« Reply #48 on: June 12, 2012, 10:21:15 PM »
Byakhee is failing on anything I've tried it on. The character sheet is smashed together when I am entering values. I've found The Keep from Yog-sothoth, but are there any other good char. generators for CoC, or a work-around to Byakhee's issues?
I found that while it is smashed together while making a sheet, it works fine for printing. Also you can use the print preview function to see everything where it is supposed to be; you just have to make sure to zoom in.

Games I own: 13th Age, Dragon Age Box Set 1, Eclipse Phase, Shadowrun 5th, Paranoia XP, Iron Kingdoms, (new)World of Darkness, Werewolf, Pathfinder, D&D 4th edition, Exalted, Savage Worlds, Warhammer 40,000 Dark Heresy, Traveler, Deadlands (classic), Don't Rest Your Head, and many others in pdf