They made a couple changes in DC Adventures, most of which I love. The change I like most is that powers like Stun, Nauseate, etc. are all part of something called Affliction now. The modifiers you can put on Affliction make it so that you can create custom statuses (including ones that emulate effects like Toad from Final Fantasy), and you can make status effects behave more like damage (in that as you pummel on the guy with the effect, they can take progressively worse effects, as one would when taking damage through failed Toughness saves).
The Measurement Charts are nice too. I like being able to look up "1 hour" in the time column, get a rank from it, add my Flight power's rank to that, and then use the result to read "5000 miles" in the distance column to determine flight speed.
I still wish that Mutants and Masterminds (or DC Adventures for that matter) had options to make PL 4-6 games more worthwhile. I always had this fantasy of adapting GURPS to M&M by treating 1 point in M&M as 5 points in GURPS. Maybe someday I will pursue that conversion process again.
Anyway, DC Adventures is nice. I recommend it for anyone into superheroes and Green Ronin's work. Even if the Atomic Think Tank forums has plenty of stats for DC's titular heroes that use the basic system and work very well.