Author Topic: In Character thread; "We must not look at the goblin men."  (Read 112857 times)


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Hey guys this is where we shall post the in-character stuff. I'll post fluff in another thread. I'll make my first post later in the week.


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Re: In Character thread; "We must not look at the goblin men."
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2010, 03:52:40 PM »


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Re: In Character thread; "We must not look at the goblin men."
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2010, 12:39:31 PM »
In the hollowed out, excavated and cleared out Dwarven ruin the clan made it's home. The stunted rooms are filled with detritus that the previous owners would of been appalled at but the new occupants revel in it. However today reveling doesn't come to mind. Picking out a meager existence is something goblins used to thrive on but now there is a purpose lost form this. All the women are barren now and many of those once loyal to the clan have taken to wandering. Infact now the numbers have dwindled so that only Rylass, the clans mystic and healer, is left and she seems to be growing weak in old age.

Taking residence in a communal hall those left have begun to lose all sense of privacy and it's in the centre that Rylass has rigged up some bedding. An hour ago her wheezing cough began to form words which were quickly relayed through the hall, "Water! She needs water!". There was a flurry of activity and several of your brothers rushed off with buckets...but that was an hour ago and they should of been back by now.


OOC: Ok folks just dropping you in here in the communal hall.


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Re: In Character thread; "We must not look at the goblin men."
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2010, 07:38:01 PM »
Kanock stamped around the chamber, trying to think of all of the ways he would chastise the others when they returned. There was no excuse for taking so long to fetch a simple bucket of water, even for a goblin. Even for ones as dumb as the ones that ran off with the good buckets!

He continued to finger his blade and his bow, starting to fantasize about which he would threaten them with. They were surely afraid of his bow, as he was one of the best shots in what was left of the clan, but his blade was vicious, even if he wasn't very good with it.

Every now and then he would stop and listen, trying to hear the faint patter of their clumsy feet, only to be disappointed and resume his quiet stomping.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 07:51:08 AM by malyss »

Vega Baby

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Re: In Character thread; "We must not look at the goblin men."
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2010, 11:52:33 PM »
Grub stepped into the room, having left earlier to more properly contemplate Drizella, mother of Goblinkind, in the traditional pit of mud and filth.  How shocked was she to find Rylass lying there in apparent pain!  "Beloved elder!" She shouted in shock, "What is ailing you?  You need water?  Why did no one send for me?"  She sighs in frustration, "I fear for the future of our people if they cannot rely on the priestesses of the Denmother..."

She places her pickaxe, the weapon that all Drizellan priestesses were trained in, to her side, and raises her holy symbol towards whatever nearby container she can find.  With a whispered prayer, the container fills with pure, fresh water.  She helps Rylass drink some, while also doing her best to treat whatever that was wrong and not related to old age, then stands and turns to the others in the room, furious.

"Where are the idiots who didn't come and get me?"

OOC: Casting Create Water. SCREW YOU DM! MUHUHUWAHAHA. :p

Also, performing a Heal check on Rylass...

« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 11:54:51 PM by Kinahto »


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Re: In Character thread; "We must not look at the goblin men."
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2010, 12:40:45 AM »
Griz sighed with disappointment at how dumb his kin are. They should not take this long to get water. But maybe it is more than mere dehydration that harms the elder.
ooc: I cast detect poison.

Griz “The fools they could have had my Phantasms fetch the water had they wakened me, Do they not know that my magic is far more effective than half witted morons stumbling around?”


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Re: In Character thread; "We must not look at the goblin men."
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2010, 10:44:58 AM »
OOC: Griz, you detect no poison but something is clearly ailing her. Grub, gimme a roll as the last one didn't go through (it would be helpful to find out what the problem is). Kanock give me a perception check next time you take a listen at the entrance of the cave/dwelling.

Filling up an old piece of pottery Grub slowly drips some water in the wilted looking old woman's mouth. The old goblin does not look well. Her face is drawn, eyes beginning to glaze over and her face taking on odd tints of colour beyond the normal muddy green. Old animal skins that had formed her bedding now look set to swallow up Rylass. Being the leader of this clan, by virtue of her divinity and age, her passing on will have you in even greater dire straights than before...especially with your kinsmen still having not returned yet.

Her face turns to the dissenting priestess and mage, a low wheezed sentence escaping cracked lips.

" not....the fight among....yourselves, something" she gives a dreadful cough, shaking her whole frame "stirs in the...mountain"
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 10:46:40 AM by Dogfish »


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Re: In Character thread; "We must not look at the goblin men."
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2010, 02:22:01 PM »
Griz’s temper boils over at the realization that his illusions are inferior to  Grub’s Divine magic witch should be far inferior to his after all Griz  has spent years of studying to achieve his power while Grub Seems to be given it.
“What? What do you mean by somthing now its not the time for riddles”
 ooc: the command for dice rolling is : dice xdy  :  without the spaces incase you guys dont know it.

Vega Baby

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Re: In Character thread; "We must not look at the goblin men."
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2010, 04:17:32 PM »
Rolling 1d20+7:
(12)+7: Total = 19

IC: "Griz, hush!" Grub says indignantly, "She's not well, she can barely even speak..."


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Re: In Character thread; "We must not look at the goblin men."
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2010, 06:22:53 PM »
She is afflicted with some dreadful weakening disease, Her face and wrists you notice are coming up in large blistered welts of a deep wine like purple. Her last cough, un-noticed by the others, brought up a bit of a viscous blood-like substance of the same colour.


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Re: In Character thread; "We must not look at the goblin men."
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2010, 09:14:40 PM »
Rolling 1d20+5:
(9)+5: Total = 14

Mystics... Kanock thought to himself. The one word summed up his feelings about them. He had never developed an appreciation for their workings, and didn't see himself developing one in the near future. Rylass was one thing, as an elder, but these other two seemed to quarrel a lot.

Deciding that his bow would be the best choice, and would also serve to take his mind away from the others in the room, he moved over to the opening again and stepped just outside the entrance, the better to listen. He peered out and listened more intently, trying to drown out their insipid bickering.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 09:16:42 PM by malyss »


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Re: In Character thread; "We must not look at the goblin men."
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2010, 09:24:58 PM »
There is something, a hint of light backed with the most muffled echo of an echo of light. The most curious thing isn't the two most obvious senses. It's a smell that hits you hard despite the apparent distance of the people(?) lower down in the old hewn rock tunnels. A smell of the most rank, stagnant, puddle mixed with the coppery smell a storm filled day....and blood. Perhaps Kanock's bow may come into use.


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Re: In Character thread; "We must not look at the goblin men."
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2010, 01:30:56 AM »
Kanock pads over to the two mystics, bow in hand, and now with arrow nocked.

"Shhhhh..." he hisses to them. "Something is not right, out there, down in the tunnels."

He turns his head and sniffs exaggeratedly.

"Something does not smell right." He moves cautiously back to the opening, bow at the ready while he works up his nerve to proceed out into the deeper darkness.

Vega Baby

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Re: In Character thread; "We must not look at the goblin men."
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2010, 01:50:43 AM »
Grub finishes attending to Rylass as best she can.  "I'm afraid I can't do much for her, it seems." she says, turning to the others.  "It's some kind of... wasting disease.  I can only give her comfort now."

She once again picks up her pickaxe.  "But, we should do what we can for now.  Even if those others are fools, they are our kin.  Let us go see what is delaying them."


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Re: In Character thread; "We must not look at the goblin men."
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2010, 11:40:25 AM »
Griz  picks up his dogslicer and his robe. “ Very well but If we are going to go find them the scout is leading the way”