Hi, my name is Mike, and unlike my avatar, I look nothing whatsoever like Bruce Campbell.

My introduction to RPPR came in a very round-about way - through Dwarf Fortress.
Someone mentioned Boatmurdered over on the Giant forums, and they linked the Something Awful Let's Play forum. I followed, like it, signed up under the same name there, and eventually found my way to Trad Games Discussion, where I lurk like a terrified kitten. I saw a few things from Ross there, then I believe I was actually sent here by someone doing an LP of 4E D&D. I found a link to U-Boote Heraus, and I've been listening ever since.
I just ran my first Call of Cthulhu game last week, and I'm due to be running another tonight. I've got at least two years of APs saved to my computer from my group's weekly D&D games, but unfortunately since a lot of them involve copyrighted music, I will not be posting them here. I will, however, be trying to put up any oneshots we've done without such bits of potentially-illegal clips.

As for me? I suppose I work well as a DM since I'm already the earthly embodiment of evil - I work for for the Tax Department.

I'd like to try and set up my own production company in the future, working on games and mixed media projects.
Love the podcast, love the APs, and the forums seem great.
Hi all!