised no one has posted any praise for it!
Other than the first session, where Ross seemed his head was still stuck in CoC mode, it's great! I just kind of wish we had an idea what each PC looked like- I keep picturing The Revenent has having a white hood mask (kind of like Knockoff from the META4 setting), and when i picture The Recluse, I think of 'The Shadow'.
Ross seems to be having a little bit of trouble with the system, but I don't rightly blame him- I'm about to run an M&M game myself, and I also find myself going 'Wtf' at some rules (like 'dodge bonus'- I'm not sure if it GIVES them an extra half rounded-down bonus to their Defense, or if it's just their Defense half rounded down)
I do, however, like the story and how it's proceeding. It's a shame that there's (from what I heard) only 3 APs.
Good job, through and through, boys!