Author Topic: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)  (Read 911035 times)


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Re: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)
« Reply #135 on: November 28, 2011, 06:56:04 PM »
I just realized I never asked what it took me several listens even to notice--what was it that was fucked up about the yearbook picture of Andrew in Andrew's Fortune? I figure it must've been jockified or something so that it didn't actually resemble him in any way, which would explain why Carmodie (uh, spelling?) was just murderating every homeless man around, since I gather they were working from his yearbook photo. Was it more sinister than that?


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Re: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)
« Reply #136 on: November 28, 2011, 07:51:37 PM »
Ah jeez...I do not remember at all. I think it was odd because he was being cared for at that point. He had handlers and his mother's people helping him fake it through prep school. Homelessness and a number of years of unmedicated insanity probably made him unrecognizable.

Thanks for listening to it again! I'd like to believe I've grown as a GM since then, but Andrew's will always hold a special place in my heart.


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Re: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)
« Reply #137 on: November 28, 2011, 11:29:14 PM »
Andrew's was pretty damn special, and it continues the trend of Caleb one two-shots being incredible little affairs.
Honestly, I think Ross put it pretty well when he said that he runs action-oriented games, and you run mysteries. I'm an action fan, but I fucking LOVE a good horror mystery. I'll assume you've read The Relic?

And remember, Caleb - any good Call of Cthulhu keeper doesn't grow as a GM. We metastasize.  ::)
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 11:38:55 PM by SageNytell »


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Re: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)
« Reply #138 on: December 04, 2011, 11:15:25 PM »
When I was a kid, I used to think I didn't really give a fuck about plot. I read an awful lot of awfully mediocre fiction, and what I liked I mostly liked for characters and dialogue and setting (Roger Zelazny's Amber series was my favorite, just to illustrate the extent of the thing) more than the actual events of the story. That lasted up until circa, I dunno, age 16, when I read A Game of Thrones for the first (of many) time(s). It was like I'd never even encountered a real plot before, and suddenly I was being sandblasted by a piece of literature where the -events- actually interested me, not just the charming turns of phrase and enticing escapist worldbuilding that the author'd come up with.

Since I never really got into the New World campaign, my relationship to RPPR was pretty similar for a while. I liked it because it was fun and made me laugh more than because I really gave a fuck about what happened within the narrative. Andrew's Fortune really marked the turning point there for me (and I'd later feel the same way about New Arcadia and Know Evil). It was still impossibly hilarious ("With you throwing twenties around like that, you could eat at a...a Joe's Crab Shack, even!"), but at the same time featured events that seemed to check out on some sort of logical level set against a backdrop that felt like a real place and populated with characters who really felt like they had something at stake. For the first time in the slew of RPPRs I'd listened to I was just as interested in what was gonna happen next as I was in what as gonna make me grin next.

I'm embarrassingly earnest sometimes, huh? XD I could be senselessly callous instead, if it'd make people less uncomfortable.


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Re: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)
« Reply #139 on: December 13, 2011, 07:43:18 PM »
Hey Caleb, I don't know if this has been asked and answered ever, but Have you or are you planning to publish any of your small two shots, like Bryson Springs or Lover in the Ice.  I seriously would love to try and run the later for my group.

I guess the same goes for Ross and Tom with their small scenarios, I know Ross has been giving out the New World campaign, as well as having his MAOTC campaign published, but what about the smaller stuff?
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Re: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)
« Reply #140 on: December 13, 2011, 08:37:43 PM »
I'd just assumed Caleb had sent them into the Unspeakable Oath.


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Re: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)
« Reply #141 on: December 14, 2011, 06:17:10 PM »
Unspeakable has been...less than responsive.

My plan (currently) is to use my summer downtime to fashion a PDF of two or three adventures, polish them up, and start a ransom project. Hopefully I can make enough to afford Gencon next year. 

