Author Topic: A new campaign for my players...  (Read 10253 times)


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A new campaign for my players...
« on: December 19, 2009, 05:44:39 AM »
Hey guys, I haven't posted for awhile, school's been kickin ass.  But anyway:

For my next DnD4e game my players (7 of them?) voted to play as freedom fighters in a country recently taken over by a neighboring country.  Homebrew world basically.  Basically, Heroic tier will be them trying to find a base of operations, gain some allies and do some light terrorism to the enemy.  Paragon will be banding more allies together and reclaiming towns and cities, and Epic (if they get there) will be the reclaiming of the country and possibly the enemy mwahaha.

The game is made so we can have, when I don't have time to plan a whole lot, some missions of the week.  We meet every Saturday so we can do this w/o any problems.

For the first session, after the character creation session, I will tell the players they were sent on a mission to retrieve a key to a prison or something from an enemy building in an occupied town.  The players will actually start in the middle of a bloody battle with a group of enemies, and afterward will find the item they were told to get.  After getting it and returning to the 'hideout', the freedom fighter leader guy (I'll come up with names later) will congratulate them on their job.  However, the item was a fake, giving away the location of the hideout.  The hideout is then ambushed, forcing the players to escape and fight their way out and meet up with the leader at a rendez-vous point.

When they reach the point, they are again ambushed, and one of the npc's that I will point out as an Allie from inside the hideout will emerge and laugh and monologue etc etc on how the PC's are dumb and how he betrayed them.  And then the PC's kill him (I hope).  Then I'm unsure where to go...

If you guys have any ideas as to how this game could go, interesting morale choice missions (Flood the town and kill the enemy AND the innocent people?) and whatever else.  I have some time to plan, and I have a high opinion of everyone here when it come to games.  Any info is appreciated.  Thanks.

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Re: A new campaign for my players...
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2009, 02:28:09 PM »
Maybe more of a revenge themed mission - the traitor's corpse has a clue to the identity of the enemy spymaster that controlled him. The PCs find the spymaster, kill him and get the identity of the enemy general in charge of suppressing the rebellion - a former rebel who has switched sides for complex reasons. As long as the general is alive, the rebellion won't be able to succeed because the general knows it so well that he can predict their next move. The PCs have to kill him - without the general the enemy won't know how to handle a guerrilla war.


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Re: A new campaign for my players...
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2009, 04:05:49 PM »
I like that!  Yes yes...I can see the plans slowly unfolding.  What about some Morale Issues, like killing the enemies easily but at the  expense of innocence, or by saving X they must sacrifice Y.  I want this game to be a bit more about each characters alignment to an extent, how far they're willing to go to stay within their little neutral corner.  I might have one PC be evil (cause they all do) and one be good, see how that works.

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Re: A new campaign for my players...
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2009, 06:15:23 PM »
I like that!  Yes yes...I can see the plans slowly unfolding.  What about some Morale Issues, like killing the enemies easily but at the  expense of innocence, or by saving X they must sacrifice Y.  I want this game to be a bit more about each characters alignment to an extent, how far they're willing to go to stay within their little neutral corner.  I might have one PC be evil (cause they all do) and one be good, see how that works.

Easy - what is their mission? Killing the enemy or protecting the civilians

The enemy sends an expedition to root out the rebellion through brutality - burn some villages to the ground, mass executions etc.

Do the players focus on wiping the expedition out or to evacuate as many civilians as possible?

The raiders attack a village - do you hold the attackers off or do you sneak into their camp and burn their supplies (guarded so there's a fight either way)

Enemy captures a bunch of innocents and demands the players surrender or they will be executed. Do you focus on rescuing hte innocents (a trap obviously) or assassinating the commander who ordered the plan OR kidnap the commander's family and tell the enemy that if their hostages die so do yours? What do you do if the commander calls your bluff?


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Re: A new campaign for my players...
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2009, 10:16:53 PM »
well since the PC's will find the spy so early, make there first hideout more of a medical facility, lot of wounded rebles, and such. Do they attempt to help escort out the rebles in the beds, or go on a covert mission to attack a wepons suply train that is going to be coming along the same night. if they help escort the rebles out they will save most of everyone, but the enemy will have full supplys to there troops to hunt them down later, maybe even some realy strong magick items that the pcs can use will be in the supply train if they attack it but there wont be enough people to help move out the injured. the rebles leader will be indiffrent to there choice, but the other rebles will be hurt that they did not help evacuate the wounded.


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Re: A new campaign for my players...
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2009, 01:09:19 AM »
ooooo those are all good ones!

Keep them coming...we can turn this, some sort of Morale choice thread or something.

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