Author Topic: 02A- Riveira's Apartment  (Read 97017 times)


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02A- Riveira's Apartment
« on: February 15, 2011, 11:51:37 AM »

Reb Riveira’s Apartment

Lien’s address takes Reaver and Zeeb to one of the more run-down areas in Pembroke Gardens. The building is a prefab metallic foam apartment complex: dark grey walls with a definite preference of functionality over architectural aesthetics. The people who walk around look shady at best; among the crowd there are several obvious Triad gangsters peddling organic drugs, petals and illegal XPs.

The main door of the building is wide open, and occasionally a person will enter or leave through it. From outside, a main staircase can be seen. The address points to an apartment on the third floor.

Jeeves pops up in Reaver’s entoptics, a balding man wearing a butler uniform consisting of a suit and red tie. “It seems like Sarah does remember that unfortunate incident. Maybe we could try to check with someone else in the @ network, but I’m sure Sarah is now aware you’re looking for information there and will try to hinder your progress.”

[OOC] You can try Networking: Anarchists again, but you will have a -10 modifier to the check.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 01:06:41 PM by Dom »


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Re: 02A- Riviera's Apartment
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2011, 03:06:12 PM »
Ok Jeeves.  Take your time this time.  Let's try to avoid problems.  I can't believe that she still holds a grudge.  her father doesn't!  And he's the one I shot!

But it was her uncle that you put in cold storage for 5 years.

Yeah.  I guess it's true about scorned women.  Story of my life.

As this is taking place, Reaver sets the security on his bike, takes a drink from his water bottle and scans his TacNet for any sign of Zeeb.

Networking:Anarchists (45)[+20 for taking time, -10 for botched prior attempt.] Rolling 1d100:
(67): Total = 67


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Re: 02A- Riviera's Apartment
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2011, 11:37:07 AM »
"Very well, I will try again. This might take some time, however. We should continue with the investigation." Jeeves bows his head slightly and vanishes from the entoptic display.


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Re: 02A- Riviera's Apartment
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2011, 01:41:55 PM »
I will glance at my TacNet one more time for Zeeb, seeing nothing, I will start walking to the apartment - taking the stairs. I will take my time and keep watch for any and all surveillance devices that may be around.

Perception (50) Rolling 1d100:
(82): Total = 82


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Re: 02A- Riviera's Apartment
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2011, 08:38:18 PM »
Zeeb walks up somewhat quickly while at the same time trying to not appear rushed.  "Sorry I'm late, Richard gave me crap for directions."

"Hey, now that's not fair man.  I got you here didn't I?"
"Yeah, after practically taking me back to earth first, you planned such a roundabout way."
"You know I'm not great with public transit.  Maybe you should get your own transport like one of those new cycles instead of blowing your money on a CM."
"You know what, that's going to be very useful.  Point is you screwed up and it's all your fault."
Sarcastically "Aww..."

He then turns to Reaver.  "Anyway, what's up?"


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Re: 02A- Riviera's Apartment
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2011, 08:07:38 AM »
"Getting ready to head up.  Figured we'd take the stairs since it's only the third floor.  You find out anything new?"


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2011, 10:09:03 AM »
Both Reaver and Zeeb start walking up the stairs towards the apartment. As they walk, Reaver looks around for any surveillance devices but finds none. It looks like there wouldn't be much in the way of security, seeing as people are just walking in and out. The building also looks like it has been here for several years before the Fall- it is old and antiquated. Newer residential buildings are built with comfort and security in mind, this building does not seem to be of that mindset.

The stairs look sturdy, being made of the same metallic alloy as the rest of the building. The place seems even more run-down inside: scratch marks on the walls, brown grime on the floor and trash littered in the hallways.

Finally, Reaver and Zeeb reach the apartment number five in the third floor- Reb Riveira's apartment. The hallway is deserted and cold, the only noise heard is that of a low hum coming from apartment seven, most likely a group of Tibetan authentics in meditation. Zeeb tries the door to Riveira's apartment, but finds it locked.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 01:09:31 PM by Dom »


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Re: 02A- Riviera's Apartment
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2011, 10:51:40 AM »
Zeeb turns back to Reaver, "Locked.  You have the key?" he asks quietly.  He also scans the floor quickly to see if anyone is watching them engage in what could be construed as some questionably legal activities.

Perception (40) Rolling 1d100:
(12): Total = 12


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Re: 02A- Riviera's Apartment
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2011, 10:59:56 AM »
Zeeb looks for unexpected bystanders or security devices, but finds only cold solitude. He does become aware, however, that a loud noise in the hallway could bring nosy tenants out of their apartments to investigate, so a quiet entry would be recommended.


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Re: 02A- Riviera's Apartment
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2011, 02:18:47 PM »
"Sure thing."

Reaver takes his back pack off, opens one of the many small pockets and extracts what looks like a multitool.  It is in fact, a covert ops tool.

"Gimme a sec or three" he says while applying the tool to the lock.

OOC: Not sure what I roll for this thing.  Let me know and I'll add another post.


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Re: 02A- Riviera's Apartment
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2011, 08:52:23 AM »
Reaver pauses before continuing.  He looks at Zeeb; "I can do this, but I can't remember our past ops.  Are you better at this?  I'm passable, but not great."


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Re: 02A- Riviera's Apartment
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2011, 11:22:05 AM »
"It's been a few weeks since I've actually cracked a lock, but it doesn't look like this is too secure of a joint.  Should be a nice warmup.  You mind?"  He asks motioning towards the tool.  "Those are so much fun."

Electronics (Using Covert Ops Tool or Wrist Mounted Tools 70) Rolling 1d100:
(4): Total = 4


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Re: 02A- Riviera's Apartment
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2011, 12:09:48 PM »
Zeeb crouches down and removes the lock's panel with an expert twist of the wrist-mounted tools. He then fiddles with the lock's circuitry for a second and the door unlocks. Placing the panel back on the lock, it looks as if the door had never been disturbed.

The pair enters a small, single room apartment with a separate bathroom door to the right. A single-sized aerogel bed takes up most of the wall opposite from the apartment's entrance, its sheets are messy and somewhat dirty. To the left a small kitchen set is littered with the remains of insta-meal packages. Paper, average lined paper like the type seen back in the 20th century, clutters the entire room. Picking one up, Reaver notices that it has Portuguese handwriting. The slightly blue-tinged light above matches the coldness felt inside the room.

[OOC] To look around the room, you can make Perception or Investigation rolls to search around the room. To read through the papers you can give me a Research roll, and a complementary skill is Portuguese for a +30 although I don't think any of you know it- you can still read them using translators but it will be at a -10 penalty.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 01:18:13 PM by Dom »


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Re: 02A- Riviera's Apartment
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2011, 01:12:29 PM »
"Hey Zeeb, you speak or read Portuguese?"  As he holds up one of the papers.

"So, do you want to start looking through these, or search though the apartment?  I have some training in Linguistics, that may help with these."


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Re: 02A- Riveira's Apartment
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2011, 02:29:35 PM »
"Nah man, just some technical Russian and Japanese.  I'll give the place a once over though, if you want to take a look at those papers.  I could look up some translation software for you though."  Zeeb then begins to idly wander about the apartment both looking for clues and any interesting small electronics or other devices.  After all, if Riveira's really missing, he won't need them and Alex has 10 years of technology to catch up on...

Perception (40) Rolling 1d100:
(90): Total = 90