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Messages - Kiriel

Pages: [1]
RPGs / Re: Stuck writing a good dungeon crawl? Not anymore!
« on: August 17, 2013, 02:43:31 PM »
Glad it will be of use to you!

RPGs / Stuck writing a good dungeon crawl? Not anymore!
« on: August 14, 2013, 04:18:49 PM »
Hello all! I was messing around on the web preparing for my next D&D 4e game and looking for some inspiration when a wild dungeon generator appeared. After looking at it I can't help but fall in love. It made setting up the game so easy! Of course somethings I changed to fit the story better but I figured it would be worth sharing.

This link goes to the dungeon generator but they also have an NPC generator, an encounter generator, and a treasure generator.

Hope this helps others as much as it did me!

RPGs / Re: The dinner party D&D
« on: July 18, 2013, 06:44:04 PM »
I know what you mean with them running away with a random NPC. I was letting our rogue do the sneaking thing and rather than they just find the cave the goblins are in like the pre-made has I let him find a sleeping goblin guard. I thought to myself "O he wants to be the sneaky assassin type guy like he has been saying." NOPE he ends up hog tying the goblin and they interrogate him. I had to role play this goblin that they carried through the whole dungeon until he led them into a trap hole and being a stupid goblin he forgot he was tied to them on a leash and got hung when they fell.

RPGs / Re: The dinner party D&D
« on: July 18, 2013, 02:43:30 PM »
I think I lucked out with this group. It is their first table top but all of them are really excited and are looking forward to the party. And thanks to much for the advice on getting a list of names that should help a lot. And I didn't think of them wanting to use their powers to show off. Im still rather fresh as a DM (usually a player) so this has been a great help!

RPGs / The dinner party D&D
« on: July 18, 2013, 12:14:06 PM »
Hi everyone!

I have just started a new D&D 4e campaign in the forgotten realms setting. All the players are new to D&D and I want to show them it’s not all just dungeon crawls. They actually enjoy talking to the NPCs and are starting to open up as role-players. I have set it up so they have been invited to a ball/dinner party/thing in Loudwater but I as a DM have never run such a scenario and would love some advice.

The characters in the group are a Dragonborn Swordmage, a Human/Revenant Rogue, a Human Paladin, and a Genasi Warlord.

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