Author Topic: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)  (Read 92585 times)


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Re: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2010, 07:11:45 PM »
Or in summation: Don't be scared. No level of unfamiliarity with the system is not a bad thing. This can be a training game for the first part pretty easily. I have many many M&M converts on my side.
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Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2010, 07:20:27 PM »
I've fairly well settled on the concept of a biological toolbelt character. A few points in regeneration to give him an accelerated healing rate (minutes rather than hours), some claws or something for a weapon, utility powers like Create Objects with precise, and then alot of points into skills.


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Re: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2010, 09:10:32 PM »
I'll definitely work on a character concept then.  Thanks for all your willingness (love the game idea)...


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Re: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2010, 09:12:09 PM »
*hugs RJ*



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Re: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2010, 09:25:46 PM »
Character concept:  Stealth/thief role, based largely around the Anatomic Separation power.  I want to fool around with that power a bit.  Would probably do some invisibility/concealment as well.  Any suggestions on where to go from there?  (Animate Objects looks fun, but don't know if that could mesh well/if I could point wise).

I've got work to do, but if characters need to be made soon-ish, I would probably be working tomorrow night/anytime Thursday...


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Re: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2010, 10:29:26 PM »
Concept: Mercenary force medic with the life control power/associated powers. Uses abilities to not only aid the wounded but to fight and complete the mission. Probably some expertise with surgical implements like knives, bone saws and perhaps a firearm.                    
« Last Edit: May 04, 2010, 10:32:56 PM by Kroack »


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Re: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2010, 11:20:04 PM »
Have so far expressed interest:

Kroack-Medic man with offensive life control powers
McKma-Stealth/thief man with anatomical separation and some concealments.
Tadanori Oyama-Biological control utility belt pick-up man. Possible wolverineishness with some create objects abilities (Bone growth?)
Malyss- The face man.

So far that's a pretty solid team. I'm liking how this is shaping up. I think we'll start in a week, that way any additional players can join, and we can get some more character information down.

What I'm looking for now: A paragraph or two on your characters personality and a paragraph or two on their backstory. Nothing is nailed in stone at this stage, so feel free to write knowing that you can change anything you need to at a later date.
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Re: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2010, 12:50:55 AM »
   X is largely quiet most of the time, and if he were a “normal” human, would easily fade into the background most of the time (and because he has superpowers, literally fades into the background).  When he does talk though, he often does so with a dry, quick wit.  Cracking jokes with an utterly serious face is somewhat unsettling to those not used to it as they are often morbid.  He doesn’t trust many, but is fiercely loyal to those he does.  He views morals as largely ambiguous and has no problems killing someone for a reason.  However he almost completely avoids causing undo pain and killing for no reason.  A bit greedy, he is always looking for the next best thing.

   (real loose, don’t know how to fit it in with other stuff)
   X has always been a bit of a thief.  Not so much kleptomania, but for the thrill of it as well as it being seen as a “time-saver” (i.e. not having to work).  He did his best not to take too much from any one individual (didn’t want to completely ruin someone), but wasn’t overly “Robin Hood” about it.  Eventually he found his way into a rougher crowd and began pulling bigger jobs, including those in less developed countries.  One thing lead to another and he was eventually caught.  Traditional punishments often involve removal of limbs, something happens, gets super powers.

Don't have a name or more specific idea on character...

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Re: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2010, 02:05:59 AM »
Tadanori Oyama-Biological control utility belt pick-up man. Possible wolverineishness with some create objects abilities (Bone growth?)

And flesh, skin, blood, sinew, organs, muscles, whatever biological elements are needed for the task. Think Mr. Fantastic but not all rubbery, more like Akira. Additional limbs for some tenticles, Blast for the tenticle attack, and a Strike power for claws should round things out nicely.