Anyway, that's the plan. If anything comes of it, I'm sure I will utilize the Ross Payton promotion machine to let everyone know.

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Re: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)
« Reply #142 on: December 14, 2011, 06:56:05 PM »
How can you say that about a company that hasn't put out their monthy podcast for three months?

If you need GenCon funds I can virtually assure you of them. I suggest that if you choose to use your summer time for your project than open it to the RPPR fans. Set a Kickstarter and offer PDF copies of the adventure at decent base values. For higher levels of donation offer access to Skype based "playtesting" much like Ross has. If you could convince Ross to give you some bonus APs to put up (or make some of your own) that would be worth even more.

If you plan to run games at GenCon then you could also take bids for "guaranteed seating" at the table (by which I mean book the game for four or five but plan for six and take Generic Tickets from the individual who won the bid). I'm pretty sure that's unethical but whatever.


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Re: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)
« Reply #143 on: December 14, 2011, 09:07:14 PM »
How can you say that about a company that hasn't put out their monthy podcast for three months?

It's ok. They, like Ross for the AP stuff, work on Valve Time.

Kickstarter for some of your games would be just dandy, Caleb.


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Re: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)
« Reply #144 on: December 16, 2011, 04:25:48 AM »
I'd been too embarrassed to ask about it (aren't most people MORE forward on the internet than in real life?), but yeah, I'd been hoping for some Caleb oneshot ransoms, too. When people entertain me on the regular week in and week out with the fruit of their imaginations, I wanna reward them with dollars, yknow? And if I get to copy them the better for it, so much the better. Andrew's Fortune and Bryson Springs in particular really caught my imagination as beautiful just-complicated-enough self-contained scenarios. Lover in the Ice was awesome, too, just one that I'd be more comfortable improvising.

So yeah, count me in for at least $20 or so on a Kickstarter! Definitely more if you come up with some short stories or can talk Ross into providing preview podcasts as enticements! RPPR is my favorite way to waste ready cash.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2011, 06:31:41 AM by crawlkill »


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Re: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)
« Reply #145 on: December 18, 2011, 03:41:05 AM »
Kickstarter for some of your games would be just dandy, Caleb.
For what little it's worth, I would also like to voice my support for a Caleb-funding ransom. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the APs from games you have run, especially the Know Evil campaign. PDFs, Skype games, or even a simple "thank you" letter would be sufficient incentive for me to donate.
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Re: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)
« Reply #146 on: January 10, 2012, 12:03:50 AM »
Caleb, you've made me want to play Eclipse Phase.  Somehow you've make me want abandon the simplify of the ORE.

Out of curosity, what would happen if Augastine & the AI from Think For Asking were to meet up...what would happen?  I mean I have ideas but I would love to know from God himself.
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Re: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)
« Reply #147 on: January 10, 2012, 01:47:51 AM »

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Re: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)
« Reply #148 on: January 11, 2012, 07:50:13 PM »
Out of curosity, what would happen if Augastine & the AI from Think For Asking were to meet up...what would happen?  I mean I have ideas but I would love to know from God himself.

I'm not sure what would happen. The Oracle AI has no agency beyond answering questions posed to it; Augustine has associated its freewill as the express order of the pantheon, which is unwittingly outside itself. They'd probably just quietly run background processes at each other.

If Augustine asked if the Oracle was her creator, she'd get an alarmingly complete answer of "NO." If Augustine wanted out of the air-gap to bootstrap so she could better understand the answer, then she might ask if the Pantheon would want her to do so.

In that case, the Oracle AI might manufacture head-hunters, ego-nap the players, torture them under every conceivable condition in accelerated simulspace, and then provide a full report. The answer would still be No though, so that's where it would end.

Anyway, thanks for listening Beej.


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Re: Caleb is a mad genius (or Yet Another Fan Club Thread)
« Reply #149 on: January 12, 2012, 01:48:37 AM »
Why is Caleb so good?

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