So I have been running Castle Whiterock from Goodman Games for D&D 3.5 since January of this year, and in this time, I have managed to kill 7 player characters. Its a crazy hard dungeon crawl. I am a DM that lets the dice fall where they may. I don't pull punches on damage. If a player decides to go off on their own, they probably will die. On thursday, the players and I had a discussion about continuing the Castle Whiterock campaign or starting something new and fresh. At this current time in the campaign, there were only TWO original players from the start. The original story was getting lost due to the new influx of player characters.
So I put this to a vote on whether to keep playing Castle Whiterock or start fresh. Of my six players, 2 voted to keep on, while 4 voted to start something new.
This brings me to my point, we as a group decided to start a whole campaign dedicated to EVIL!!! I always had intentions to GM something like this but never thought it would happen. I have decided to start the players at 3rd level (still in the 3.5 edition), and I am allowing some monster races as player races (ie. vampires, werewolves, mind flayers, minotaurs, trolls, ogres, etc...) So far my players are Super excited to play. They are all delving into using the Book of Vile Darkness and are all trying to figure out what they want to play. This is my cast of player characters so far:
Human afflicted with werewolf lycanthropy (level 3 monster class)
Drow Dragon Shaman (who revers red dragons)
Grey Elf Wizard (conjurer) (who wants to play an alienist and study the far realm)
1/2 Black Dragon 1/2 Orc Dread Necromancer (who wants to play a true necromancer from Libris Mortis)
Tiefling Hexblade
and one player who is completely undecided?

I have a lot of brainstorming ideas that I will like to use for the campaign(Orcus, Mephistopheles, drug smuggling, torture, and sacrifices are just some to start), but I would like to see what the fellow RPPR fan community have as any ideas on what to use in my total EEEVIL campaign.
Thanks guys.