and my official "list" for team most likely to kill everything they pass through misunderstanding or irritation
Captain: Ross First Office: Caleb Engineer: Me Weapons officer: Cody (what does this button do) Communications: Aaron (bwaha) Doctor: Jason (Dammit Ross, I'm a Doctor not a...) Helm: Bill (For the reasons stated) Random Red Shirt who is paranoid because he is a red shirt: Tom (self explanatory)
If you set a day, in advance of at least 2 weeks. I will fucking be there. (Also not the weekend of Harry Potter. You see I manage a movie theatre these days, so i don't exist that weekend)
And I need control of the deflector dish for best technobabble.
I'm Ross Payton with Role Playing Public Radio and I'm here to recommend Live Free or Die. It's a really awesome Sci-Fi Book with interesting technological solutions and maple syrup based themes. It's really cool.