I wrote a lengthy post, only to accidentally click back and lose the entire thing!
Here's my second attempt:
Hello there!
My name is Thomas, I am 21 years old as of this writing and studying computer science. I am a long, looong time listener, first time
caller poster.
I suppose this is where I put on my hipster glasses, because I found this place since episode 3 was posted! I don't even remember how I found this site! I didn't become an active 'subscriber' until the following March of 2008, listening to RPPR on the plane ride to some family.
I started RPGs with 3.5 D&D (My bro's 1e AD&D being my early exposure), but broadened out with the release of 4e D&D. Like many people I had frustrations of things I liked changing. But instead of stubbornly holding to one system, I looked to other RPGs. These days I view this as the best thing to happen with my relationship with RPGs, as my library has broadened, and with them my views. I even prefer 4e over 3.5 now, but I would still like to try some AD&D.
My first non-D&D RPG was Call of Cthulhu, inspired by hearing the stories from the podcast and getting into Lovecraft. From there I expanded into Mutants and Masterminds, (new) World of Darkness, Eclipse Phase, and many more.
I am also the secretary of my university's gaming club. It's been great playing and running various RPGs and board games. I've even made it some-what of a mission to introduce new players to Roleplaying with rules-light games like Call of Cthulhu over the typical D&D.
My biggest flaw lately is designing my own scenarios or taking the time to learn new rules so I can introduce people to them. It's really hard to sit down and get those words on paper. I've been dying to run some Eclipse Phase but I haven't been able to organize anything, not to mention I've got Tenra Bansho Zero diverting my attention as well.
Frankly, this hobby is great and I wish I could do more with it.

As for why I finally registered to the forums? I suppose it's because I wanted to deliver this message after watching a few of the RPPR videos:
It's a weird feeling to have my mental images of the RPPR crew shattered.