Pretty much all the characters from Watchmen with the exception of Dr. Manhattan would be considered street level. John Constantine easily falls into that category too. While the majority of the characters in both the Avengers and Justice League are well outside that power range, Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Black Widow, Captain America, Green Arrow, Vixen, and Batman are street level. I'd say all of the Heroes for Hire characters are low enough on the power scale also (in addition to Luke Cage and Iron Fist, Misty Knight and White Tiger). Technically Spider-man and Wolverine are closer to street level than say Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Ms. Marvel, the Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer, Nova, or the Sentry in terms of power. In fact, Marvel has a plethora of characters on the low end of the power scale. Many of the X-men would be considered street level in terms or raw power and capability, ruling out omega level mutants of course (i.e. Vulcan, Iceman, Phoenix, Nate Grey). DC on the other hand seems to tip the balance in the opposite direction. The Flash, while active on the street, has powers that far exceed many superheroes and easily allows him to be a global force. Wonder Woman, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Black Adam, Captain Atom, and Captain Marvel are big powerhouses...well Aquaman not so much

but still on the high end. The Question, Nightwing, Oracle, Robin, Birds of Prey, Hawk, Dove, Catman, and Deadshot are street level.