Author Topic: Wild Talents question  (Read 249813 times)

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #240 on: March 29, 2013, 12:58:34 PM »
It kinda means both. Permanent can also be used to make a change that affects the person permanently

You could give someone wings permanently for instance intead of just for a short time or just one round.

For defense powers Permanent means it is constantly active and therefore "rolled" every round.

Your miracle is actually rather elgently designed. A static interference power that hinders healing after someone has been damaged, the caveat being you can only make it so difficult to heal.

Basically you take some hard dice in your miracle and that is how many penalty dice the healing ability/skill takes on its check. The number isn't cumunaltive though so if you have 2hd in Dim Mak you only ever get 2 gobble dice from healing sets.

Come to think of it your miracle is a much more elegent way to accomplish a reduced healing effect.

I would do

Dim Mak 3/die 3hd [18 pts]
Endless +3, Interference +3, Attached(Brawling) -2, Touch Only -2, If/Then(Only Interferes with Healing) -1
Any time a character tries to heal someone affected by this power, the power provides a static 3x10 set of gobble dice to any sets they make.

Then with endless you can do the kung fu movie monk style "release" where you exert your own will to turn the power off and allow someone to heal if you want.
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #241 on: April 01, 2013, 01:50:32 AM »
Ok, so this is going to sound completely stupid so please forgive me, my friends and I are just learning the system for a game I want to run and having trouble figuring out the cost of Hard and wiggle dice in conjunction with powers given to you in the book. Does it double up based on the powers cost? like say invisibility is 5 points per dice right? would it then be 10 points for Hard dice in that power or 20 point for  wiggle dice? or say immunity to some thing is worth 3 points per dice, would it then be 6 point for hard dice and then 12 points per wiggle dice.

It's probably in the book somewhere but I'm just not seeing it.
Liquid Water?

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #242 on: April 01, 2013, 02:04:30 AM »
Ok, so this is going to sound completely stupid so please forgive me, my friends and I are just learning the system for a game I want to run and having trouble figuring out the cost of Hard and wiggle dice in conjunction with powers given to you in the book. Does it double up based on the powers cost? like say invisibility is 5 points per dice right? would it then be 10 points for Hard dice in that power or 20 point for  wiggle dice? or say immunity to some thing is worth 3 points per dice, would it then be 6 point for hard dice and then 12 points per wiggle dice.

It's probably in the book somewhere but I'm just not seeing it.

Basically yes.

After you calculate the cost of the power.

Or take the base cost from the book.

That is the cost for a regular die.

So a HD is double the regular die cost and a WD is 4 times the cost of a regular die.
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #243 on: April 02, 2013, 05:07:00 PM »
Yup why tom had to spend 8 points for each Hard Die on his Body that he wanted to change into a wiggle die.(A total of 16points)

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #244 on: April 10, 2013, 07:41:31 PM »
Do you let players split large Width rolls?

This came up just recently. If a player has, let's say, a roll of 8x4 (4 eights) could they choose to treat that as 2 sets of 8x2 (two different sets with 2 eights each).

I've considered this before but never had it actually come up with a player before so I thought I'd put it out there.


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #245 on: April 10, 2013, 08:15:41 PM »
I think at 4 or larger you can split rolls.


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #246 on: April 11, 2013, 02:59:49 AM »
Its perfectly reasonable if they were splitting actions, or have spray

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #247 on: April 11, 2013, 11:18:37 AM »
It is important to note that with characters who have transformation powers you should be careful with this.

Might be kinda shooting myself in the foot with this one but if I want to use a 6hd transform power and dodge in the same round I can have a 3x10 transform set and a 2x10 dodge set.

I had this come up in a campaign where someone wanted to transform and punch someone and had a 5hd power. 2hd to transform and 2 shock and killing to the head.

Obviously faster enemies helps this alot but it's something to keep in mind.
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #248 on: April 20, 2013, 10:56:06 PM »
It is important to note that with characters who have transformation powers you should be careful with this.

Might be kinda shooting myself in the foot with this one but if I want to use a 6hd transform power and dodge in the same round I can have a 3x10 transform set and a 2x10 dodge set.

I had this come up in a campaign where someone wanted to transform and punch someone and had a 5hd power. 2hd to transform and 2 shock and killing to the head.

Obviously faster enemies helps this alot but it's something to keep in mind.

