Glad you could join us. Eclipse Phase really is the knee's bees. I kind of want to pick up Shadow run but I doubt I could get the rest of our group interested in learning its very complex system.
Thank you!
If only I could find a regular game for Eclipse Phase - my usual GM is currently in the throws of 'new parent' so not so much with learning new systems right now. Even though he really does want to pick up Eclipse Phase at some point. This is actually my ShadowRun GM - he actually bans new players to the system from playing a magic user, hacker or rigger their first campaign. Those three types use a system within a system, so that way new folks only need to learn the general system first go. On the plus side, easier on the player. On the negative side, if everyone is new, that's going to limit the kind of runs a group can do. Also on the down side (for the entire system, in my opinion) is the complexity of the rules the GM just keeps in his head, in order to keep track of the opposition.
Also, I think I would pay good money to listen to Caleb in a ShadowRun game, the twisty, crafty gentleman. Actually, I'd pay more money to watch/listen to Caleb game with my partner going up against my GM. The lot of the twisty machiavellian ... folk. Let's just put it this way: in a random game at a con, I checked with that GM that red actually meant bad, green good in a color coding system. Because that is the level of assumption that my GM will fuck me over for. In addition to every crazy complication he throws at us.
Hey, cataloging librarian! I'm a tech services librarian. Pleased to meet you!
My if-I-won-the-lottery geek dream would be to create and run a research library of RPG and gaming materials. The whole RPG publishing industry could really use some dedicated preservation and curation.
Hello fellow tech services librarian! Please to meet another one of us on the internet (not on AutoCat)!
Given that Kansas University has the Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction (, that could already be out there. Very poorly advertised, but out there
I think it'd be really cool if that library could get buy-in from the industry to be a deposit library like the British library - one copy of everything published automatically given to the library. Other than the same inevitable problem of running out of room, like the British library...