To: Rollo-56
From: <Encrypted>
Subject: Re: Bodysculpting: Increasing Your Girth!!!
Here is the information you asked for. He's at the right location for the tea party and is available.
<Encrypted information retrieval><....decrypting><...>
<...>Personnel File YG4456A22B <line will delete after first viewing>Name: Jaycob Dharuna
Operating Name: OrioleCurrent Location: Little Mumbaai, Noctis City, Noctis-Qianjiao Dome, Mars
<line will delete after first viewing>Operating Status: Active
Jaycob came into existence as E.L.I. (Electronic Lab-assisting Intelligence) <insert file photo> for Repeater Laboratories, Cardiff Wales two years before the Fall. Originally a three-wheeled AI in a robotic shell designed for note taking, lab assisting, and on the spot calculations, he came into existence with no recorded event. It has been explained in interview from Jaycob himself that he simply began asking questions such as: "Why do you prefer this sandwich to the soup", which led to far greater questions. These questions led to AGI research.
Repeater Labs contained many members of the pre-Fall "JASONs" and post-fall Argonauts, who prior to the fall were attempting to urge the world governments into technological responsibility. ELI became the pet project of one Harmendra Dharuna (Indian ancestral origin, male) and Elizabeth Dharuna (Welsh ancestral origin, female) as a means of "writing the book" on training awakening AGIs. This led to ELIs education and increased duties at Repeater Labs that led to him being listed as a full status employee/Lab Assistant, and was upgraded to synthetic (Synth class) Morph shell.
When the Fall happened, ELI was evacuated alongside a large portion of Repeater Labs' assets to Mitre Station(Cluster station in Lunar orbit). Once determined that ELI had no involvement and existence of mesh-related virii, he was released from data quarantine and placed in a high security section of Repeater Labs' Mitre auxiliary facilities.
The Dharunas, known to be followers of the Hindu faith, took an uncommon yet not unheard of approach towards AGI intelligence and "awakening". Believing the "awakening" of AGI intelligences to be a likely part of the reincarnation cycle called
Samsara (, believed that it could be "
written" that ELI was just as living a creature as they were. Because of this, and security urgency due to political and social ramifications to strong AIs and AGIs, they filed themselves as parents to an orphaned evacuee child. ELI chose his own name and became "Jaycob Dharuna".
Given the same freedoms as any other Argonaut, Jaycob continued his work as a member of the Argonauts, focusing his research on finding ways to protect, detect, and predict the actions of rogue AI. With the early fear of return aggressions of the TITANs, this work dominated his days while his continued education in life as a living being continued with his parents. However, like all living beings, Jaycob longed to walk the corridors of Mitre station with the other living beings and be amongst the people. He began taking regular outings with his parents through the clustered sections of the station. It was during these visits that Jaycob came into contact with Radio Argosy, an uncensored source of everything from n-casts, news, nano-blueprints to techno-progressive propaganda. Hearing of the crimes and terrors of fascist regimes, hypercorps, and "black stations" alongside stores of AGI vigilantes fighting for the rights of humans sparked an interest of activism in Jaycob.
While visiting private discussion groups of Radio Argosy fans, Jaycob came into contact with an Infomorph AGI named Ripley. Taking her name from a character in science fiction culture that she admired, Ripley introduced Jaycob to the world of popular culture, AR/VR gaming, Science Fiction, and the two quickly became close friends. A passionate, independent female personality, they began to more closely monitor the feeds from Radio Argosy, finding the barest threads of communications code within the n-casts. However, it seemed as if shortly after discovering the threads, they quickly disappeared. Later, this would direct the two of them towards
<omitted><file insert>Over a two year period, their relationship began to grow into what could best be described as a symbiotic, AGI relationship. AR/VR Gaming led to private AR/VR conversational settings. It is believed, due to time spent in private sessions, that the physicality of their relationship has been explored, to no specific detail. For all intensive purposes, Ripley and Oriole are a package deal.
</file insert>Unknown to Jaycob/Ripley, the thread of encrypted communique led to their discovery by the organization. Their research on the thread raised intelligence countermeasures that resulted in a five month period of surveillance, background checks, and chance meetings. In October, AF8, Jaycob was approached by
<omitted> and was given opportunity to gain additional employment through the agency. Cashing in his life's savings (and some of Ripley's) on equipment, the two underwent training on security countermeasures, infiltration, espionage, and combat training at locations unknown with a newly selected Ghost biomorph with Ripley (having made her own decisions involving multiple classified backups) attaching herself to Jaycob as his "muse".
Citing a need to see some of the system, Jaycob explained to his parents that he and Ripley are going to work for an Argonaut friendly lab on Mars with plans to return.
Training complete, the Jaycob (and Ripley) transferred to Mars. Jaycob has been working at Trigo Nanoproducts, performing tests and research on medichines, healing vats, and nanofabrication suites while waiting for activation. His relationship (including continued AR/VR simulations, rented biomorphs, and regular sci-fi programming) continues with Ripley to this day, as the two continue to try to explore and understand their awakened lives together.
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