Author Topic: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents  (Read 728503 times)


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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #45 on: December 20, 2010, 03:25:10 PM »
As much as I wwant to see you guys do an epic Star Wars game, the longer you guys talk about it the more fun it sounds like its going to be. 
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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #46 on: December 20, 2010, 04:06:54 PM »
I feel like we need a campaign guide already. Damn.
I'm from Alaska. About Fifty miles south of Ankorage there's a little fishing town, maybe you've heard of it, it's called fuck your momma.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #47 on: December 20, 2010, 04:16:05 PM »
I feel like we need a campaign guide already. Damn.

I agree, it's good to see Ross working on a more generic setting than the New World, without all that confusing fluff.

Ross, I want to take you from the bottom of my heart for two things.

1) Showing me that there are people who can create strange new game worlds that do many sense, as opposed to the ones I've occationally had to endure.

and 2) That I'm not the only GM who thinks of this kind of insane stuff.


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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #48 on: December 20, 2010, 04:36:24 PM »
I agree, it's good to see Ross working on a more generic setting than the New World, without all that confusing fluff.

What?!   What Ross is planning sounds less confusing than the New World?   
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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #49 on: December 20, 2010, 04:43:09 PM »
9/11 and the War on Terror
9/11 still happened but superheroes were able to save the WTC from destruction by diverting the planes. Those planes were forced down and all onboard died. The plane that aimed for the Pentagon was vaporized by a US super soldier. The plane that aimed for the White House was successfully boarded by the Ideal. All on board were saved.  The attack had a similar effect on the American people, as their confidence in the government was shaken to its core. If normal human terrorists could get so close, then what could enhanced terrorists do? The DHS and TSA were both founded, as in real life. Gitmo exists as well with a special section to handle any enhanced terror suspects they encounter.

Fortunately, Al-Qaeda ideology rejected the use of superhuman enhancements, although some believe that was merely a justification for their failure to acquire sufficient superhuman tech. Afghanistan and Iraq were both invaded on similar time tables. Hussein had a small cadre of superhuman bodyguards but they were mostly killed by missile strikes. A few still live and have organized an effective terror network separate from Al-Qaeda. The Ideal did not participate in either war but the wars drove Omega into a paranoid fugue. Omega's action after Iraq became impossible to ignore. He openly defied UN sanctions, provided material aid to anti-US terrorists and detonated a nuclear bomb in his borders to wipe out a group of dissidents. In a rare multilateral action, the Ideal and UN invaded Omega's land in 2005 and overthrew him.

OGRE weapons
In order to make the most of super soldiers, engineers and designers developed lines of weapons that could only be used by those with superhuman powers. Guns so powerful that only an inhumanly strong warrior could handle their recoil. Armor heavy enough to stop anti tank weapons. Harness mounted mini guns that generate enough heat to kill normal humans. This category of weapons are called OGRE weapons and they are extremely illegal. After the collapse of the USSR, R&D on OGRE weapons slowed down to a trickle although it has picked up in the last 10 years due to an increase in special forces being deployed in the War on Terror. Almost all super soldiers have special forces training.

In a disturbing trend, drug cartels and other criminal syndicates have begun deploying enforcers with OGRE weapons. They have poor training, badly designed super soldier drugs and itchy trigger fingers. They can inflict horrendous causalities without regard to collateral damage. It is only a matter of time before a drug cartel takes over a failed nation state with these weapons.  

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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #50 on: December 20, 2010, 04:43:44 PM »
I agree, it's good to see Ross working on a more generic setting than the New World, without all that confusing fluff.

What?!   What Ross is planning sounds less confusing than the New World?  

Yes, it does.


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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #51 on: December 20, 2010, 04:51:19 PM »
The proliferation of sperhuman tech
Until the mass disappearance of the Ideal and other heavy hitters, it was EXTREMELY hard to get superhuman enhancers. Every major nation sought to limit them and took great pains to ensure that the unwashed masses would never get their hands on any way to become more than human. It is only in the last year that this has changed. The Ideal apparently did more to keep the lid on Pandora's Box than anyone had realized.

The details of the event that caused the disappearance of every major superhuman in the world are highly classified. It is commonly assumed that the structure seen near the moon was an alien craft intent on destroying or conquering the earth. The Ideal called for every powerful superhuman to help them deal with it and the most powerful superhumans of every nation joined them, along with a number of independents. Both hero and villain worked alongside with each other. When the structure disappeared, the UN declared that the Earth was saved but would not reveal any details behind it.

