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Topics - BeyondSandrock

Pages: [1]
General Chaos / Reviving Raillery and video game joy
« on: February 03, 2015, 11:48:27 PM »
Ross and I have been discussing what we'd like to do with Raillery and what other videos we would like to produce.  Unfortunately the YouTube channel has taken a backseat due to commitments to RPPR and our daily lives. However now that the holidays are over, we're looking to start adding content to the channel on a (hopefully) regular schedule and we would like your input.  Here are some of the ideas we currently have:

Let's Play in the Dark:  I am planning to continue this series (finally finishing out Outlast), though for future releases I am considering a change in format. Instead of releasing full play-throughs, I was thinking of editing it into four or five episode "highlights" in order to accommodate faster releases and fewer episodes per-game.  Let me know what you'd prefer to see.

Co-Op Chaos: This would be our catch-all for any of our multi-player videos (Payday 2, Broforce, Monaco, Chivalry and whatever weird multi-players we can find).

Big in Japan: Thanks to one of our awesome fans in Japan, we now are the proud owners of a Japanese PS2 and and several games.  We've had a lot of so far attempting to play these games while hitting the language barrier at full speed. Also, we were given a DVD of random horse races, except the horses are racing the jockeys. Take that Kentucky Derby!

Adventures in Trade-Chat:The brain-child of Dan and David, the RPPR/Raillery crew will re-enact the sometimes bizarre conversations that happen in World of Warcrafts trade chat. Costumes will probably be involved.

If you have other ideas for content you'd like us to try, please let us know.

General Chaos / New Game: RPPR Crew Personal Theme Songs
« on: August 24, 2011, 09:03:30 PM »
The time has come to for you, the loyal forum dwellers, to choose what song best represents the aspects of each RPPR crew member.

Rules of the Game:

1.  All music chosen must be in your own personal music library.

2. RPPR crew members cannot nominate songs for themselves.

3. Once there 10 nominated songs for a particular crew member the choices will be put up for a week long poll vote to determine the winner. So go and start nominating songs!

Aarons Nominations:

Re: Your Brains by Jonathan Coulton

Werewolves of London by Warren Zebon

Torchwood Main Theme by Murray Gold

Jason: Ready to Die by W.K. Andrews (Embedding disabled, limit reached)

Thad: Every Star, Every Planet by Murray Gold (Embedding disabled, limit reached)

Caleb: Skeletons in my Closet from The 7th Guest Soundtrack (Embedding disabled, limit reached)

Bill: Big Bar Fight from the Firefly Original Soundtrack (Embedding disabled, limit reached)

Cody: Don&;t Stop Me Now by Queen (Embedding disabled, limit reached)

General Chaos / AMV Hell (or Aaron's shameless self-promotion)
« on: September 14, 2010, 07:23:48 PM »
For those who may not be aware of it, AMV Hell is an internet series producing humorous, creative and sometimes hilariously offensive AMV since 2004.  As luck would have it, one of my videos managed to make it into the latest episode of their AMV Hell Minis series. Here is the link to the download site: (Warning: This particular video showcases some of the more risky footage and songs, so for all intensive purposes you should probably view it as NWS).  If you get a chance, let me know what you think (my user name there is the same as it is here). Also make sure to look at the other minis episodes and the movies as well. There are a great deal of excellent editing work in these compilations.

Edit: Also, for those waiting on the DVD, it should be coming to you hopefully by the end of the month. Sorry for the wait.

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