Author Topic: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)  (Read 453389 times)


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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #345 on: October 08, 2016, 06:03:19 PM »
huh, I kind of want to read those adventures at least but if I ran it, it would be 13th age or DCC or something else. Not going to run Pathfinder.

Twisting H

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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #346 on: October 08, 2016, 07:26:20 PM »
Ross, all the games you run are funnel games regardless of system :p

IIRC Caleb said something about liking Samurai RPGs with historical flavor.

No idea if this fits the bill but may be worth looking at.

From Something Awful's Nuns With Guns

If anyone was interested in the OSR retroclone Samurai RPG, Kaigaku, he's put up a late backers form to buy the book through paypal here. If you want an idea  of what you're getting into, he offers a basic version of the game here for free and public use.


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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #347 on: October 13, 2016, 06:33:17 PM »

Cthonian Highways playtest doc is up.

I know Caleb is a fan so...


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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #348 on: October 13, 2016, 06:45:02 PM »

Coworker: So what did you think of Two Lovers and a Bear?
Me: I'm not sure... I'm still processing it.
Coworker: It was a really Canadian movie though, wasn't it?
Me: Oh, yeah.  Right down to Gordon Pinsent voicing the bear.
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Twisting H

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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #349 on: October 18, 2016, 12:01:50 PM »
Re: Survey Construction; Business of Games; Kickstarters

Alexis Kennedy, the writer responsible for founding Failbetter games, developing Fallen London and writing Sunless Sea has the following to say about posting a survey question about kickstarters:

Hullo, total and utter scholars of occult lore.

A couple of weeks back I asked everyone (well, everyone on the list then: hullo again, everyone else!) whether I should run a Kickstarter for Cultist Simulator this year or next year.

Thanks very much for helping me make the decision. It's made; I just blogged about it; here's the blog post below, edited for relevance, so you don't have to go looking.

Have a properly midnight Halloween.


A couple of weeks ago I was dithering over to run a Kickstarter in November 2016, before my BioWare contract, or September 2017 once I'd finished at BioWare. An earlier KS would mean I would know where I stood with funding, and could get a second shot if it failed; a later KS would be a much easier sell than 'thanks for the money, now I'm putting the project on hold for six months'.

So I did what I usually do, and went to the community. I asked everyone on the Cultist Simulator mailing list hether they would be more likely to back a Kickstarter in November 2016 or in Q3 2017. I then spread the survey link liberally around and listened to everyone with an opinion.[1] If you expressed your opinion, thank you, it helped!

They survey results split 43/57 for 2016/2017, which was a pretty mixed reaction. But I was interested in provoking and listening to people's specific thoughts as much as anything, and these were really useful. Some of the things I came to believe in the wake of the consultation:

running a Kickstarter would give me valuable information about how popular the idea was - but I already have a core of people who are seriously interested, so that's less important than it might be.
I have momentum and a decent profile now - but after I've been working at BioWare for six months, especially since my contract allows me to blog (tactfully) from inside the EA Leviathan, my profile will probably be higher
I've run two successful KSs and I'm very aware that backers are forgiving, as long as you don't take the piss. As long as I made sure everyone knew the sitch up front, it would probably be fine, but there would definitely be a communications tax.
Failbetter are running a KS in January 2017 (probably). If I run a KS in September 2017, I would be in their rain shadow; people are still confused about whether I work there (I don't) and what our connection is (I often have lunch with various Failbetters still) and  they might confusedly ask, hang on, don't you have another KS ongoing?
But the deciding factor was this. Someone asked: can you guarantee you'll be done at BioWare after six months? and my first answer was "hell yes, I'm not going to extend there if I have a game to make". But then I realised the mistake I was making.

I was still thinking like a studio head. When you're employing sixteen people, you want to be damned sure everyone will be eating in a year, so you plan the fuck ahead. But my personal burn rate is much lower than that, and I can improvise. The main reason I left Failbetter was because I wanted to spend a while taking advantage of whatever opportunities presented themselves, rather than planning my life around biz requirements years in advance.

So I'm going for a Kickstarter in Q3 2017 (if I run a KS; more on that in another post), because that means if I do decide I want to keep working with BioWare a bit longer (if they'll have me) - or do a PhD or run a bar in Da Nang - I still have that option. I like to finish projects; but let's leave the future open a little longer.


So until Christmas, I'm working, self-funded, on CS, along with a couple of bits of consultancy-I-can't-talk-about-because-you-know-this-biz. The Unity version is coming along swimmingly - I have the core loop running with all the content from the original prototype -but it's butt-ugly at the moment. I'll probably do another post on that next week.




[1] (Actually, I made a silly error, which was to ask people 'would you back, and also do you think other people would back'. Everyone's an expert on their own feelings, but very few people are experts on other people. So this confused the results. Avoid asking that, folks.)


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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #350 on: October 23, 2016, 07:37:08 AM »
Hulu has posted the show "the Librarians" including the "miskatonic" episode the price of education,p0,s2,d0

Twisting H

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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #351 on: October 25, 2016, 08:44:17 PM »
Do you want to tell an interactive story with your webpage?

Try Twine.




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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #352 on: October 26, 2016, 07:19:15 AM »
Speaking of Twine, have some nifty horror examples I enjoyed.

sub-q in general has some interesting ones.


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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #353 on: October 28, 2016, 03:37:18 PM »
Hey guys?



Did you know that there's a tumblr about waffle slabs?

CADmonkey: G+; Tumblr
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Twisting H

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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #354 on: November 11, 2016, 09:45:25 PM »
Attention Caleb,

 Ethan does a great job adapting the Ligotti story Our Temporary Supervisor into a purist CoC one shot.

Purist scenarios are not for everyone, but this truly captured a very specific flavor of quiet despair.


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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #355 on: November 12, 2016, 05:52:58 PM »
Attention Caleb,

 Ethan does a great job adapting the Ligotti story Our Temporary Supervisor into a purist CoC one shot.

Purist scenarios are not for everyone, but this truly captured a very specific flavor of quiet despair.

:D for the shoutout!
:'( for how Ligotti made us all feel.
Check out the Technical Difficulties Gaming Podcast!


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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #356 on: November 13, 2016, 05:42:02 PM »
 :-[ :-X :-\ :( :o for having played!
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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #357 on: November 28, 2016, 01:15:44 PM »
Possibly my all-time favourite mecha anime is getting a reboot:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>
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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #358 on: November 30, 2016, 11:13:48 AM »
We never got the third movie in the uk. The one with the cancer monster with the big mouth.


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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #359 on: November 30, 2016, 12:52:55 PM »
We never got the third movie in the uk. The one with the cancer monster with the big mouth.
Hadn't even heard of that one.
CADmonkey: G+; Tumblr
Yo Dawg, I Heard You Like Mecha: G+; Tumblr