Are you referring to Eclipse Phase? Because THAT is of great interest to me.
I've read through the PDF and it's extremely cool. Overall the game itself seems like Shadowrun advanced a few hundred years, with a horror twist. Balance appears like it would become an issue, but I don't think that game balance is the point. There's an overabundance of body types and gear, but a relatively small number of consistent character attached feats/abilities.
I think that, like people in a transhumanist society, players will need to change how they perceive a "character" in order to get into this game. They change so fast and so often by switching bodies, taking on new forms and abilities, dying and reloading themselves, that they barely fit the definition of a "character" build anymore. I can also see this occasionally breaking game flow, as the player recalculates their new sleeve's stats, selects implants, and buys new gear for the third time in a game session.
Overall, I found it to be an engaging read and that it is a great RPG incredible explorations of transhumanist sci-fi concepts. The game does seem a bit crunchy for my taste. The last real issue I see with the game is the downright overwhelming level of complexity and options for creating characters. This is right in line with the game's concept, but has made it hard to get any of my local players interested in making a character.