Yaaay we all survived but we did make some new friends (read: enemies that fucking hate us - scum drug dealers and the Nine Lives Cartel)
I had a random idea I want to develop:
Wikipedia entry:
Mesh image boardsAll standard mesh OS systems include built in message board systems - modeled after the predominant message board system of the late Internet/early mesh - 4chan. While system admins can disable these built in image boards, many leave them on, either using them or forgetting about them. As they are relatively simple and can't be used to deliver XP or simulspace content, most mesh users aren't even aware of their existence. However, skilled mesh users and those restricted to low bandwidth mesh access use image boards frequently to converse and trade interesting text, video, sound and images (hence the name).
All image boards come up with a standard list of sub-boards, typically listed as a 1 to 3 character extension. For example:
Technology -/g/
Weapons - /k/
Science & Math - /sci/
Image boards are often considered archaic but useful for gray market/socially ambiguous transactions. They are poorly policed, as they are designed to make aid user anonymity and privacy. While these features can be altered to aid law enforcement, totalitarian and repressive governments almost always disable image boards as a rote action.
To check to see if your local mesh has image boards enabled, follow these instructions or have your muse run [this] script.
Wikipedia entry:
/RIP/ Image BoardsDue to the nature of mind scanning and resleeving technology, as well as near ubiquitous mesh access, there have been countless instances of persons about to die or dying still able to access the mesh in the moments before death. Slightly less common are cases where an individual is unable to be rescued before death yet still has free time. While individuals almost always focus their time on self-preservation, it has become increasingly common for people to simply communicate with others, waiting to die. This has become common enough that default mesh image boards have a sub-board dedicated for individuals to discuss their imminent death and other related topics. These are typically designated /RIP/.
The following post by an anarchist in the outer rim is believed to have started the trend:
So I'm about to die...
Posted by Starkillah Jones
Hey everyone, I won't make it to the party :\
My fukken hab is dead. GOdddamn tin can is busted and shit.
Still got power to broadcast and life support but engine is royally fucked
and I aint got enough supplies to fix it FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU
(oh the engine blew and shot the hab into deep space)
anyway lol I already farcast and shit but funny thing is I figured out how to broadcast
super low bandwidth - text and images only! but I figure I can talk for about 11 hours
I'm like super ded lololololololol
I bet mr.grim is going really fukken enjoy this shit. His whole "YO FUKKEn HAB IS SHITE" threads
will be goldmined now!

o well
i dont even fukken care - this thing was a chick magnet for like MONTHS
"hey baby you want to take a tour in a piece of space history?" fukken 50 year old hab gets all the ladies
it was sooooo goood while it lasted lol
(no XP requests for my death you scum fukks I AINT GOT THW BANDWIDTH FOR THAT - unless you want to get a ship to come get my stack then we can talk - PM NOW!!!!!! )