Author Topic: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest  (Read 209979 times)


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Re: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest
« Reply #150 on: April 26, 2013, 11:42:16 PM »
Ok ok ok. So I realize I'm probably some kind of crazy for writing over 3 000 words off a two sentence throw away line in the podcast. BUT the idea of Unleash the Kraken having an oblivious intern had me in stitches, and I couldn't let it rest. So here, enjoy the fumbling adventures of Unleash the Kraken's Intern, Ant. Here's a teaser:

Preston's tentacles ached with the weight of a screaming Feiyun as he clung to the ledge. Below them, Feiyun was getting an excellent view of the venom dripping mouth of security baboons every time they leapt at her, snapping at her heels. Klaxons did not quite drown out the sound of gunfire down Bartelby's corridor. Amidst the chaos, entropics popped up for Preston; It was Ant.
"Mr Crowly?"
"Ant, we are VERY BUSY RIGHT NOW" Preson swung Feiyun to the side, out of the path of an airborne baboon. "Can this wait?"

A bit of realism/accuracy was sacrificed for the comedy, so try to squint and ignore it when you spot it.  ;D


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Re: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest
« Reply #151 on: April 27, 2013, 06:05:16 AM »
Ok ok ok. So I realize I'm probably some kind of crazy for writing over 3 000 words off a two sentence throw away line in the podcast. BUT the idea of Unleash the Kraken having an oblivious intern had me in stitches, and I couldn't let it rest. So here, enjoy the fumbling adventures of Unleash the Kraken's Intern, Ant. Here's a teaser:

Preston's tentacles ached with the weight of a screaming Feiyun as he clung to the ledge. Below them, Feiyun was getting an excellent view of the venom dripping mouth of security baboons every time they leapt at her, snapping at her heels. Klaxons did not quite drown out the sound of gunfire down Bartelby's corridor. Amidst the chaos, entropics popped up for Preston; It was Ant.
"Mr Crowly?"
"Ant, we are VERY BUSY RIGHT NOW" Preson swung Feiyun to the side, out of the path of an airborne baboon. "Can this wait?"

A bit of realism/accuracy was sacrificed for the comedy, so try to squint and ignore it when you spot it.  ;D

Just read it.
It's good.  I highly enjoyed it.  Sort of farcical.

I was thinking that it would make for a good sitcom or short story collection.  Have two or three interns within a firewall cell.  Then only show things from their perspective.  Including all the lies they are told and all the horror they encounter "by accident".
Gorkamorka (Fridrik)


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Re: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest
« Reply #152 on: April 29, 2013, 11:50:40 AM »
I have 11 days to write a story based on two sentences in the final episode; I'm up to the task.


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Re: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest
« Reply #153 on: April 29, 2013, 01:56:28 PM »
I have 11 days to write a story based on two sentences in the final episode; I'm up to the task.

which two?


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Re: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest
« Reply #154 on: April 29, 2013, 10:16:53 PM »
"I do not exist. I merely know that I do not exist now."


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Re: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest
« Reply #155 on: May 01, 2013, 10:34:01 PM »
Citadel, I thought you did a great job capturing the voices of the characters. And I particularly liked a couple of lines... you fab the best coffee, and best of all, Bartleby's AR emphasis on the Secret. Spy. Organization!


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Re: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest
« Reply #156 on: May 01, 2013, 11:02:26 PM »
Alternate Universe Know Evil: Release the Kraken Intern one shot game - Bartleby recruits Ant and a few other hapless NPCs as 'interns'/cannon fodder and sends them on a side mission.


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Re: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest
« Reply #157 on: May 01, 2013, 11:15:00 PM »
Dedicated page for Know Evil campaign:

any typos/link mistakes?

Henry Hankovitch

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Re: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest
« Reply #158 on: May 02, 2013, 12:35:43 AM »
On the campaign poster, are those two different versions of Bartleby?  The blue-ish haired woman, and the giant-cranium baldy dude?


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Re: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest
« Reply #159 on: May 02, 2013, 12:41:27 AM »
On the campaign poster, are those two different versions of Bartleby?  The blue-ish haired woman, and the giant-cranium baldy dude?

bald due is Max Jax (played by Drew)

There is no art of male Bartleby


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Re: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest
« Reply #160 on: May 02, 2013, 06:56:45 AM »
Dedicated page for Know Evil campaign:

any typos/link mistakes?

