« on: November 03, 2009, 08:49:51 PM »
The best and worst experiances of mine have both been online:
First we have a three year epic failure of the worst game I've every played. What makes it so sad is that they have that rare, beautiful potential you don't see very often. They just can't hold a game together for more than a month, they min-max and worse of all, they use House Rules. It started out three years ago with a Livejournal invite to a by-post RP with the condition my application had a minimum of 1000 word RP sample in the character I was auditioning for. For the first two weeks I was in heaven. These people could play. I mean every post submitted, by all players, was well over that 1000 word min and they posted eight/nine times a night. When all five players were on at the same time, we could crank out an entire threads in less than an hour. Four threads a night sometimes. We worked out entire novels.
Then it stopped. Just like that. I log on and the board is deserted. It's me and the crickets for three weeks. Finally one of them thought to check the board and saw I was still there going WTF. They had moved on to another game and never bothered telling me. A year later I get an email. They heard a sequel to the movie we were rping the first round was out and they couldn't find anyone who could play the character like I did. They wanted me back for the new board. I should have known.
Two years later of on again off again playing I finally snap and yell at them. Three years I put up with their crap and I was done. Every time one of them saw a movie they'd go skipping off into the sunset and leave everyone else hanging. I say they as the two who are most guilty are “cousins”, even though we've never seen them separate and there's a standing joke/theory that it's the same person. A third player was they “yes man” and would follow them blindly from board to board. The fourth and I have become something of friends and continue to chat and bemoan the possibilities.
Then comes what started in an MSN Chat-Room RP in 1993 and turned into the greatest online game I have ever played. It went on for more than five years moving from chat rp to by post rp and it was everything a Gamer could have ever wanted in an online game. Solid descriptive posts, players who actually logged on, just about everyone took their characters seriously...I still make periodical pilgrimages to the remains of the site to mourn the loss to this day.
The New Tombstone.
Take the movie Tombstone, set in Dungeons and Dragons cross it with World of Darkness and any and all TV/Custom character you could write in a decent “how they got to TNT” story and you where in. I played the Invisible Man, Darien Fawkes as well as his nemesis Arnaud de Fhon, later taking on half the goddamned cast of the show. There was no character limit. As long as you could keep in character and posted, you could play.
There where something like 30 "full time" individual players another 40 "occasional" players who'd stick around for a thread or two and over 150 characters. For five years we would put in anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour or three a day every day and would post. Even if it was “sorry guys I cant play tonight.” We still made sure to at least be there daily. I made friends the world over whom I still talk to and trade halloween cards with yearly. We would buy birthday gifts for each others kids and when one of us was broken into one night, live during a chat, we did all but form a mob. The only thing that stopped us was was the distance. One of us was Australia, two in England, A Canadian, and three of us where scattered across the states. (it was a slow night) By the time all of our planes would have arrived, the police would have the guy in protective custody. Then MSN Groups closed the 18+ section of their site about a year or so after 9-11 and we where forcefully disbanded. While the loss of the game itself was sad, I still talk to my fellow players just about daily. I don't remember much of the story line due to the amount of characters and post count we would produce in a day, it was just impossible to keep track of everyone. What I do remember are the friends I made the world over who I continue to be friends with to this day. I have couches the world over I can crash on any time.