Conspiracy theories run rampant about Ragnarok and many assume that Avalon and at least some of the others will return soon. Others are adjusting to a world without cosmic level superhumans.

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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #52 on: December 20, 2010, 05:14:05 PM »
I am really diggin' this everyman superhero thing.

Which RPPR stars will be featured? I want to start a betting pool about who's going to play what.


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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #53 on: December 20, 2010, 05:40:28 PM »
I so want to see Aaron break tradition and play a reverse-flash/zoom like "hero"
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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #54 on: December 20, 2010, 05:45:29 PM »
The 3 main alien invasions

1957 - Flying Saucers
Almost comical, the Greys tried to conquer the Earth. They had FTL spaceships but a poor understanding of tactics and human psychology. Easily defeated by Avalon and the Ideals, people today get nostalgic for the Greys, as very few people died in their invasion and their misunderstandings led them to defeat easily. The US captured several ships and weapons held at area 51, but reverse engineering their secrets will take another 40-80 years before it produces reproducible tech. 2 Saucers have been retrofitted for human pilots and are used by the Air Force in emergency missions only as they are too valuable to risk on routine matters. Bits of Grey tech surface as new saucer wrecks are found.

1971 - Colonization
Dubbed the Luytens, after the star, this species was aggressive and wanted to colonize Earth. They saw humans as savages and barbarians. They brought new tech, new culture, a new religion and a new disease. Thousands of humans that made close contact with the aliens contracted Luyten's Disease. Mortality was 98%. A 4 year conflict ensued as the Luytens tried to first persaude the governments to accept them as leaders, then coercion followed by outright war. The Ideals barely managed to fight off the Luytens. In a heroic battle, the Luyten battle carrier crashed on Earth and detonated, vaporizing a 2 square mile area of the Amazon jungle. The Luyten fleet retreated after the loss. Thousands of Luytens were left stranded. They were relocated to Sanctuary.  Luyten tech is more common due to their gifts of technology to bribe Earth leaders.

1984 - The biologics
A hivemind race crashed in the Pacific Ocean but quickly made landfall in South America. They were like ants or bees in hive structure and mentality but they were also 8 feet tall and breathed an organic napalm fire. They bred quickly but the Ideals repelled them after a 3 month battle. A UN task force monitors the world to see if the biologics reappear. It is feared that a hive queen may have escaped and is only lying dormant. Some warriors and workers have adapted and live as isolated predators in the remote corners of the Earth.

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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #55 on: December 20, 2010, 06:54:25 PM »
I so want to see Aaron break tradition and play a reverse-flash/zoom like "hero"

Reverse Flash... would be be really slow or would he have to move backwards?


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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #56 on: December 20, 2010, 07:12:40 PM »
I so want to see Aaron break tradition and play a reverse-flash/zoom like "hero"

Reverse Flash... would be be really slow or would he have to move backwards?

He's just like the Flash, but yellow.

Also, maybe someone else wants to be a speedster . . .  ::)
I'm from Alaska. About Fifty miles south of Ankorage there's a little fishing town, maybe you've heard of it, it's called fuck your momma.

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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #57 on: December 20, 2010, 07:38:29 PM »
I so want to see Aaron break tradition and play a reverse-flash/zoom like "hero"

Reverse Flash... would be be really slow or would he have to move backwards?

He's just like the Flash, but yellow.

Well, color balance being what it is, the opposite of red is green and yellow's reverse is purple (orange's is blue).

Also, maybe someone else wants to be a speedster . . .  ::)

Ah, so Sam's playing then?
« Last Edit: December 20, 2010, 07:41:15 PM by Tadanori Oyama »

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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #58 on: December 20, 2010, 07:41:13 PM »
Also, maybe someone else wants to be a speedster . . .  ::)

"Ross, how many women can I fuck in the ass if I have 13 levels of Super-Speed?"

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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #59 on: December 20, 2010, 07:48:50 PM »
I so want to see Aaron break tradition and play a reverse-flash/zoom like "hero"

Reverse Flash... would be be really slow or would he have to move backwards?

He's just like the Flash, but yellow.

Well, color balance being what it is, the opposite of red is green and yellow's reverse is purple (orange's is blue).

Also, maybe someone else wants to be a speedster . . .  ::)

Ah, so Sam's playing then?

Not inverting the colors themselves just the placement on his costume....

I think your kidding, but I'm not sure.

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