Nicholai is an example of Cold War Era thinking expressed through the Genetic Age application. Born in 1981 with unstable genetic coding due to inutero experimentation with deep Earth dark matter, dark matter particales extracted from dangerously deep mines into remote sections of other Mother Land. Assigned the name Nicholai meaning "Power of the People", life was difficult and the boy's abilities remained improperly tapped for the better part of two decades. The KGB wanted a shape changing spy who could wear any American face at will and what they got was a young man who's hands and feet randomly developed additional digits which only occationally resembled human fingers and toes or who's internal organs occational decided to change their alignment.

The cracking of the human genomoe allowed limited gene-theropy to correct the massive imperfections in Nicholai's DNA sequences and met with partical success, allowing him to maintain a human appearance nearly constantly and, eventually, gain limited control over changes to his physical body. The 2004 Victory Force action in Moscow to "stablize" the democratic republic resulted in the discover of Nicholai and the project which resulted in his creation. Victory Force, acting on their own volitation, annexed the man and the records of the project, removing the originals from the Russian national archives.

Treated with a wider range of genetic adjusting options Nicholai's abilities blossomed into their current strength. Rapid cell divison and consumption allow Nicholai to increase his biological mass, control the shape and material of his flesh, and recover physical damage at accelerated rates. As an adaptive specialist he is a valued addition to Victory Force's roster.


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Re: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)
« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2010, 11:39:42 AM »

He’s a watcher. But that doesn’t mean he sits still. He has a rash streak in him. Impulsive like a toddler, he likes to go places he shouldn’t. He likes to touch things he isn’t supposed to have. And he loves bullshit. If he can tell the truth or tell a lie and have the same outcome, he chooses to lie. The more improbable the story, the more likely he is to tell it. And he gets away with it. Violence isn’t his first solution to a problem, but he doesn’t shy away from it. That is because he finds it more satisfying to pull the wool over someone’s eyes than to just thump them. It shows he is superior where it counts – in the brains department. At least that is how he sees it.

When he was a kid, he was always picked last. It wasn’t because he was bad at any activity; quite the opposite actually. He just never got noticed in a crowd. When people were engaged with him, it wasn’t a problem, but if he was just standing around, no one seemed to notice him. He didn’t mind though really. For the most part, he just wanted to be left alone. And when he really wanted to be left alone, he seemed to be. He didn’t get hounded by salespeople in stores, and bums didn’t ask him for money. He never got threatened of bullied when he was minding his own business. And on the odd occasion when he wasn’t paying attention to being left alone, he seemed to be able to talk his way out of, or into, any situation he wanted.

One day in school he decided to test his limits out a bit. He went into the girls’ locker room and just stood off to the side. He stayed in there for over an hour, saw Sally Jensen shower (wow) and then just walked out. No one noticed him. Being a little distracted with images of Sally (wow) in his head still, he ran into the Principal in the hall outside of the locker room. Busted! Or so he thought. Principal Gordon looked at him and asked him what he was doing hanging around the girls’ locker room. TBD, thinking he had been caught, decided to be funny and screw the consequences.

“I was just in there watching Sally Jensen shower, and so I was working up the courage to go back in and ask her out on a date. That’s cool isn’t it?” He said it with as much sincerity as he could muster.

Principal Gordon looked at him funnily for a moment.

“I guess that is ok. Carry on.” And then he walked away.

TBD couldn’t believe it. He had just told a ridiculous story that should have got him yanked into the Principal’s office at the very least, and he had gotten away with it. This was gold.

A couple of years later, while in college, he decided to push his limits again. There members-only club that he and a friend had wanted to see the inside of. TBD had not encountered any difficulty getting in thereon his own, but he wanted to see if he could bring a friend. They walked up to the door, where the guard stopped them. TBD went up to the guy and told him some bullshit story about how they were panty inspectors and that they had heard there were women in there that needed to be checked out. If you are going to BS, go big, was his approach. To his friend’s surprise, the guy let them in. They got stopped a couple more times while in there, and each time TBD would make up another dumb story. It seemed like no matter what he said, people believed him. Or at least they believed his intentions, which were basically ‘screw off and let us by’. His friend was stunned, but TBD made him promise to not mention it.

