Author Topic: Need a little help with an Item creation  (Read 32716 times)


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Need a little help with an Item creation
« on: July 29, 2009, 12:14:04 PM »
Hi all,

Needed a little help on an Item for a campaign I am creating.  I like to add in some humor into my campaigns so I decided to create a cursed Sack of Shenanigans (sp?).  When the user decides to reach in they will pull out a totally random item (roll 2 d10) that will usually result in some sort of odd behavior, curse, or funny situation.  For example, Soft Leather Boots of Stomping (can be heard up to 200' away), A Carp of Cornnobbling (+8 1d4 dam, rots away in 3 days), a baggie of Oregano, Amulet of Feline Pheromone, etc...

I have 100 slots (2d10) total and I need to fill about 15 more, any ideas? 

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Need a little help with an Item creation
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2009, 01:47:50 PM »
I've had fun with a cape of delusion.  Make it a small cape that when the someone tries to determine what it is, have it attack their will ( or make a will save or a sanity check, or whatever the equivalent is in your system).  Failure will result in the chacter believing the cape is whatever their
 hearts desires.  however it usually works better if the item would have some sort of visible effect, such as flight, enlarging, invisibility, etc.

Regardless of what the character thinks, the cloak is just a normal cloak.  It bestows no benefit on the character.  The character thinks the cape works perfectly and that they can fly, are invisible etc.  Every hour  allow the character to break the capes spell, or whenever
they encounter something dramatically contradictory, like falling off a cliff.


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Re: Need a little help with an Item creation
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2009, 02:51:28 PM »
A pan's flute of bubbles. Blowing on these pipes create a large amount of harmless soap bubbles.
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Re: Need a little help with an Item creation
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2009, 03:17:56 PM »
Bag of colored dust, changes the skin tone to vibrant colors when touched

Stick of balancing, a stick that can balance itself on its tip

Tophat of babbleing, whenever the player makes a social roll (diplomacy, persuade, etc) the hat covers their head.

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Re: Need a little help with an Item creation
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2009, 08:51:21 PM »
I always found it fun cursing my team and turning parts of them to stone.  I always do it when they are low levels,  they enter a room and find a plus 1 or plus 2 weapon (that they use,  something that would seem powerful to them at the time)  when they pick up the weapon their arm turns to stone.... so they cannot drop the weapon,  ever.

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Re: Need a little help with an Item creation
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2009, 10:05:48 AM »
Awesome ideas!  I especially like the cape of delusion, I just laugh thinking out it. 


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Re: Need a little help with an Item creation
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2009, 04:31:16 PM »
A coin that lands on its side when it is flipped no matter what.

A +5 hoe of farming - only grants a bonus to farming related skill challenges. People who carry the hoe for an extended period of time feel an urge to take up farming.

A hollow glass sphere that contains a perfectly balanced mini ecosystem. There's a few small animals and plants who live, breed and die - all absolutely perfectly balanced. The glass sphere is indestructible and serves no other function than as a paper weight or door stop.

A book that when opened creates a magic mouth that narrates what is going on around it - the style of narration depends on who is holding the book. A gloomy person gets gothic style prose while a happy person receives cheerful narration.


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Re: Need a little help with an Item creation
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2009, 04:57:27 PM »
The hoe of farming could prove useful I for one have taken profession farmer literally over 20 times its only come up once thought.
You could always go with the classic: Broom of animated attack: When some one tries to ride it it does a 360 loop so they fall off then attacks them


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Re: Need a little help with an Item creation
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2009, 12:07:13 AM »
A coin that lands on its side when it is flipped no matter what.

I'm reminded of Rosencranz and Guildenstern are Dead, except the coin would come up heads 92 times in a row.

Man, how trippy would a game based on that be.  I guess every Paranoia game kinda is.

Godot's Tree - Plant this seed and 1 minute later a tree will form.  The planter and his companions will feel compelled to wait for an individual of the planter's choosing.  However, the individual will never come. 


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Re: Need a little help with an Item creation
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2009, 01:51:36 AM »
A coin that lands on its side when it is flipped no matter what.

Godot's Tree - Plant this seed and 1 minute later a tree will form.  The planter and his companions will feel compelled to wait for an individual of the planter's choosing.  However, the individual will never come. 

Cap of Existentialism - looks like a beret. When worn, the character becomes a world-weary existentialist, chain-smoking. Likes long walks on the beach and shooting arabs on the beach. There is no exit from this curse. But what does it matter? It's all absurd anyway.


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Re: Need a little help with an Item creation
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2009, 05:51:54 AM »
A coin that lands on its side when it is flipped no matter what.

Godot's Tree - Plant this seed and 1 minute later a tree will form.  The planter and his companions will feel compelled to wait for an individual of the planter's choosing.  However, the individual will never come. 

Cap of Existentialism - looks like a beret. When worn, the character becomes a world-weary existentialist, chain-smoking. Likes long walks on the beach and shooting arabs on the beach. There is no exit from this curse. But what does it matter? It's all absurd anyway.

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Re: Need a little help with an Item creation
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2009, 09:34:28 AM »
"Egon, your mucous..."

A tiny imp crawls out onto your arm and drops to the ground. It then spends the next hour brining you anything that isn't tied down within a 30ft radius. It has a STR of 20 and is considered Medium size for dragging capacity.

You reach in and you pull out your hand. It is blue. It does not wash off. Ever. (remove curse)

You reach in and feel what appears to be a membrane of sorts. (If they push through, have water just start spewing out like a decanter of endless water at the highest setting - it lasts for 10 minutes and then a fish flops out)

You reach in and it is empty. The bag ceases to function. Or turns into a bag of useful stuff instead.


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Re: Need a little help with an Item creation
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2009, 12:13:35 PM »
A person reaches into the sack, grasping what feels like a hand within it. If she decides to pull it out, she will herself be pulled into the bag, only to emerge again immediately. It will appear to the other players as if the sack sucked her up and then vomited her out again. She will be unharmed and unchanged, with the exception that her visual perceptions will be reflections of what is actually there (e.g., the inn will be on the opposite side of the street, its sign will say, NNI, the crippled beggar will be missing the wrong foot, etc.). The character will take a Perception (or equivalent attribute) penalty until the spell wears off, usually within 24 hours of game time. (GM's discretion, of course.)

Someone reaches into the sack and pulls out a leather ball, which then proceeds to bounce around taunting the player who drew it, challenging her to a game of your choice. The ball will not relent until the character plays a match against it, and will continue to trash talk its opponent throughout. As you can imagine, it is incredibly difficult to succeed at a sport in which the ball is playing against you. If victorious, the ball will follow the character around, bouncing and bragging loudly about how much better it is at whatever sport was chosen, telling anyone who will listen about the loser's crushing defeat. If the ball is on the losing end, it will slink back into the bag, vowing to beat the player at a rematch. The ball recalls previous matches each time it is drawn, and it holds a grudge.


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Re: Need a little help with an Item creation
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2009, 12:36:57 PM »
Fun vision fact: wear something that flips your vision for a few days, and eventually your eyes will adjust so that you see things right side up.  Then take off said apparatus, and you'll see things upside down till your eyes adjust back.


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Re: Need a little help with an Item creation
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2009, 04:26:17 PM »
Last night the gamers in my d&d 3.5 campaign brought up an armor set that had babies bound to it and in stasis, anyone striking the wearer would have an immediate shift in alignment. In addition it became necessary to create newer more evil alignments like: Super-Evil and Chaotic-Hitler.
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