Clarifications inbound.
Apparently, it was a single glass of something John explained as being call Terrible, but pronounced in a bad French accent - stressed second syllable, neutral vowel in final syllable, etc. I go to these lengths because I'm unaware of the hooch in question, and the results for Googling 'terrible booze' are mind numbing in more ways than one. As for his age at the time, that was just assumption on my part, as I thought you'd been out pf town since before he was 21.
As for pederasty, apparently that was a different time.
In short *Gilbert Godfried voice* I'm sorry I said Patrick gave a younger man booze and taught him about pederasty, because that's not how it happened. Please don't tell anyone else that Patrick gave a younger man booze and taught him about pederasty, that's not true. So let's all forget that I ever said that Patrick gave booze to a younger man and taught him about pederasty - after all, rumors get started that way! *end Gilbert Godfried voice*