After he was finished college, he was really pushing the limits.

A local military base was a place that was off-limits to everyone. Since he had been getting away with it for so long, he didn’t really think he would get caught. TBD walked through the front gate and toured around, pulling his usual stunts. He even tripped an alarm at one time and talked the MPs that came to investigate out of bringing him in.

He left the base, convinced he was unstoppable!

A few days later, there was a knock at his door. The man and woman that were there came in, sat him down, and had a little chat with him. For some reason, they weren’t buying his bullshit. They told him that he was wasting his time here, and that they had something that he could be doing that was important. Or they would walk out of the apartment, and he would know for the rest of his life that he would need to look over his shoulder, because he was being watched. And if he became to difficult to watch, there were always other options.

After he had accepted, they told him how they had caught him. Despite getting away with everything in person, on camera he wasn’t as safe. So they taught him how to blend. And they taught him his limitations. Now he does what he does with a purpose, and he loves it. It was a match made in heaven as far as he was concerned.

I will try and put together the details of his talents and such, but I might need a little help. Should I just PM you?


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Re: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)
« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2010, 08:53:02 PM »
Note: I haven’t thought of a name yet, so Medic will suffice for now. Also forgive me for grammar/spelling. I didn’t have a ton of time to write this. 

Absolute precision is a must in today’s world. The ability to analyze your situation and make an intelligent and well informed decision is paramount. You know those missiles that can enter a chimney from hundreds of miles away? Well, the Medic would call that amazing feat of exactitude child’s play. His meticulous and down to earth nature is the driving force behind all of his actions. Everything he does is weighed against the odds and his actions are completed with surgical exactness. However, the Medic is not an emotionally devoid robot. He believes that the innocent should be protected and the wounded should be healed. At heart he truly is a humanitarian and he would go against his own basic instincts if guiltless lives were at stake.

The Medic cashed in on the organ growing market early. After suddenly discovering his abilities in med school, he decided that the world truly needed a person like him. Using terminally ill patients, with diseases he couldn’t even cure, the Medic created living organ banks that he could grow vital body parts from. At first it wasn’t about the money.  He was young, idealistic, and believed that everyone had the right to a health body. However, when the Medic began to deal with the shadier elements of the organ industry his ideology began to change. Gone was the shining white knight of healing, replaced with a business minded surgeon.

After a deal gone wrong in China, the Medic went into hiding for several months. He decided that he was done dealing with criminals and recently resurfaced as a member of the superhuman mercenary group known as Victory Force.           

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Re: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)
« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2010, 01:56:58 AM »
I'm about half done with the mechanics of my character. Some of the things I want to do aren't covered by the normal Extras presented with some of the powers.

For example, since my Create Objects power used the character's own biomass I'm trying to apply Feedback, as per the Duplicate Flaw.


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Re: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)
« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2010, 07:55:33 AM »
I'd be interested in playing if your still taking people. I've done a bit of experamenting with the system (Dr. Martin Venture, Superscientist Necromancer!). How does a combat oriented light battlesuit sound? Something like Grey Fox but without the sword. Or now that I think about it, the guy from Shadow Complex without all the upgrades.
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Re: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)
« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2010, 10:47:38 AM »
Not sure if you got my PM or not. Can you let me know if came through?


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Re: Victory Force (M&M 2nd ed. Seeking 3-5 players)
« Reply #29 on: May 06, 2010, 01:49:07 PM »
Do you have recommendations on how to divide up the points?  I'm not sure how many to put in each area and whatnot.

Also, if I have anatomic separation and other powers that alter myself, can I apply that power to just my detached part, just the rest of my body, both, or any combination?  (i.e. if I detached my hand, could I make just my hand insubstantial or invisible or something?)