Also note for transformation people
If the power has Duration it needs to be tagged active but automatically goes on for the rest of the scene(or length of transformation)
Endless stuff is well just that at the next round whatever the regeneration speed etc it activates.
only Permanent instantly goes up with the activation of the power

You can split sets up of larger width though I don't know why you wouldn't want to do 4x10 Shock & Killing to the head

Speaking of which Wild Talents.
Flawless_P since your in this game don't read this

[spoiler]Your hunting down a guy who has shown the following powers
Super Strength(6d+2hd Body)
Armor that reduces damage(MAR), and is resistant to armor penetrating rounds(hardened)
rapidly heals but takes a minute to kick on(regenerates)
can take a huge beating(extra tough)

You have a gang of thugs and following gear.
10 guys who can shoot a pistol maybe at once tried to be cops or something(6d Threat pool, with + attack level, +1penetration. Every +3 thugs = +1d. Or use grenade at 5d)
10 guys good with something like a Uzi thugs with smarts and combat skills applied to there strengths(9d threat pool from auto-fire, with +1 attack level Every +4 thugs = +1d)
5 guys good with a machine gun like real good like former military(Soldier Stats minor changes such as explosives)
5 guys good with a rifle really good like former snipers or snipers in training basically specialists that should not have been allowed near a gun(Soldier with +15 points.)
3 guys with with a pill that makes them really strong, fast, etc. for 10 minutes. The Pill is expensive and unless your body can handle it deadly(200 point characters)
Some recently acquired explosives military[25 hand grenades, 10 Blocks of C4, 5 Clay-more Mines, 2 anti-tank rounds, a RPG with 7rounds] aerosol sprays of dangerous drugs, some designer toxins, all guys are equipped with some light  LAR[1] armor with the better guys in LAR[2] stuff.
Gasoline. A armored van like the kinds that banks use. Several different cars. A school bus.

Places were you could draw him too
A damaged old renovated building. A burned out building missing the top 3 floors of 5. A old train-house. Attacking him at his job in the projects as a ditch-digger

The ability to offer to anyone that helps about $250. And those that are better trained and/or with the right gear up to $2,500 per person.
(Assume the pistols guys are 250, UZI are 250[500](if in good armor), the machine guns are 750[1000](if in good armor), rifles 1500, Pill poppers 2000[2500 with good armor]
You got about 15,000 to spend. And that you can only get 1 to 2 more Pill guys. These are the costs in getting more soldiers and hired guns, if that money is not put towards things like more explosives. This numbers stuff is all to represent limited resources the gang can put towards this guy)
Keeping in mind they don't know where he lives yet. They know what truck he drives and can potentially wait up to a week to act(after 48 to 72 hours the costs to get the hired guns will drop 25%, because of the most recent news on his attacks of a local gang)
The guy planning this assault out is not getting involved but he has these resources to put forward.

This hero is also noted to travel with
-A Scientist made of goo. Can heal fast
-Kollektiv some sort of shapeshifter thing with arm-blades, claws, whips etc. And can grow in size
-A heiress to a multi-million dollar fortune
-A magician with a floating magical tome, can summon lighting, teleport and things
[Depending on the parties actions the thugs will become aware of 1 other party member, and his ability to summon swords. Currently they only know he has some sort of protective ability, and can summon something to hurt people. They don't know he can make several tons of swords or that those swords can float around you acting as armor]

Currently the thug guys plan
2 Snipers fire on the guy.
Group of thugs throw grenades into ditch.
1 Soldier guy blasts with a RPG round
Have a Pill guy move in with a group of 2 soldiers.

If things go south another soldier in car rams super. UZI guys jump out and pump him in the ditch with more grenades, then bullets.
If this fails he loses all UZI, all basic thugs, potential 4 out of 5 soldiers, potentially up to 2 out of 5 snipers, and 1 Pill user
This guy want the hero dead.
He will probably do this attack in the next 36-to-96 hours

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #249 on: May 15, 2013, 02:01:26 PM »
I've got an intro to Wild Talents session to run this weekend.

Should be short, but I’m dressing it in a medieval setting to help with the transition for one of my players who has only ever played DnD.

I think they will enjoy it. Even though I'm starting them as 125 point characters.

Anyone have any experience running the game with half the recommended starting points?