I didn't catch any on the main page, but the second-to-last sentence of the synopsis for the Post-Mortem episode doesn't make a lot of sense.

"It’s not often a role playing campaign ends with such a satisfying conclusion, so we wanted to make sure you would this ‘director’s commentary’ for Know Evil."

But it's a really well done page within the site. Thank you for setting it up.


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Re: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest
« Reply #161 on: May 02, 2013, 10:56:39 AM »
Minor corrections (and only because you asked):

"Players can assume the roles Firewall Sentinels..." There's a missing "of". (And shouldn't it be "role" instead of "roles"? Now you've got me doubting.)

High stakes gambling might do with a hyphen, if one is being particular. "A special one shot" might as well, and pear shaped.

I am of course available for editing services...  ;D


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Re: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest
« Reply #162 on: May 04, 2013, 02:51:04 AM »

a long way from Poona Law college

you make sure the leads are secure in your arms

the air is full with the smell of ozone

the Canadian dollars are exchanged

and you fall in

* * *

lying lain full of fulfilling awe; torn together escapade, sauntered down several paths, fork upon fork upon forks.  mere names providing, over time, meaning ex nihilo

come to the final reveal, the epic conclusion, all laid bare bearly

"Bartleby" turn around and see, dragged out of you, the answer of answers...

an old mathmatician, telling you stories in an old London park.  he is very good at games, puzzles, word play...

"...the Knave of Hearts, he stole those tarts and took them quite away!"

you laughed so hard you tripped on your gingham dress, hit your head and fell down a deep rabbit hole...

* * *

you're laughing, wriggling as you are carried to the human's mouth, that saki sauce making your nervous system spark and fire, as if you were alive, bringing fantastic dreams, of being a futuristic talk show host and a deadly 8-armed ninja...the first bite, divine pleasure...

* * *

hugged tight among all the other toys, with kung-fu grip and detachable arms, agent SAIROC, caught in a sunbeam...

* * *

through the forests you run
loam thick beneath your feet
free, finally
Fey Yang beside you, your opposite but complementary bit
You reach the edge of the cliff
and leap into the possibility

* * *

you are a gold brick
you have always been a gold brick
you need others to love you and carry you
carry on, gold brick

* * *

the sim ends
burnt around the edges, the leads pop off and retract into the machine
"Go Evil"
You are again Manjappa.  You are still far from the Poona Law college.  You are still old.
A younger man smiles and kisses your cheek.
Life is still good.
Tomorrow, you can be someone else.
pretentious i am
lest pretentious i become


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Re: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest
« Reply #163 on: May 04, 2013, 10:18:02 PM »

you are a gold brick
you have always been a gold brick
you need others to love you and carry you
carry on, gold brick

I really dig this section


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Re: The RPPR Know Evil Fan Creation Contest
« Reply #164 on: May 08, 2013, 06:35:49 AM »
So a complete hdd failure during the final uni month slowed me down from completing this, but I thought I might finish it off tonight and submit it.

A poem inspired by one of my favourite pieces, retelling the first time the Know Evil crew faced exsurgent nightmares.

Again they stopped to take stock
On this sad and lonely rock
Together they would take a walk
Though to where, they were not sure
For the gods had laid their treasures here
And The Scribe believed that he could hear
The subtle sound of his puppeteer
Though its purpose was not pure

Slowly, slowly crept the four
Then down and down the great trap door
Towards the site of their first war
And their first real taste of death
For evil had made it to this realm
Had planned and plotted to be at the helm
Of the fall of man, to overwhelm
To crush them of their breath

They came upon her, crowned
And though she was so tightly bound
She continued to issue that dreadful sound
That called them to her grave
‘Here, here’ was her ghostly wail
The creatures heard the awful trail
The party knew they could not fail
If the city, they were to save

They battled a night, and then a day
As monsters entered into the fray
Until at last, they all lay
Broken and unsorted
The traitor turned upon them then
In that foul deserted den
The cause of it beyond their ken
His body now distorted

They put it down and wept for him
One would stay to sing a hymn
The others, though, their faces grim
Came to the surface in distress
The Thief lay down then, on a bough
Too hurt to stand she did avow
The Scribe placed a hand upon her brow
His purpose, he would not confess