Author Topic: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread  (Read 270347 times)


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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #165 on: April 13, 2010, 09:30:09 AM »

A man is brought before command. Judging solely by his walk, there is something distinctly odd about him. The joints of his body bend in move in ways that shouldn't be possible. Upon closer inspection, his status and occupation becomes clear with the recognition of a third eye in the middle of his forehead. It should be noted there is a slight metallic glint from the ship's lighting within what would be considered the man's "normal" eyes.

Giving whatever is considered a salute in warhammer, he says, "Lord Captain Trask, Solar Aestaban. Navigator in service to his Holy emperor and proud member to the glorious house Vor’cle, presents himself before you for temporary reassignment as per these orders which I entrust to you now."

And so saying, Solar offers the documents to the captain.


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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #166 on: April 13, 2010, 12:51:30 PM »
Trask reviews the papers to ensure everything is in the proper order.  "It looks as if everything checks out.  Welcome aboard the Valkyrie.  I hope your skills exceed those of the previous Navigator . . . or at least your skin thicker.  The Expanse is no place for arrogant pups who believe they are above their Captain or shipmates.  If you still believe it suits you, then you'd best prepare to face the unknown and make a name for yourself in the process."
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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #167 on: April 13, 2010, 02:16:40 PM »
Solar's offers a heartfelt reply, "You are most generous Lord Captain."

He goes on to add while absentmindedly rubbing the charm that hangs from a light silver chain looped around his wrist, "The fool before me must have lacked the simple understanding of the one absolute fact here in the Expanse. No matter how much greater your intelligence and potential for growth, no matter that your genetic makeup has been the accumulation of numerous lifetimes, or that you made be regarded as the next step in human evolution, an autogun to the face will end you as fast as any lesser being you may find yourself allied with.  I am here to bring honor to my House and... *he mumbles the following after quietly clearing his throat*  because of a slight, very slight, hardly worth mentioning disagreement over some passages in the Imperial Creed with a few high ranking, but not really that high, members of the Ecclesiarchy. Who knew they would take criticism to long held beliefs so seriously."


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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #168 on: April 13, 2010, 03:14:46 PM »
"I think we'll get along just fine Solar.  Myopic zealots may have their say here in the Imperium, but where we're going, the only laws are those of survival.  I'm more of a pragmatist when it comes to my ship and my dynasty.  We do what we must for the glory of our names.  I hope you see this as an opportunity that few are ever afforded rather than a mark against you.  Trust me, the freedom of the Expanse is the greatest pleasure you'll find in this universe.  Beyond any leisure planet or drug you could ever discover.  Please familiarize yourself with the Senior Staff.  We have important business to attend to."  Trask takes Solar to meet each of the senior members of the crew and facilitate introductions.
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