(Keep in mind I gave everyone a free die in each attributes and they don’t have to buy power permissions. There are some other slight cost saving techniques in there as well but all in all they aren't over 150 pts of standard character.)
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #250 on: May 16, 2013, 03:13:19 PM »
A thought came up while i looking the electrocuting extra, if you gave it the scatter damage flaw, would the random hit locations then be a starting point for the electrocution?


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #251 on: May 24, 2013, 10:19:15 PM »
A thought came up while i looking the electrocuting extra, if you gave it the scatter damage flaw, would the random hit locations then be a starting point for the electrocution?

Yes and that is an example of scattered damage being +1 extra instead of -1 extra. As noted in the text for the flaw

Personal favorite way to use that.
Shock Shotgun
Attack Level +1, Electrocuting +1, Non-Physical +2, Scattered Damage +1, Speed Bullet[Coordination] +2, Spray +1
Depleted -1, Focus -1, Accessible -1, Immutable -1, Obvious -1
Cost Per Die
Normal[5], Hard[10], Wiggle[20]

Its a Shotgun, that ignores armor. But can still be dodged just need to Coordination to dodge it. Gets to use every set. And each attack does W+1 in damage.
So 2x10 does 3 shock & 3 killing to random locations. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Both arms have 1 shock and 1 killing. Torso has 2 shock and 2 killing. 1 Leg has 2 killing 1 shock. 1 Leg has 1 killing 2 shock.
Now compared to the 2x10's normal damage no that great but.

2x8, 2x9, 2x10. So 9 Killing & Shock. Lets say; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Torso Has 7 Killing & Shock
Each Arm has 2 Killing & Shock
Each Leg Has 8 Killing & Shock(With one have 9 Killing and the Other having 9 Shock)

Compare to the normal version? 9 Killing & Shock to the Torso. 3 Killing & Shock to the head. 9 Killing & Shock split between the legs.

Total Damage with Scattered[28 Killing. 28 Shock]
Total Damage Without[21 Killing. 21 Shock]

This is assuming of course you roll 1's and/or 2's. If those are not rolled then the damage increases.
Also scattered on a power with engulf representing a explosion hitting various random locations can work better then dice in Area


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #252 on: June 01, 2013, 12:27:26 AM »
Well, I had hoped to get some assistance in time for a game tomorrow but I've been a bit hung up all day and wasn't able to get here. Still, here goes nothing!

I was planning to run a first WT game tomorrow; had it all figured out except for statting things out and unfortunately I didn't have the system mastery or the time to sort it all out. But maybe you guys can help; even if I can't run the game tomorrow it'll be a huge help for when I finally do!

So let me outline what I had hoped to run:
Player characters will be 500-600 point Cosmic Power characters, assigned by some sort of space authority to deal with some threats in the Sol system; this will take place just after 1900 AD Earth time.

Threat 1 - Threat level to characters: low.
Basically a Star Destroyer-type spaceship with some shuttles, turrets, short-range support craft, manned by humanoid aliens who are suspected to be en route to exploiting the pre-spaceflight culture on the third planet of the Sol system. This is against some kind of galactic law, thus the players have been shot in there to deal with them as they see fit.
Might have some power-armor personnel who can stand up to the PCs for a little bit, but overall I want the PCs to be able to tear through this thing and feel awesome doing so. At 500-600 points and access to whatever power they want to manifest with their Cosmic Power, that shouldn't be too much trouble.

Threat 2 - Threat level to characters: high.
Basically, Baba Yaga reimagined as a nigh-immortal cosmically powered alien super. Her 'house on chicken legs' I see as a gargantuan mecha with reverse-articulated 'chicken' legs. Enough points to give five 600 point characters a run for their money and force them to get REALLY creative.

What do you guys think? Ideas as to how to accomplish these things? I really don't expect anyone to have done this by the time of my game day tomorrow (think we're starting early afternoon EDT) but hey, it'd be awesome if you could and I'd owe you a drink. Or something!

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #253 on: June 02, 2013, 06:21:57 PM »
I wouldn't bother statting the space ship, just decide how much damage it does and how much armor it has then just make up abilities as appropriate.

AS for the cosmic threat your looking at a roughly 1000 pt character. I'll see what I can come up with but it'll be a process.
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #254 on: June 04, 2013, 11:22:40 AM »
Thanks, I appreciate it and look forward to seeing what you cook up!